Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 693: : Conditions of Equity

  Chapter 694 Conditions of Equity

  At noon that day, none of them drank alcohol, but everyone was as excited as drinking.

  Su Qingyue is very impressed with Ouyang's maturity. The most important thing is that he has learned to be grateful and understands that this world is not only a little profitable. Very happy, he can see a wider world.

  Su Qingyue told him before leaving, waiting for herself.

  In the past two days, he has not worked too much. In addition to further discussion and valuation of Fengli, he also met with several other companies. The other party is very concerned about Heyuedao's cooperation. Even one of them displayed a red banner "Welcome Mr. Su and his party to visit our company" at the front desk of the company.

  However, Su Qingyue still believes that Yuedao’s first choice is still Fengli Technology. Although it is more expensive than others, Su Qingyue still believes that the comprehensive cost performance of these companies is not as good as Fengli Technology from the perspective of products, industry status and the personality of the founder. What's more, his personal relationship with Chen Feng is also different in this degree of trust.

  Trust is the first priority in business cooperation. Therefore, he finally decided to acquire Fengli Technology first.

  Thursday morning, he didn't do much. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he got in the car with a few colleagues and went to Guan Hongjian's company. Unlike ordinary financial companies, they are not in the financial center, but in an office building close to the subway exit of Line 1.

  The office building is together with a five-star hotel. Bentley is sold on the first floor.

  There was a slight traffic jam on the road. When Su Qingyue and the others arrived, they were only five minutes away from the agreed time.

  They walked into the lobby and found that although the building here is not high and not as modern as Xiguancun, the interior decoration is magnificent, with a cold and rational feeling. Like a gloomy old nobleman, it is completely different from the bright sense of science and technology.

  He thought, and got out of the elevator.

  On the ninth floor, there is only one company called Hengping. Su Qingyue and the front desk reported their names. For a moment, a beautiful woman with a devil figure, long hair and shawl came over and said, "It's President Su, right? I'm Helen, President Guan's personal assistant." She finished speaking and shook hands with Su Qingyue.

   made a please gesture, Su Qingyue and the others entered the office area with her.

  Different from technology companies, there is no large-area grid office area. The environment here is very spacious, everyone dresses very formally, the arrogance of the elite is mixed with the spiritual temperament, and the looks are also very good.

Helen took Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou into Guan Hongjian’s office and said, “General Manager, there’s a meeting.” She said, looking at the watch, and then said: “You only need to wait for about ten minutes, and he should be able to come. Yes.” She said, smiling, and there was a staff member outside bringing coffee.

  Su Qingyue thanked them.

  Looking around Guan Hongjian’s office, his place is like the houses of financial tycoons in film and television dramas. Dark furniture, with warm lighting. An executive chair is behind the desk, and an IBM black laptop. There are several trophies behind the bookcase, one of which is an outstanding investor awarded by the New York Investors Association.

  Helen left, and the more Su Qing took a sip of coffee, he knew that this was not an ordinary instant solution.

  He looked at his watch, and now there were two minutes left before Helen said.

Zhou Ziyou said in a low voice: "Boss, do you think their office is very depressive, with a cold, gloomy feeling. It is not rational, anyway, it is very strange." He said, followed by another sentence. : "It feels like a monster."

   Listening to him, Su Qingyue also felt the same, thinking that the whole office was cold and gloomy, a feeling of being overwhelmed by others. Maybe the financial industry wanted such an effect, Su Qing thought more, and saw the door being pushed open, Guan Hongjian walked in.

  Look at the watch subconsciously.

  They got up and shook hands with Guan Hongjian with a smile, and exchanged greetings.

  Su Qingyue asked Guan Hongjian: "When did you come back?"

   "Just arrived this morning." Guan Hongjian responded with a smile, and pointed to the office environment, and asked: "Su, what do you think about our place here? Is it different from your technology companies?"

   "Yes, not as casual as we are." Su Qingyue said his first impression.

   "Yes, this is what we advocate. We appreciate sensibility, but in the end we must use rationality to make decisions." Guan Hongjian explained with a smile. After looking at the table, I returned to the topic: "How about, President Su, what are your specific thoughts on Fengli's acquisition? Because we are a minority shareholder, but we have to take care of our own interests."

