Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 696: : Cannot go back

   Su Qing became more angry, and this behavior has exceeded the bottom line of the industry.

   Yuedao is a high-quality company recognized by the industry, and it is impossible to go public. Originally, Fengli was just a supplement to Yue Dao, and it was the icing on the cake. But after Guan Hongjian's exposure, the attention of employees, the industry, officials, and capital have all been attracted.

   If you don’t continue, then not only will you become a joke, it will also affect the entire company to be jokes. It's like you gave everyone a promise and drew a big pie. Every aspect of your expectations has been improved, and the result can't be realized. It's better not to paint.

   Guan Hongjian’s hateful place lies in putting the entire Yue Dao and Su Qingyue on fire, and at the same time, he wants to destroy Su Qingyue’s reputation and force him to eat this fly.

   This really serves multiple purposes, putting Yuedao in a dilemma, reducing Yuedao’s popularity in the capital market, and regaining its popularity and capital attention through Yuedao’s quotation and media publicity.

   Thinking of this, Su Qing realized that now the arrow is on the line and has to be sent.

   But what should I do? I must act immediately.

   A counterattack requires a counterattack strength, which is for the capital and the industry.

   The phone rang again, and Su Qingyue glanced at the screen and found that it was He Jiahua.

He picked it up, and the latter's voice came out of the receiver, and asked, "Qingyue, what's the matter with your acquisition of Fengli? How did you make such a noise? It was announced by someone, right? "He said, the whole person was still gentle, and he didn't use the topic as expected to mention anything about Zhang Yichun.

   I didn't think he would know about it so soon, Su Qing simply explained the whole thing and explained the reason for his acquisition of Fengli. He Jiahua heard this and said, "You don't need to explain these things to me," He Jiahua said: "The key is that you are dealing with Guan Hongjian. You should tell me. I still understand this person."

   Listening to him speaks with a calm attitude, which does not mean complaining.

   Su Qingyue said: "Because this is a normal acquisition, and it is an early contact."

   "For everyone, the benefits are enough. You can look down and see, but not for Guan Hongjian." He Jiahua explained, "Do you have any plans now?"

   "There is no doubt! I want to continue!" He said, telling He Jiahua his thoughts.

   "No problem, just tell me if you have any needs." He Jiahua said, and then asked: "Qingyue, now we are at a critical moment, don't make things happen."

   After another word, hung up the phone.

   Su Qingyue sat in a chair, pondering for a long while.

   is not only about Guan Hongjian, but also about He Jiahua. After the Zhang Yichun incident, neither of them mentioned this matter, let alone the chief financial officer. Everyone is smart, but Su Qingyue is a little uneasy, thinking of the family spring and autumn system mentioned by Du Nanxiang, I always feel that things are not so easy to pass.

   He continued to work thinking about it.

   Check all kinds of news about the equity system from the Internet, including Fengli Technology.

   He discovered that the reason why Hengping wanted to buy Fengli Technology from Yuedao was because of the entire Hengli system, only Fengli was the highest quality. Originally, Zhengshang Network was also very promising, but because of engine problems, it was completely eliminated, and the other companies could not compete with Fengli at all.

   Although Fengli Technology missed the best opportunity, he gave them the engine in time, plus Chen Feng has the ability, Jiang Jiming and Hou Lili's assistance. Their self-developed music games are now lingering in the second line anyway. In addition, the cartoon racing car represented is very promising.

   This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that in the process of business development, Chen Feng has gradually found the development direction and market entry point of Fengli, which is the leisure track. Although the current leisure track cannot compete with the main track, and the market is not large, the threshold of this track is high. Once an advantage is formed, it is difficult for others to come and cut the cake.

  Su Qingyue believes that once a leading company in a certain field has stable performance, the future can be expected. Such a company is undoubtedly a good target. In an instant, he understood what he should do. Decided that this matter will not be known to anyone.

   Because from the company level, this matter has nothing to do with normal business. No matter what happens, it can't affect the company's normal business. This is the key and fundamental.

  Su Qingyue believes that Chen Shanfeng understands himself. Because his sincerity and thoughts have been expressed clearly enough. Although Fengli Technology is good, if you want to go further, if you want to achieve your goals, you must cooperate with Yuedao and accept the supply of funds and resources from Yuedao. It's just that now Chen Feng's identity is not convenient to participate.

   The more Su Qing understood him, if he stood on his side, he would undoubtedly offend equity and cause misunderstandings by other shareholders; if he stood on equity, this would not be the best choice for Fengli. What's more, it will destroy the relationship between the two.

   He didn't want Chen Feng to feel that he was a pawn, lest he feel sad.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked Guan Pengpeng to come to the office online: "I need you to make a copy of all the current games of Fengli Technology, including self-developed and agency." He said, and pointed out: "Especially the production of cartoon racing. All the information about people, I need to know very clearly."

   "Understand, I will do it right away." Guan Pengpeng nodded and sat opposite him.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked: "Boss, are these the only ones?" He said, referring to Su Qingyue's computer screen: "Don't you need to react to the posts about us in the forum? Just let them just leave it like this. ?"

   "I will consider the steps." Su Qingyue said: "As for the post, don't worry."

   "Understood. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Guan Pengpeng nodded, got up and left.

   Su Qingyue continued to think about the whole thing: for this matter, for equity, for Fengli, for this product. He must understand these thoroughly, make a complete plan, and then implement it step by step according to the plan.

After a while, Guan Pengpeng came back and said, "By the way, boss, He Cunxi came to visit us on a routine basis today. Mainly, I just took over." He explained and asked, "Would you like to meet? "

   "Okay, it happened that we hadn't seen each other for a long time." Su Qingyue smiled and said, "He's here, you inform me."

   "Okay." Guan Pengpeng said and left.

   Su Qingyue continued to work again, watching the full screen criticizing and questioning Yue Dao.

   He knew that the counterattack was light, but it was actually difficult because it was almost a dead end.

  The most painful thing for people is that even in the face of death, they cannot retreat, and there is nowhere to retreat.

   I had a simple meal at noon.

   In the afternoon, there was a lot of noise outside. Guan Pengpeng opened his door again and said, "Boss, He Cunxi is in the VIP reception room. Let him come to your office, or you?"

   Su Qingyue immediately laughed and said, "You go first, and I will be there soon."


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