Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 602: : Chihuazi

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The Eighteen Years of Legendary Tide Volume Chapter 602: Chi Huazi welcomes Su Qingyue's banquet at a restaurant named Chihuazi.

Before it arrived, Choi Seung-woo introduced that the most traditional Korean dim sum can be eaten here, and it is made by the court gourmet team, which is a real Korean-style royal cuisine. It was said that this restaurant was ranked third in Seoul, and Su Ching-yue nodded from time to time.

The restaurant is located in the center of Seoul, next to Gyeongbokgung Palace. Su Qingyue and the others got off the car and saw a two-story flat-roofed building. The exterior wall was dominated by gray-black masonry. There was a large terrace. The entrance was written in Korean with some unknown characters. Cui Chengyou introduced: "This is one of the top ten palace restaurant restaurants recognized by the Tourism Development Bureau."

They walked into the restaurant and were led by service staff wearing Korean traditional costumes.

The interior decoration of the entire restaurant is antique and elegant, but it also highlights the sense of history in the appropriate place. Inside, there is the story of Chihwako’s restaurant, including the introduction of his first-generation heir Han Xishun.

The attendant entered the private room, and Li Huandou greeted him. He smiled and said: "Mr. Su, the last time Tokyo was a farewell, I have been looking forward to you coming to us and tasting our Korean food. I finally look forward to you today, and we must not be drunk today."

He said nothing, but Cui Chengyou's translation was useless.

Instead, a girl came out to help the translation.

Su Qingyue recognized it at a glance. This was when they were drinking in Pingjing, Cui Chengyou's assistant, whose English name is r, seemed to study economics at Sungkyunkwan University.

He thought to himself, ignoring to say hello to Bian Yawen, first returned to Li Huandou and said: "I have been looking forward to drinking Bawang drunk with you. Of course it was in Pyeonggyeong, but I didn't expect it to happen in Seoul."

As he said, Zhou Ziyou stepped forward to hand over a gift.

Li Huandou let out a wow, followed Choi Seungwoo and other colleagues in Korean and said, "Good wine."

Then I will introduce the others who attended the dinner today.

In addition to Bian Yawen, there are also Jin Mingzhe who I know today, Park Nancheng who had a drink last time, and two assistants.

Bian Yawen was very happy when she heard that Su Qingyue still remembered her name and when she was studying economics, she said, "I really didn't expect Mr. Su to remember me."

Everyone chatted and laughed, and the guest and the host were seated. Su Qingyue sat in the lead with Li Huandou, Bian Yawen sat next to Li Huandou, Jin Mingzhe and Su Qingyue were sitting next to each other, and Cui Chengyou was next to him. Park Nancheng and several other colleagues sat with He Lili and Zhou Ziyou in the outer area.

Following the restaurant’s service staff, they began to serve dishes. The dishes were very small, but very cumbersome and very large. Every time a dish was served, they explained to the group patiently. Cui Chengyou acted as a translator at this time.

Follow them to pour the wine. It is strange that they put the wine brought by Su Qingyue behind them and said that good wine should be tasted well.

Today they are going to drink Korea’s own wine, a high-grade shochu.

Li Huandou introduced him, Bian Yawen translated: "This shochu is among the Korean shochu brands, and the very high-end name is Andong."

Su Qingyue nodded, and Jin Mingzhe poured the wine for him. Su Qingyue found that they were not full of pouring wine, and everyone had spare time.

It was almost time, and Li Huandou took the lead to raise his glass and said a bunch of things that Su Qing couldn't understand. But it seemed that he was very happy. When he spoke, he kept smiling at Su Qing.

Then Bian Yawen translated: "The president said that he was attracted by your "Little Demon Fairy" in Tokyo, and was also attracted by your personality. He met you at first sight. He also made a gentleman's agreement with you. Knowing that your home country and South Korea are the same, both are a country of etiquette, and both care about promises. He is very happy with your arrival, and he hopes your cooperation will be successful this time."

Listening to him, he also specifically emphasized the gentleman's covenant, which is a state of etiquette. Su Qingyue faintly felt that it was elevated, but after all, the other party had no other meaning, so he just smiled back: "Please tell the chairman, I also have the same mood and expectations as him."

He said so, translated by Bian Yawen.

Li Huandou listened, stood up, raised his glass and said a few more words.

Cheers to everyone.

When he started to eat, Li Huandou introduced the side dishes of Korean food, which are generally divided into three, five, nine, and twelve. "The emperor used to have twelve dishes." He smiled and said, Su Qingyue looked carefully and noticed that he was also ten. Two discs. Li Huandou said again: "I take President Su as a friend."

He smiled and said, Su Qingyue also nodded.

The feeling of being unable to tell Li Huandou seems to be different from that in Tokyo, and it seems to be the same.

At this time, Jin Mingzhe beside him had a cup with Su Qingyue in his right hand.

After drinking, he said: "Mr. Su, although we only have more than 50 million people, our consumption power is very strong. The top products on the market, the income is not worse than yours. I can say that in East Asia, we are in It’s unique in this respect."

He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

He admits this, and he has done research. First of all, due to different cultures in the European and American markets, domestic products are not very popular; while in the Southeast Asian market, due to various reasons such as hardware and network popularity, the online game market is still in its infancy. In fact, there are only two countries, Japan and South Korea, if you want to go abroad successfully. Compared with the two, South Korea has a larger market size and the highest user acceptance.

He said that at this time, Li Huandou said again: "Mr. Su, there is absolutely no problem with you choosing us. Because our game pay rate, user maturity is much higher than that of the mainland. In addition to our dominance in South Korea, a fairly large-scale closed loop. Users, so we are definitely the agency company that "Little Magic Fairy" needs most."

"Yes, I also hope to cooperate." Su Qingyue repeated.

He and Li Huandou drank wine, and Park Nancheng next to UU reading www.uukanshu.com respected Zhou Ziyou from time to time and looked very enthusiastic.

I always feel that they are a bit too enthusiastic. At any rate, it is also the largest factory in South Korea, even if it is a key layout, it is not like this. No matter how good "Little Moxian" is, it won't be so good.

He thought, Jin Mingzhe served the cup again: "Mr. Su, you must know that we are acting for the game in the mainland for the first time. In the past, although there were other companies acting for your games, it was a small company after all."

He said, Cui Chengyou translated.

Su Qingyue noticed that Cui frowned slightly, and Bian Yawen suddenly looked up.

He immediately realized that there was something in Jin Mingzhe's words, and it seemed to say that we can value you. It is estimated that some words in it were blocked by Choi Seung-woo.

This moment is fleeting.

Everyone returned to their incomparable enthusiasm and continued to toast and drink.

Li Huandou pulled Su Qingyue even more and introduced one of the dishes: "Mr. Su, try our beef here, it's also very delicious..."

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