  He said this, seemingly humble, but in fact emphasized the importance of equity.

  For such a major event as acquisition, Fengli’s Articles of Association clearly stated that such a matter must be approved by them, and some things cannot be avoided. Su Qingyue's visit this time was actually to convince him.

Thinking of this, Su Qingyue said: "We are mainly talking about Fengli's valuation." Su Qingyue said: "This is based on Fengli's current situation, current product market positioning, and you, me, and Chen Feng. Relationship, the standard set. We are sincere..."

  He said so, but Guan Hongjian did not respond.

  He also took a cup of coffee, and looked at Su Qingyue with a strange look for a while, not knowing what he was thinking. After a long time, Guan Hongjian said, "President Su, I think Fengli Technology has a great supplement to the listing of Yuedao. It not only complements your product line, but also has the lack of team innovation. ."

  He speaks well, just like Zhong Tankai.

  Su Qingyue listened carefully.

  Guan Hongjian continued: “Maybe Fengli’s final price is indeed not high, but this is a very important part for Yuedao, who is about to IPO.”

He said what he was thinking, and felt that it was not straightforward enough, and then said: "Let's just say that, according to the current R&D and market capabilities of Fengli, although they have missed an opportunity, the market valuation has come down. I am pleased with you. As far as Tao is concerned, Fengli not only has a future, it can also increase Yuedao’s valuation and supplement your product line. For these points alone, Fengli is of infinite value to Yuedao."

  "So what do you mean, Mr. Guan?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "The value of Fengli depends on Yuedao's needs, and it depends on Mr. Su, what you want." Guan Hongjian did not say directly, he first said his own judgment.

  Su Qingyue had to smile and waited for him to continue.

"Let me briefly talk about my thoughts. We ask not to participate in the gambling, because we are investors and cannot grasp or control the specific business. Moreover, Yuedao, including Mr. Su and the founding team of Fengli, are very familiar. Therefore, I don’t think Yuedao will have any doubts about the team’s cooperation and stability in the future."

  This condition is actually a practice in the industry. Financial investors generally ask not to participate in gambling, but to cash out directly. However, there is a prerequisite for such a condition, that is, financial investors must make some concessions in valuation. For example, the team will bet at a 10-fold valuation, and financial investors will withdraw at a six-fold valuation. Everyone gets what they need.

  But Su Qingyue didn't make it clear, he just nodded slightly, waiting for Guan Hongjian to continue.

"At the same time, the valuation multiple is the same as that of the team," Guan Hongjian said, adding: "The specific payment process and details can be discussed. In addition, we also need to have incentives. Because we are very optimistic about Fengli's future, if not for We will not take this step out of Mr. Su’s sincerity and Mr. Chen’s intentions. If the performance of Fengli in the future far exceeds the stipulations of the contract, there will also be our balanced investment, so we need Yuedao to promise performance. Compensation. If Fengli’s future performance is good and exceeds a certain percentage, Yuedao must pay our performance compensation in proportion. Of course, this compensation is mutual."

  Other words, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Su Qingyu was surprised.

   Guan Hongjian is really aggressive. The conditions he put forward made Su Qing more aware of his appetite. This is not a simple valuation, but all the benefits from the long-term view to the short-term view are occupied by him, and some conditions are even precedent for opening.

  Although it is said that the compensation is mutual, Guan Hongjian is very clear that it is impossible for Su Qingyue to let the reverse compensation happen. That can only prove the insufficiency of Su Qingyue's ability and the failure of Yuedao's integration.

  Su Qingyue realized that Guan Hongjian knew that he needed Fengli Technology, so he insisted on this point.

  I don’t know if Boss Chen knows this.

  Su Qingyue remained silent, thinking.

  However, there is no absolute fairness in business cooperation. The greatest fairness in business cooperation is: you love me.

  Su Qingyue had also deduced this logic before, and was willing to make small profits for big profits.

  However, he still did not say that he was eager to express himself, but just picked up the coffee.

  At this time, Guan Hongjian smiled and said, “Yes, just to taste. Our coffee here is much better than Starbucks.”

  (End of this chapter)

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