Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 601: : Target Seoul

   December 21st, Wednesday.

   The weather forecast says that today is cloudy to fine.

   When Su Qingyue went out in the morning, he felt a lot warmer than before because there was no wind.

   In the morning, he handled the cooperation with Fengli Technology in his unit. In addition to the engine mentioned before, Yuedao Network also participated in Fengli's B round of financing. The two parties have signed an agreement and are waiting for him to return to hold a press conference to announce the news to the industry.

   At noon, he simply ate a hamburger, and went down to the company parking lot with He Lili and Zhou Ziyou, ready to go to Korea.

   Dongshan should have sent them, but this time Yue Lindao insisted on sending them personally.

   and said with a smile: "This is what it should be, Qingyue, I wish you success this time."

When he said so, Su Qing smiled more embarrassedly and said, "Unsuccessful, it is not because of seeing the sea." He said, and then: "The most important thing is to see if there is any gold mine in this new continent." He said nothing. , Sit in the co-pilot. I know in my heart that many people, including He Jiahua, are very optimistic about this trip to Korea.

   Although he has repeatedly emphasized the overseas market, especially the Korean market is difficult to develop. Previously, products of other companies went overseas, but the effect was not good. This is especially true in South Korea. They are very conservative and do not accept games from here. At the same time, they are quite disgusted with this form of charging, but everyone still has high hopes for him.

   In these recent days, Su Qingyue has been looking at the agency mode of other games and how they cooperated. Some research work has also been carried out on the Korean market.

   Thinking of this, the car started up, drove out of the garage, and quickly went to the North Fourth Ring Road, but there was a traffic jam, and they stopped and went.

   He Lili and Zhou Ziyou were in the back seat and said nothing. Although it is winter, the weather in Pingjing today is really good, sunny, and there is no wind. This made him feel a little hot, especially wearing a short down jacket.

"Then next year is a series of good news. It is the cooperation with Fengli Technology, and the expansion of products in Korea, plus your sunshine dream plan, next year will definitely be our year of outbreak." Yue Lindao smiled. Go on, he smokes while driving.

   "Come on piece by piece, every piece must be done well in order to explode."

   Su Qingyue smiled back. He found that Zhou Ziyou and He Lili did not communicate at all.

   There are only three ways for couples who broke up to get along: the resurrection after the lotus root is broken, or the old and the dead behind seemingly calm. Zhou Ziyou and He Lili, it seems that neither of them are... entangled friends in the previous life?

   After a while, the car drove onto the airport expressway, and the speed suddenly increased. They arrived at Terminal 2 of Pingjing Airport in less than 1.30.

When    got off the bus, Zhou Ziyou helped He Lili take out the luggage from the trunk. The latter was very polite, but said stiffly, "Thank you."

   "No." Zhou Ziyou replied very politely.

   thinks they are like strangers and don't know what happened. In fact, Su Qingyue never asked Zhou Ziyou how they separated after coming out of the focus. Everything is very quiet, and there is no discussion in the company.

   Without thinking, he shook hands with Yue Lindao again before leaving.

   The latter also blessed again.

   followed them through the check-in procedures, went through the security check and customs, and quickly embarked on the flight to South Korea.

   He Lili smiled and said to Su Qingyue: "Manager Su, if we have time this time, let's go shopping. I want to buy some cosmetics and clothing." She smiled and said, "This is my first time going abroad."

   "Let's do the work well, I don't know the result of the negotiation yet." Zhou Ziyou interjected.

   He Lili's face became stiff, but she still smiled and nodded.

Feeling that they are a bit of a rivalry, Su Qingyue smiled and responded to He Lili: "Don't worry, I will give us a whole day of shopping. This is a benefit of our business trip." The three were talking and the plane started to fly. Get on the runway, and then fly quickly, the ground becomes smaller and smaller, as small as a flat map.

   Slowly, sleepiness hit, Su Qing slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

There was no dream at all. There seemed to be only the buzzing of aircraft engines along the way. I don’t know how long it took. The speakers in the cabin broadcasted in Chinese, Korean and English. It turned out that they had already reached the sky above Incheon International Airport. So Qingyue opened his eyes. , Look down.

   It’s also sunny here, and you can see the tidal flats and the sea from a distance, separating the land and the sea. The entire airport was the only landmark building nearby, and the plane soon landed.

   Su Qingyue and the others walked out, only to feel that there were green plants in the hall wherever they could see.

   Not far away, he saw several people in black suits. One of them is Choi Seung-woo, who is talking with someone. He looked up and saw Su Qingyue, his eyes lit up immediately, and he waved: "Mr. Su, I'm finally waiting for you." He laughed and walked towards them.

"Yeah, I also brought you two bottles of Overlord Drunk." He smiled and said, "The main reason is that airplanes are not allowed to bring a lot." After greeting everyone, Cui Chengyou introduced people around him to Su Qingyue: "Su, this It's Jin Mingzhe, our vice president in charge of business." He said, Su Qingyue and the other side nodded, and the two shook hands.

   Jin Mingzhe's body is fat, self-rolling.

   I don't know what's going on, but I faintly feel that Jin Mingzhe's attitude towards him is not very good, and he seems to be very indifferent. But Su Qingyue didn't say much, and went on an MPV with everyone.

Choi Seungyou said again: "Su, you guys take a break in the hotel this afternoon. Tonight, Mr. Li has specially arranged our Korean food. I will show you a tour of our company tomorrow morning. In the morning, we can enter into formal negotiations. Look at this. Can it be arranged?"

   "No problem, it's up to you." Su Qingyue smiled back. After all, this is his first international negotiation, in fact, it is still not very clear. He hopes to have the opportunity tonight to chat with Chou Chengyou in detail, to know a little bit about Nicesoft's expectations, and to make appropriate adjustments.

   Soon their car drove into the city of Seoul, which is not as prosperous as the legend, UU Reading www.uukanshu. There is still a certain gap between com and Tokyo. It's not even as good as the domestic Jianghai, which surprised Su Qing, who often watched Korean dramas with Amou. Soon the car stopped in front of a hotel called.

When    got off the car, Cui Chengyou introduced him to them. They were on the opposite side of the road. Su Qingyue looked in the direction of his finger and saw a seven-color Nicesoft Logo on a six-story building. Then they walked into the hotel, and there was a Starbucks connected to the lobby, and there was a side street on the opposite side.

   Cui Chengyou said to Su Qingyue again: "There are all kinds of delicious snacks there, I recommend pig's feet to you." He said with a smile.

   Everyone nodded, but Jin Mingzhe, who was in charge of the business, hardly said anything.

   Until they got on the hotel elevator, he just nodded politely.

  I don’t know his attitude. Su Qing understands that for a company like Nicesoft, Cui Chengyou and Li Huandou cannot be the only decision-making agent. The decision of the other party must be scientific, so you have to prepare more countermeasures.

   Still the same sentence, any plan that does not make money on either side must be a failed plan.

   Su Qingyue thought, looking forward to the banquet tonight.

   After a short break, Choi Seung-woo came to the hotel downstairs on time at 18:30.

   They talked and laughed together to the hotel.


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