Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 604: :Satisfied

   I drank a lot that night.

   Originally came out from Qingba at 11 o'clock, Li Huandou also said that he would ask Su Qingyue to experience the Korean nightclub, but the latter politely declined.

   It wasn't because of other reasons, but Su Qingyue thought it was the first time drinking after all, and the business hadn't been discussed yet. What's more, maybe the Koreans are just a courtesy invitation...

   So Qingyue Su excuses to visit Nicesoft tomorrow morning, there are many things to do, and he is used to take a break early.

   So it was less than twelve o'clock, and the car took them back to the hotel. Li Huandou even sent Su Qingyue into the hall, holding Su Qingyue's hand tightly and explaining: "Brother, I have a very important meeting tomorrow, so I won't participate in your specific affairs. Jin Mingzhe and Cui Chengyou will communicate with you tomorrow. ."

   After another word, he said to Jin Mingzhe that the latter nodded his head reverently, like giving an order.

After separating from them, thinking of Bian Yawen’s hint and Cui Chengyou’s reminder during the meal just now, Su Qingyue felt that the reason why they valued "Little Devil" was on the one hand because of its reputation at the Tokyo Game Show, and on the other hand, it was also an experiment. At the same time, it can also do product layout and combat competitors.

   As for the product itself, there may be no clear demands, or in-depth analysis and understanding. This is completely different from Su Qing's purpose and idea of ​​going abroad.

  Since everyone has completely different goals, there will be no good results in this negotiation, so what will you lose? He was doing various analyses in his heart.

   If there is a real problem, then what I have to do is not simply to return to China, but to think about how to accomplish the goal. After all, going overseas is its own strategy. It is related to the company's getting rid of the excessive proportion of single projects in a single region. It is related to the problem of how the company can stand out and enter the frontline. It is related to the problem of Yuedao becoming a first-line factory.

   He thought, and gradually got an idea. At this time, the alcohol came and he fell asleep slowly.

When    woke up again, it was still seven thirty.

   Biological clocks are sometimes more punctual than clocks. He got up, went to the restaurant early for dinner, and saw that Zhou Ziyou and He Lili had also arrived early, and the three of them were sitting at the same table. Su Qingyue drank a bowl of Korean traditional soybean paste soup, made herself sweat a little, and ate two more eggs.

   went back to the room, took a hot bath, washed away all the alcohol from last night, and changed into a suit.

   At 8:35, Choi Seung-woo and Kim Ming-cheol arrived in the lobby. This is five minutes earlier than the scheduled time. They picked up Su Qingyue and his party and headed to the Nicesoft headquarters across the street. Because they just passed a traffic light, they didn't drive, just walked there.

   People were in a hurry on the road, they walked around an alley, and one wall of the alley was the courtyard wall of Nicesoft. Then I walked to the end of the alley and turned right and saw Nicesoft written in English by the head office.

   The whole building is very conspicuous around, and there are many local Korean cars parked in the yard.

   They walked in, and Su Qingyue saw that there were not only Hyundai, but also Daewoo, and several local brands he didn't recognize. Jin Mingzhe was talking all the time, and Choi Seung-woo helped them translate: "The market share of foreign products represented by Nicesoft in Korea has reached 30%, such as "World Hegemony", and the market share of self-developed products has reached two. More than..."

   Cui Chengyou translated very calmly.

However, Su Qingyue felt that when Jin Mingzhe said it was a kind of triumphant show off, and then he said again, Choi Seung-woo continued: "It can be said that almost all major foreign manufacturers, as long as they come to Korea, our Nicesoft is theirs. First choice. Because of our strength, it will be difficult for us not to go."

  Full of ambition.

   Translated by Cui Chengyou five to ten, Su Qingyue noticed that Zhou Ziyou raised his eyebrows and looked at himself.

  Su Qingyue didn't speak, but just kept smiling.

   Then they walked inside, no one said anything.

   The first floor is a minimalist-style reception hall with coffee places and many separate compartments, which are obviously for meeting customers. In addition, there is a display wall in the south hall, where you can clearly see the various awards they have received since the establishment of Nicesoft.

