Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 603: : Hint

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! I have to say that Chihuazi's food is really delicious.

Su Qingyue especially likes seafood casserole, a pot made of mushrooms and fish. After a bite, the aroma of mushrooms and the deliciousness of fish make people intoxicated. There are also sizzling beef ribs. Although they are all iron plates, I have to say that this beef melts in the mouth.

Cui Chengyou said: "Their beef is all high-grade Wagyu."

"No wonder that." Su Qingyue nodded, and put another bite of beef into his mouth.

In addition, there are a variety of colorful side dishes, matched and put together into a box, very gorgeous and beautiful.

At this time, Li Huandou smiled and asked through Bian Yawen's translation: "How many days are Mr. Su going to stay in Seoul?"

Su Qingyue originally wanted to go back. It was originally scheduled for three days, but after another thought he realized that the other party was testing his expectations for this business trip, and using this to judge whether his strategy would be adjusted.

Seeing Li Huandou smiling, Su Qing became less angry. After all, in business negotiations, both parties always need a trial process. He casually replied: "Look first, we also want to do a comprehensive survey of the Korean market."

"This is no problem. Cui Chengyou and Jin Mingzhe will take you to investigate. I believe that you will be 120,000 points of interest in our market." Li Huandou said with a smile: "You can see our professional team, by no means Those small companies that can be compared, must be worthy of our gentleman's agreement."

He blushed, smiled and lifted the quilt, and Su Qingyue followed.

The two drank their glass of wine.

At this time, Park Nam Sung also raised a glass to Su Qingyue. Cui Chengyou translated: “Su, I really didn’t expect you to develop so fast. It feels like you were drunk with Bawang yesterday.” He said, “This time the chairman told me. After it is your product, I’m really excited. Don’t worry, we will run "Little Demon Fairy" well."

"I also believe in you, brother." Su Qingyue smiled and drank with him.

Although drinking in different places has different styles, and everyone will test each other during business negotiations, it is still very rare to ignore the current status of cooperative products like this. Su Qing thought about it, faintly felt that there was something wrong with the meal today, but couldn't say anything.

At this time, Bian Yawen also raised the cup to respect Su Qingyue, and said, “Mr. Su, I am very glad to see you again. I have two surprises today. The first one is that you didn’t expect you to remember my name and my school and major; The second is that you did not expect your career to progress so fast."

"Not only do I remember, but also your name is r." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

They picked up the cup.

Su Qingyue was about to take a drink, but listened to Bian Yawen said: "Su, the chairman has never entertained a person or a company like this. Even if "World for Hegemony" came back then, it was just like this, and it didn't even feel like today. Shanda." She smiled and said, "This is the most grand in history."

"Is that so?" Su Qingyue was startled.

I found Bian Yawen raised her eyebrows and realized that there was something in her words.

Su Qingyue felt that maybe she didn't understand the details, after all, she was just an assistant. But this reminder made him instantly understand that a trip to Korea would not be that simple. When Li Huandou was drinking, he repeatedly emphasized the so-called gentleman's agreement and strength, which was actually what he intended to express.

He thought about smiling with them again and continuing.

At this time, Li Huandou said again: "Su, we will arrange the second and third games later, because we drink in Korea in three rounds. Don't worry, the lady, we will send someone to send her back to the hotel..." Cui Seung-woo Help him translate.


Su Qingyue only smiled briefly, and he was at ease when he came. Anyway, the soldiers came to cover the water and cover, no matter what his thoughts were.

Then they talked for a while.

After nine o'clock, they left the restaurant.

Take two cars to Qingba respectively.

Su Qingyue was sitting in Li Huandou's car. The latter was still a brother-in-law, saying that he would make "Little Demon Fairy" a good job.

Su Qingyue is very curious about how they want to conduct this negotiation. Is there any countermeasure? The car was driving on the road and soon came to the door of a clean bar.

Get out of the car and walk in.

I feel that the decoration style here is similar to that of Jingba in Houhai, both of which are very gentle and artistic.

When I walked in, there was light and elegant music, and there were not too many people inside. But when the bartender saw them, he obviously knew them, and he greeted them with a smile.

Then they sat down and ordered a few cocktails.

Chatting again.

After a while, Li Huandou's cell phone rang, and he picked it up first. Followed Bian Yawen to the bathroom. Apart from Cui Seungwoo, there were only a few Koreans who could not speak Chinese at the table. At this time, Cui Chengyou smiled and asked Su Qingyue: "Mr. Su, are you satisfied with the food?"

"that's good."

"Yeah." He said, as if he had something to say, he stopped talking, and finally said: "However, Mr. Su's negotiation tomorrow may be very difficult, because many local operators in South Korea still don't agree with you from your heart. Game. Originally, our agency fees were all in the tens of millions of dollars, but for you, it may drop drastically."

When he said this, Su Qing became more startled, and immediately understood why the other party had entertained himself so grandly. What is hidden behind this is the emotional compensation brought about by extreme price reductions. No wonder their people say all kinds of weird things, like and mean something. Su Qingyue recalled Bian Yawen's suggestion.

I was shocked that Cui Chengyou would tell myself in advance, Su Qingyue was very happy, he didn't ask too much for extra information. UU reading www.uukanshu. At this time, Zhou Ziyou found that Cui Chengyou was talking about business with him, and immediately pulled the other Koreans to a toast.

"Thank you for your frankness, thank you very much. Good brother." Su Qing said more earnestly.

"No thanks, brother." Cui Chengyou said: "I think "Little Devil" is worth a good price. The basis of cooperation is actually the respect of both parties. I very much hope to promote cooperation. But the company decided that I can't stop it, I can tell You only have so much." Cui Chengyou said at this time, he looked helpless, shrugged slightly and said, "But brother..."

"you said."

"I hope you can understand them. After all, South Korea is an absolute big player, and the previous games on your side were really unsuccessful. So they have concerns and some misunderstandings, I think it is normal." Cui Chengyou told the truth. .

"Of course." Su Qingyue nodded to express his understanding.

At this time, Li Huandou came back and began to drink more with Su Qing.

He was still the same, extremely enthusiastic, Su Qingyue accompanied him with extreme enthusiasm.

Until the early morning.

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