Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 592: : The weapon of Zhou Ziyou

A day later, the yoho group (the parent company of Falcon) announced to the outside world that all its websites will block all news and advertisements related to Zhengshang Network. And in the notice, they emphasized that they have gained new strong evidence. At the same time, he also stated that the blockade of Zhengshang Network itself is not only due to the lawsuits between the two parties, but more importantly, the blockade of attacks on competitors without a minimum limit.

The article on the official website of Tour Falcon took out the proposal of "Anti-No Bottom Line Competition" initiated by Su Qingyue, and combined with Jiang Zhengshang's recent remarks. It implies to all those who read the article that Jiang Zhengshang is the culprit of the bottomless competition and the scum of the industry.

As soon as the news came out, the whole industry felt like a comeback. The industry media was the first to fry, and some people questioned: This should be the first time in the entire industry that a giant has blocked a rising star. Whether there is new evidence for the Falcon, it is still impossible to judge, whether it is appropriate to block it up.

But some people also support it: the original "Anti-No Bottom Line Competition" proposal has already made it very clear. As a result, Mr. Jiang jumped out by himself, either explicitly or implying that he was the culprit behind the attack on Su Qingyue. This is tantamount to real-name attacks, which should have been blocked.

Some people pointed out: After all, there is a lawsuit between Falcon and Zhengshang. Most people think that this moral high ground is untenable. The falcon was mainly for his own benefit and was not convinced. The first trial lost the lawsuit and had no face, believing that it was a dog biting a dog.

There are also controversies in the forum at this time. Someone pointed out: The fundamental purpose of Falcon is to use the proposal to retaliate against Zhengshang. It is not for the good of the industry at all. Such behavior has extremely impure motives.

Su Qingyue noticed that when this kind of controversy came together, the whole direction was taken astray. This is obviously the Zhengshang network is mixing water. Some accounts look familiar, and may have participated in the second-hand rose incident that year. Su Qingyue immediately took a screenshot and sent it to Zhou Ziyou, asking him to check it.

Knowing that these accounts are guiding and trying to use the pressure of public opinion, even if the Falcon does not give up the ban, the attack effect will be halved. Su Qingyue couldn't help but shook his head. Obviously, Falcon’s market public relations are all regular troops, and they are very unsuited to fighting this kind of battle.

In addition, although the Falcon is considered a giant, in people's minds, it is not a leader who assumes the banner of morality. It shows how important a company's external image is. He thought so, and realized that the effect of this kind of communication must be far beyond Zhou Yang's expectations. If he doesn't make a move again, Zhou Yang will retreat.

During lunch, he and Zhou Ziyou said: "You should start participating in the afternoon and you must completely reverse the wind. Because Zhou Yang needs help, this is also to prepare for our future work. It must be completely suppressed on the moral level. Break Zhengshang Network."

"We are ready. And the accounts that post support for Jiang Zhengshang's remarks have been compared. When the time comes, the pictures will be posted together, and this group of grandchildren will definitely not be able to eat." He said and smiled. , Then said: "It's time for our men to take action. Let Zhou Yang see the strength of our brothers."

"Yes, show him!" Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

Lunch is over.

It was less than one thirty at noon.

An article titled "Facts Only, No Purpose" appeared in the industry forum. The article pointed out that no matter what the purpose of the falcon, everyone has to think about whether Jiang Zhengshang really did this.

The article took out the Ddos attack and the second-hand rose incident, pointing out that this was a behavior that the entire industry hated. However, in a series of recent interviews, Jiang Zhengshang all hinted that Su Qingyue was in conflict with himself, and he did not avoid suspicion in the slightest. This at least shows that Jiang Zheng has no scruples yet and is getting worse. What the Falcon did was merely stating the facts. It is shameless to deliberately use teleology to confuse the facts.

As soon as this article came out, the forum frypot. Some accounts of Zhengshang Network, which originally supported the ban, immediately followed up. They all commented: "Yes, the purpose of falconry is my ass. The important thing is that these things done by Zhengshang Network are the lice on the monk's head-obvious. If this is not blocked, does it have a moral bottom line?"

As soon as this article was published, an account immediately popped up to refute, pointing out that Jiang Zhengshang had never admitted.

Then Zhou Ziyou wrote his second article again. An article titled "Just Look at the Negatives, Not Look at the Affirmations" appeared on the forum. In the screenshot of Jiang Zhengshang's important words, he asked Jiang Zhengshang what did he mean? What does it mean that I have a trick to toss him? What is it, don’t look for trouble?

The article initiated continuous questioning, and finally concluded: Through this, we can see who is operating Zhengshang Network. Through their denial, we can see what they must have done.

As soon as this article was published, the post was immediately topped to the first one.

Following Su Qingyue’s QQ rang, Ye Luo sent him a message saying: "Brother, is this you who made the move? The Falcon is still very poor in this aspect. I think the whole thing is going to be It's been changed. I didn't expect that as soon as you shot, you would immediately return to the right track."

Seeing the information he sent, Su Qing smiled helplessly. He wanted to say that the Falcons are not weak, but in this field, they are weaker. Knowing that it was not the time to end in person, Su Qingyue had not returned any information to Ye Luo. He still stared at the screen, waiting for Jiang Zhengshang's response.

Sure enough, less than an hour later, Zhengshang Network first posted a negative article on the official website. It is not only denying that they did these things, but also denying some of Jiang Zhengshang's words. Pointing out that someone in the forum is leading the wind, Jiang Zhengshang is not implying anything at all.

The so-called boss gets angry and the public relations is responsible for wiping the butt, probably that's it. It can be seen that a boss, the first thing to do is to control his mouth. Su Qing smiled. At this time, another voice appeared on the forum, thinking that someone was taking the wind and deliberately pointed the finger at Zhengshang.com.

These remarks just came out. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Zhou Ziyou immediately issued a third article: "Just look at the account, not the direction of the wind." The article pointed out that if you want to talk about the direction of the wind, it must be brought by Zhengshang. Because these accounts are the same batch of accounts that attacked Su Qingyue before. With the text, the article releases pictures, so that the truth is clear at a glance.

Finally, the trumpet of Zhengshang Network stopped talking. By less than five o'clock in the afternoon, the entire forum was quite clean.

The moderator was the first to jump out and announced the permanent ban of these accounts.

At the same time, people questioned whether Zhengshang Network participated in the second-hand rose incident. At the same time, Falcon finally occupied the moral commanding heights they were supposed to occupy. The whole industry has come forward to review the proposal of the year and oppose the bottomless attack. For a while, Zhengshang network completely died down.

Zhou Yang called Su Qingyue specially and said with a smile: "Every expert will know if there is any. Qingyue, you are good!" He said, the sincerity in his voice for the first time.

Followed Su Qingyue and replied: "It's up to you now."

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