   A girl wearing a white-collar uniform, specifically for them to explain when Nicesoft was established, what its main business was at the beginning of its establishment, and what classic games it represented. I can hear that these are routine programs, and the descriptions of large and large sections have not stopped at all. From time to time, Cui Chengyou helps him to translate.

   This feeling reminds Su Qingyue of Hualuo’s Hengqin R&D Center. The first floor is also an exhibition hall. The advantage of this design is that it can unconsciously show the strength of the company while entertaining people.

   gives people a credible and reliable feeling.

He thought, Jin Mingzhe opened his mouth and said to him: "Su, I told you yesterday that you are the first Chinese online game we value. Let’s put it this way, many companies have come to us before. Including Qicai, They also hope to hand over their self-developed products to our agents. The conditions offered are indeed very favorable, but we all refused."

   He said, Cui Chengyou translated.

   Su Qingyue snorted inwardly, saying: If it's research and development, Qicai might not be more powerful than Yue Dao.

   But, he didn't say this.

Following the other party through Cui Chengyou's translation: "This time it is mainly because our president and you have a gentleman agreement, and we have specially emphasized it. Since it is a gentleman agreement, we must do it. Otherwise, according to our internal assessment, we are actually not Willing to do."

   He smiled and said, as if he had given Su Qing more face.

   knows this is a bargaining trick. In order not to give him an edge in his heart, Su Qingyue directly replied: "In fact, the point is that you, President Li Huandou, have taken a fancy to the game "Little Devil", and valued his reputation at the Tokyo Game Show and the characteristics of the product itself. ."

   He said so, and Cui Chengyou translated it a bit. The latter was startled, and finally only reluctantly followed: "Of course, there are also factors in this aspect." He said, his face a little droopy. This is indeed his style, with joy and anger written on his face.

   Then they went up again.

   The second floor is their marketing department and channel department. Cui Chengyou also introduced that the third, fourth and fifth floors are mainly for R&D and operations, and the sixth floor is for administration and other related departments.

   Cui Chengyou and others arrived. They sat down in an office on the sixth floor. Cui Chengyou told him that on the top floor here, he can smoke and chat.

   Then both parties expanded their own folders and projected them on the screen. After waiting for a while, the people who attended the party yesterday, including Park Nancheng and others, also came.

   Everyone greeted each other as soon as they met, and then sat down on each side. The table was filled with various drinks, disposable cups, and various snacks. Su Qingyue looked at his watch, and it was nine forty-five.

   Jin Mingzhe said at this time: "First of all, I welcome President Su and his party again, and I am glad to meet everyone." He said, and the rest followed. Although he did not understand Korean, Su Qingyue probably said the same thing.

   He smiled and nodded, and thanked them for their hospitality.

Then Jin Mingzhe spoke, Cui Chengyou translated, and said: "Mr. Su, I would like to know the strength of Nicesoft in Korea through the introduction just now and the investigation you have done before. Here, I am very confident to say In a word, we are the only major manufacturer in Korea, not only in terms of channels, but also in terms of product operation and R&D."

He says…

   Su Qingyue nodded, listening to him continue.

"If you choose to sign a contract with us, we will provide complete operational ideas, operational solutions, and omni-channel promotion. Let "Little Magic Fairy" be your first Chinese online game to be successful in overseas." He said nothing. , Smiled and nodded, and signaled that Cui Chengyou was over.

   Su Qingyue just smiled faintly when he said this.

   These are nothing more than conventional words, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense here. The next moment, Su Qingyue spoke and said, "We both know each other well, so we don't need to introduce it anymore. It's best to go directly to the topic."

  Su Qingyue said so, and Choi Seungwoo looked at Jin Mingzhe.

The latter obviously hesitated, raised his head, with a little complacency, and said: "Because we are the largest manufacturer, we can provide you with the best channels and best operations. In addition, our president and your gentleman have agreed. , So we have made a serious plan, please know about it. We hope to start localization from the signing of the contract. The language translation will be your responsibility, and the voice part will be our responsibility. We hope to complete this part within three months."

   He said, Su Qing listened more carefully.

"After the localization is completed, we will conduct product evaluation and recommendations. We have a very professional QA team. We evaluate you while giving feedback. This time is about three months; after the QA is passed a month, we will conduct CBT. (Internal beta); After CBT, we will make further game improvements, and according to the version situation, we will strive to conduct the final OBT (open beta) within two months."

