Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 697: : Goodbye old friend

   It is estimated that Guan Pengpeng has finished talking with He Cunxi, and both teams have also met each other.

  The more Su Qing knew that this kind of meeting was nothing more than a courtesy cutscene. After a big company changes, the general media will be personally led by the editor-in-chief or advertising director to visit.

   This is out of courtesy, and it is also a handover of work. However, their time should not be too long, after all, they are old friends, and they even met earlier than themselves. Before they were both on a media football team, He Cunxi was the forward and Guan Pengpeng was the right back.

  Walking out, seeing Guan Pengpeng and He Cunxi have walked out of the meeting room, they happened to be walking towards themselves. He Cunxi said with emotion: "Pengpeng, I really envy you. Although there are some ups and downs ahead, but with the right person and the right company, this life is suddenly different."

   "Isn't it, now Pengpeng has a beautiful daughter-in-law, and the job is okay, and if he hugs a fat baby, even if his life is at its peak." The person next to him interjected, who was also Guan Pengpeng's old media friend.

   "In fact, it is at such a critical point. For this, I am very grateful to President Su." Guan Pengpeng said with a smile.

   They came over.

Su Qingyue greeted them, called the editor-in-chief He, and said: "You don't have to tell me in advance when you come. Pengpeng said that I only know that you are coming today." Su Qingyue spoke in Vietnamese, smiled and shook hands with him, and said again. : "Sometimes it's too busy. Gu can't come to entertain you, but if you want to find me, just find me. It won't interfere."

   "The main reason is that I am afraid of delaying your work. Knowing that you are busy, I am not as embarrassed to interrupt." He Cunxi said.

Su Qing smiled and said, "No matter how busy you are, don't you see friends, eat or drink?" He said, pointing to his office and said: "Go... Go to my office, I just got some red robe, you drink Order, and then take the tea away."

   As he said, He Cunxi laughed and walked in with him.

   Su Qing understands that since Yue Dao has grown bigger and bigger, he has actually developed a distance with many friends. This is not because I deliberately avoided something, or because everyone opened the gap. But the company is too busy, sometimes there is no time to take care of the party, which creates a sense of alienation.

Entering the office, he asked He Cunxi to sit down and said, "Brother, although we don't contact us very often now, we are still our own brothers. You should come and come back. No matter how big the company is, the brothers are still brothers." Said, took out the tea, and said: "This year's new tea, the owner's own tea garden in Wuyishan Bao, is very good."

   He said, start making water.

   He Cunxi smiled and said, "I am really embarrassed to ask the chief executive to give me tea."

"You take the tea back." He said, putting the tea on He Cunxi's side, and then said: "As long as there are people here, I must be the one who makes tea. I like this. I drink tea while talking. To the sky. Tea can relax people, and if you are tired from work, you can relax even if you drink a little."

   He said, pour out the first bubble.

   From the second bubble, pour him tea.

   He Cunxi took the tea cup, blew it twice, and took another sip. The next moment, he yelled: "Good tea, really good tea." He said: "When I drink it with you, my tea has to be thrown away." He smiled and said, picking up what Su Qingyue gave him. Tea, look and look again.

   The two laughed.

Then, He Cunxi put down the tea cup and said, "President Su, I know about you. I heard that it is related to Guan Hongjian from Heng Ping?" He said, "Everyone is fried in the group." It’s said that Guan Hongjian can play and don’t play if he can’t afford it. What’s the matter?”

"Your media information is quite well-informed." Su Qing laughed, and suddenly remembered the producer of "Tuk Tuk Kart" he had just interviewed, and asked casually: "By the way, I think you interviewed Feng Xiaojiang that day. ?" He said, followed by another sentence: "It's the boss of Dudu Game Company."

   "Yes, I just came back from Nanyue last week." He Cunxi said.

   "How is your relationship with him?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"It's okay. This person is quite easy to deal with. It's a bit unexpected." He Cunxi said, and then: "I thought at first that a rich second generation must be extremely difficult to speak. And I guess I'm used to it, who's You may not give up face, you can see the sky with your eyes. I didn’t expect to see you, and found that it’s actually quite talkative, not the rich second generation that everyone thinks."

   Su Qingyue smiled, and said, "What does his family do?"

"He started in the pharmaceutical factory. He is the oldest child in the family. Both my sister and brother are several years older than him. They have already taken over, but he has been wandering outside. First, he went to the United States to learn computer science, and then he went to Japan to learn animation production. "He Cunxi said: "He is not interested in succession, it is completely based on temperament, his parents and sisters are used to him."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded with interest.

   He Cunxi asked, "What's the matter? Mr. Su is interested in them?"

   "I just think their game is doing well."

"That's not it. He really started from his interest. It really cost a lot of money. Although it is a karting, it is a cartoon version, but in many ways, it really restores a lot of professional things in racing. Many foreign gods come to guide." He said: "By the way, he seems to be a supercar club."

   When he said so, Su Qing realized that, as reported, this is not a simple rich second generation.

   His idea seems simple, he uses the best products and sells the best prices. Although the reason is very simple, people usually make mistakes when choosing the best talents, and they make mistakes themselves, resulting in products that do not reflect their true strength.

   But this person is different, he can really use all of these well.

   is certainly not a simple person.

   "What do you think of this person?" Su Qingyue asked casually, actually talking about character.

"It's hard to say, because there is no deep friendship, I can only say that this person is very insightful, very nice." He Cunxi said: "You will reduce the misunderstanding of the rich second generation by contacting him. He is really affected by it. The second generation is well-educated, insightful, capable, and ideal."

   understood what he meant, Su Qingyue nodded.

   Although I felt that there was something missing in this answer, I didn't speak much.

   Following He Cunxi seemed to think of something, and then said: "But President Su, if you want to cooperate with capital, I am afraid it will be boring. I have come into contact with him in this way, and I feel that he will not give too much face."

   He said, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Su Qingyue nodded.

He Cunxi said again: "By the way, have you seen the news a few days ago?" He asked, but in a declarative tone, he said: "After a Ferrari hit the isolation fence in the basement, the man disappeared. "He said: "This is Feng Xiaojiang, such a good Ferrari crashed, he didn't care about it, turned his head and went home." He said, finally concluded: "I feel, this person cares more about his own feelings. , Very self."

   Listening to him, Su Qing remembered that there was indeed such a piece of news on Dongfang.com.

   They chatted and continued to drink tea.

   He Cunxi asked if he wanted to introduce himself.

   Su Qingyue wanted to say yes, but the last thing he said was: No need. "

   He thought it was still early, and He Cunxi introduced that the other party might not give any face.

   They continued chatting again. Su Qingyue discovered that He Cunxi also had the idea to quit Party A, and felt that the media was really not a way out. Su Qingyue listened, and helped him come up with some ideas and analyzed the current situation. If He Cunxi wants to do it, what should be done.

   The two discussed seriously for a while.

   After a while to see that the time was almost up, He Cunxi got up.

   Su Qingyue personally took him to the elevator entrance.


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