Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 694: :Love

   Looking at Guan Hongjian, he knew that he had such a big appetite.

   However, Su Qingyue was not very surprised, because when he decided to acquire Fengli Technology, he had already thought of the things he might encounter, all kinds of difficulties or the lion's big mouth. So now, he thought for a moment, but just put down the coffee cup and smiled.

   He judged quickly in his heart.

Yuedao’s acquisition of Fengli cares more about not the benefits, but the concept of cooperation, which helps to increase the valuation of Yuedao’s IPO and also contributes to the future layout and development of the post-listing; and what Mr. Chen gets is the independence of the team. , Regain their former self; as for equity, although they seem to have gained a lot, they are still within the scope of interest.

   Su Qingyue felt that when looking at one thing, one should not only look at the price, but also with power and rights, and each one should take what he needs. As Guan Hongjian said, Fengli Technology is indeed very useful to him. And looking at it now, the two parties can achieve coordination in performance and a balance of rights in the future.

   The opposite Guan Hongjian was looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

   Now Su Qingyue admits that Guan Hongjian is about to reach the edge of his defense. After a step, the other party may give up, but if he takes a step back, he will lose his interest. It is said that Zhou Yang is good at calculating. Now Su Qingyue feels that Guan Hongjian is better than him.

He thought to himself, instead of holding up the coffee, he slowly said: "We can talk about the conditions and issues of equity in detail. But initially, I don't have much opinion on what you have raised." Su Qingyue didn't say anything about it. Speaking of death, I added another sentence: "As for Fengli, I will talk to them."

"Well, we will not be embarrassed about the acquisition." Guan Hongjian said with a smile: "President Su, you have to be there as soon as possible. After all, opportunities are not to be missed, and time will never come. You know the value of Fengli. And we have never given up on the concept of packaging and listing."

   "No problem, I will work on this as soon as I go back." Su Qingyue replied.

   "Yes, but I suggest that you can first send a letter of intent to Fengli Technology in accordance with the rules..." Guan Hongjian made a suggestion, and then said: "With the official documents, we can suspend other things."

   "Okay, no problem." Su Qingyue agreed.

   Then, he took a sip of coffee, put down the cup, and raised his wrist.

   Guan Hongjian understood his mind and said, "President Su, I have another meeting this afternoon. Today, should we come here first?"

   Su Qingyue immediately got up and shook hands with him.

   Guan Hongjian said again: "When we have time, let's get together alone."

  Su Qingyue said that he wanted to go out. Guan Hongjian greeted his secretary Helen and said, "Helen, send Mr. Su to him."

After leaving the building, Su Qingyue hadn't spoken yet, Zhou Ziyou said with emotion: "What is it, this appetite is too big? Why doesn't he go to grab it?" He said, and asked Su Qingyue: "However, Having said that, Fengli is indeed a relatively good target. Boss, now that it’s done, the investment letter of intent should be as soon as possible..."

   "Yes!" Su Qingyue said.

   After thinking for a moment, Su Qingyue reiterated the thought process he had promised. Zhou Ziyou listened, nodded from time to time, and finally said: "I understand, everyone takes what he needs."

   They were talking, and the car was on the road of Pingjing, stopping and stopping. It was late autumn after all, and it was obviously darker than before. It was not yet five o'clock when I looked at the watch, and there was already a faint feeling, and the sun in the distance began to slowly fall.

   went back to the work unit and continued to work.

   Su Qingyue first talked with Chen Feng on the phone, and then he asked the relevant department to arrange work.

   Then, he flipped through the news of the day and saw an interview with the producer of "Dudu Kart" on Jinghe.com.

   Since Fengli Technology tasted the sweetness from the leisure track, in addition to its own R&D transformation, it has also contracted leisure products from other teams in the industry, including this "Dudu Kart".

   Su Qingyue is slightly interested, click to enter. It turned out that the producer was Feng Xiaojiang, a native of Nanyue, and his father was the boss of a well-known pharmaceutical group in China.

   This is an out-and-out rich second generation, and the reason for making a cartoon racing car, according to the interview, he thinks it is to generate electricity for love. He believes that with the strength of domestic research and development, it is difficult to develop games of the quality of Need for Speed, not to mention the problems of internet speed and hardware.

   He made such a cartoon racing game. At the beginning, it was just to satisfy the brothers in their team, who can usually play online. Because of Hou Lili's recommendation, Chen Boss signed this product with the mentality of giving it a try. But even Feng Xiaojiang himself did not expect that after several small-scale limited tests, the market is now so hot.

   Feng Xiaojiang concluded that all this is because he loves too much. He not only loves games, but also loves racing. He never thought about making money, just from the point of view of the fun of the game, and this kind of purity and sincerity moved the players.

Looking at his interview, between the lines, he revealed his ideals, goals, and not bad money: "All of these are my passions. The future operation of this game is not that critical to me. It's just that it's good to make money; you can't make money. , I don’t care either. I care more about my own dreams than these imaginary ones."

   Su Qing smiled and felt that life is really wonderful.

   However, such a person may not be able to achieve a large scale in the game circle, but it should be no problem to achieve one or two products with one or two products. After all, nothing can stop the enthusiasm. Su Qingyue believes in Ouyang and Feng Xiaojiang as well. Although they are two extremes, they all go to the same destination quickly.

   was thinking, the phone rang suddenly.

   Su Qingyue took a look and found that it was You Xianming, not knowing what he was looking for, so he picked it up.

Before he could speak, You Xianming's voice came through the receiver: "Brother, it's been so long, so you don't even say to call me? Did you forget my brother a long time ago?" He said, slightly. He giggled, jokingly.

   "I have forgotten anyone, it is impossible to forget you, eldest brother." Su Qingyue replied.

The two exchanged a few simple words, and You Xianming entered the topic: "I will get married next weekend, brother UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you must come. Nothing else, you must come, no matter what. Let go, this matter of mine is the most important thing."

   He smiled and said, Su Qingyue glanced at the schedule.

   There is no problem with time, but I suddenly felt something was wrong, because he had just attended a wedding of You Xianming last year. The next moment he asked in surprise: "Big brother, when did you divorce?"

   "Christmas at the end of last year." You Xianming said on the phone, explaining: "The relationship is broken, and I really can't make it through."

   Listening to You Xianming's words, Su Qingyue chuckled secretly. As far as he knows, this eldest brother got married for the third time last year. It was the fourth time this year, but he didn't say anything else, only said: "Don't worry, I will be there."

"Yes, brother, this matter must come." You Xianming explained with a smile, and said: "I found you a sister-in-law, who is only twenty-five this year. This time is different. I think I have found true love. So I assure you that there will never be a divorce anymore." He laughed and said haha.

   After a while, he hung up, and he resumed work.

   looked at his watch, it was almost time.

   Su Qingyue got up and went home and sat in the car. He let out a sigh of relief, hoping that the matter would end smoothly.


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