Jin Mingzhe’s words stop here, and continue: "The entire project is completed within 12 months from signing to launch. In addition, we hope that the business conditions are 500,000 U.S. dollars, half of the license and half of the MG. (Half authorization, half prepaid Divided into

   He said the number without hesitation, Su Qing was startled and frowned slightly. Seeing Zhou Ziyou put the pen down at once, he looked up and looked very upset.

   Because of Bian Yawen's hint, she and Cui Chengyou informed in advance. Hearing this number, although Su Qingyue was unhappy, he was not overly surprised.

At this time, Jin Mingzhe said again: "Mr. Su, this condition is based on our discussion of various factors. After all, Huaxia Games did not work well before in Korea, and this time our agency also has some risks. Of course, Mr. Su's products must No problem, and I hope that Mr. Su can give us some space..." He said, after thinking about it, and then asked: "President Su, I don't know how this compares with your expectations?"

   understand that this price is insulting. In addition, the entire program is a requirement for research and development, and its own market and operation program are very simple.

   There is no precedent. These are all nonsense. It is basically their superior psychology, superiority in their bones, and confidence in their own corporate status. You must know that for any masterpiece in South Korea, the domestic agency fee is more than 10 million US dollars, even if the market size is different, it will not be so different. The conditions of any product are actually based on the local environment, competitor conditions, market expectations, and revenue expectations.

   Su Qingyue was a little angry, but his face was still calm, and he straightforwardly stated his request: "Five million US dollars license, MG is not included."

   He said so, Cui Chengyou continued to translate, and everyone present was stunned.

   Jin Mingzhe repeated several words in a row with a loud voice.

   Cui Chengyou directly translated: "Mr. Jin Mingzhe can't believe it, you said five million dollars."

   "It doesn't matter, you can tell him that your translation is correct." Su Qingyue said.

   The next moment, several guys in the office talked about it. Jin Mingzhe suddenly smiled, then looked at other people, and finally turned his attention to Su Qingyue: "Excuse me, President Su, this condition is impossible anyway."

   Listening to him, Su Qingyue feels that the conditions are no longer important, because the twisted melon is not sweet.

   Cooperation between the two parties is the same as falling in love. If it is not true love, you will not give sincerely, and there will be no good results.

  The rush of life is based on the feelings of both parties.

   Such a low price has already declared the sincerity of the other party.

   He thought, but Jin Mingzhe suddenly got excited, like a monster with his original form, and said, "It's impossible."

   "It's okay, let's all go back and discuss it." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   He said, Jin Mingzhe suddenly said a few words very loudly.

   Cui Chengyou frowned slightly, originally there was no translation, but Su Qingyue followed: "Brother, you continue."

   "He said..." Choi Seung-woo hesitated a little, but finally said, "My colleague said..."

"Say what?"

   "He said that half a million dollars is already too much for this matter, and you are still not satisfied. Say..." Cui Chengyou obviously didn't want to say anything that hurt people.

   But Su Qingyue said again: "Just be direct. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com"

   Cui Chengyou translated: "If it weren’t for the gentleman’s agreement between you and the president, they didn’t want to do it originally. Many Chinese games are made by Nicesoft for free..."

"Mr. Jin, thank you for your frankness." Su Qingyue said: "Since this is the case, I can only apologize. The agreement between gentlemen requires mutual respect. I don't know what you are referring to. Whether it is, who is it, but it is definitely not our Yuedao..." He said, and finally concluded: "In addition, if this is what Mr. Li Huandou meant, you can also convey it to him."

   After he finished speaking, Cui Chengyou translated.

   Jin Mingzhe and a few others were stunned for an instant, and they were silent at first. Obviously, they didn't expect Su Qingyue to be so tough.

   talked with them for a long time.

   Su Qingyue looked at his watch at this time and felt that it was almost done. He got up and asked, "Is there anything else?"

   Choi Seung Woo continued to translate.

   Jin Mingzhe listened and said two words in Korean. He looked a little embarrassed. I got up and wanted to say more, but I didn't know what to say, so I stood so stiff.

   Finally, Su Qingyue said, "I have something to do next, so let's come here first, thank you."

   Then they stood up and sent Su Qingyue away.


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