Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 593: : Internal worries broke out

Two days later...

Leading by the industry's top three competing websites, including the websites of Chen Yimian and Amo, and the game channels of two portal websites joined in, and all news and advertisements related to Zhengshang Network were removed from the shelves. In addition, the virtual goods trading platform controlled by Su Qingyue has also removed all related props of its products.

At first, Zhengshang Network didn't react too strongly. They thought it was just a trick by Su Qingyue and Zhou Yang. It’s no big deal, it just needs money to solve it.

Even Jiang Zhengshang issued a statement on his blog, saying: No one can stop our Zhengshang network from advancing, and we can easily deal with any monster.

After industry forums discovered this, most people also believed that such a ban could not last. Because the industry has never had this rule before. "These media have to give up the ban if they survive for a short period of time. After all, money is a big problem. Without advertising revenue, who will bear the loss."

No one believes that this ban will last for a long time.

Jiang Zhengshang still takes a tough attitude, waiting for the problem to be resolved. What he didn't expect was that the pre-heated brand advertisements of "Three Kingdoms" and "Little Devil" under Yuedao Network quickly filled the vacancies left by Zhengshang Network. Following the Falcon's products, all departments are also dispatched.

Some accounts in the industry forum commented: It turns out that this is a masterpiece of Yuedao and Falcon, and it is estimated that the banning time will not be short. Jiang Zhengshang made the banning simpler.

As soon as this happened, in just one day, the tone of Zhengshang Network changed rapidly, and they began to realize the seriousness of the problem. According to Amu, Guan Ye personally visited several media that participated in the ban, hoping to obtain understanding and expressed his willingness to increase the price.

"The boss of our website said that there is no need to increase the price. Wait for their lawsuit first." Amou said triumphantly: "Our boss and Guan Er finally said that the trouble Jiang Zhengshang caused must be solved by himself. After all, he will solve the problem. You must also tie the bell."

He Cunxi also said to Su Qingyue: "Zhang Zhigang and Guan Er talked about it, don't even think about it." He explained with a smile: "Zhang Zhigang hates Guan Er and his brother last time. This time I caught it. With a chance, how could it give him face." He said, Su Qingyue remembered the previous Chang Ming incident and understood Zhang Zhigang.

In short, they have their own reasons and rejected Zhengshang Network's request.

Before you know it, Zhengshang.com's products have disappeared from the mainstream industry media for some time. Several media participating in the ban are still continuing. When eating at noon, Zhou Ziyou and Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Boss, I heard that Guan Ner spoke ill of Jiang Zhengshang internally."

"Oh? What are you talking about?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"He said he was just acting for himself, and he wouldn't listen to anyone. Sooner or later he would play Zhengshang on the Internet." Zhou Ziyou said, and said: "I heard from friends over there that Jiang scolded Guan You in the office and said why he couldn't deal with these media. He said his ability to work is not good enough, so Guan Er said bad things about Jiang behind his back."

Hearing from Zhou Ziyou, Su Qingyue thought this was normal. Because Jiang Zhengshang got into trouble, it was all the responsibility of the marketing department. Now that Jiang Zhengshang scolds Guan Er for his work ability problems, the other party must feel wronged. Just because the company hasn't collapsed, and some things can't be said clearly, I have to talk secretly.

He nodded, very calm, and asked, "Anything else?"

"Yes!" Zhou Ziyou said, and said, "I heard that their shareholders had a meeting in Jiang Zhengshang's office. The boss of Heng Ping came up and scolded Jiang Zhengshang and said that he was okay. He also questioned him and provoked Zhou Yang. Not enough, why bother to provoke us."

"What else did Mr. Equity say?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It is said that he gave a death order to make Jiang Zhengshang shut his mouth and focus on company management." Zhou Ziyou said: "And he also told Jiang Zhengshang that if he couldn't solve the blockade, then Equity Capital would solve him. He said: "Boss, it's just like you said, now they already have sorrows inside."

"Well, that's good, but it's not time to fully ferment, wait a minute." Su Qingyue looked down at his watch about the matter. He added: "In two weeks, their internal worries will be more obvious. After all, the number of new users entering for more than half a month will continue to decrease. Jiang Zhengshang's personality will go crazy, and Song Ruili's personality will be impatient."

In fact, Su Qingyue probably also knows that Jiang Zhengshang is currently in trouble.

During this period of time, various people in the industry’s forums have also stood up and commented on the matter one after another, saying: "If this continues, it will really be enough to drink a pot of Zhengshang. In the Four Little King Kong, it seems that there are One family is falling behind."

Others commented: "Although it is not blocked on the entire network, the total of these top websites is enough for the Internet to have a headache. I really don't understand, as a boss, can I casually vent my emotions regardless of the company's life or death? Now I can’t figure it out, let the public relations department come out to wipe my butt. No matter how strong I am, I can’t stand up to such nonsense."

Ten days later, after the ban has become the final rule, Amu and Su Qingyue said: "Brother Su, Song Ruili is in a hurry. Today, he personally called our boss."

"What did he say?" Su Qing asked more surprised.

"It's nothing, just to put aside oneself, declare that the whole thing has nothing to do with his company, and also say that he has never participated in attacking you. Everything is Jiang Zhengshang's proposition, they are just a company controlled by Jiang Zhengshang. But the product itself is not developed by Zhengshang. I hope we can raise our hands high. UU看书www.uukanshu.com"

Listening to Amo, Su Qing remembered that Zhou Ziyou told himself yesterday. Song Ruili was banned because of "Seven Heroes of the Tianshan Mountains" and had a conflict with Jiang Zhengshang. It is said that Song Ruili asked Jiang Zhengshang to solve the problem and said: "Since you have the ability to cause trouble, you have to have the ability to do things. So many brothers under my hand are pointing to this product to eat, you can't harm us."

It’s not just that. It is said that the boss of Equity Capital yesterday warned Jiang Zhengshang: “If you can’t figure this out, you will lose the lawsuit with Zhou Yang. The Equity Meeting and Jiang Zhengshang are not over!”

"Now Zhengshang Internet is really an internal and external trouble. Just wait for Zhou Yang's knife to insert it." Zhou Ziyou said with emotion, "Your set is really invincible." He said, laughed, and said, "You know." Right now, many people are commenting on you."

"What do you comment on me?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"A man is not a beast and a boy is in vain."

After Zhou Ziyou spoke, Su Qing laughed involuntarily.

On December 10, the lawsuit between Falcon and Zhengshang Network will be finalized.

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