Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 700: : First met Feng Xiaojiang

  Watch Feng Xiaojiang walk in.

  Wearing an unlicensed white round-neck t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of worn leather shoes, he looked at a very low-key person. His skin is different from everyone here, it is healthy bronze. The lips are slightly thicker, and the hair is very stylish because of waxing.

   Su Qingyue thinks of the male stars under Liming's banner, they are indeed very handsome. However, Feng Xiaojiang doesn't have the idol baggage of those male stars, everything looks very natural, as if he was born like this.

   As soon as he came in, You Xianming smiled and said, "Xiao Jiang, you walked more than half an hour earlier than us."

   When he said this, everyone laughed.

Wang Xu, who was next to   , immediately followed: "He mainly doesn't know how to turn, and he has to come straight in any car."

   As soon as he said this, everyone laughed louder.

  Su Qingyue guessed what this might be, and the next moment You Xianming explained to him that the last time Feng Xiaojiang crashed the sports car.

   Several people were talking, and a beautiful girl walked in from outside the house.

  The boyfriend-style T-shirt is added to the body, and the loose version shows a lazy and casual feeling. The warm yellow and white shorts are matched, and the sharp contrast of colors instantly shows the girl's youthful vitality. With white canvas shoes and transparent stockings, it is simple and playful, but not exaggerated.

   Seeing everyone, put his hands together shyly, and then walked straight towards Feng Xiaojiang.

   Feng Xiaojiang later explained: "It was mainly to pick up Cheryl. There was a traffic jam in Hengqin."

   They talked and sat down.

  You Xianming then introduced Feng Xiaojiang: "My brother, Su Qingyue, the owner of Yuedao Network." He said, smiling and adding two sentences: "You must have heard of someone in the industry."

"General Su, I have heard that the Raiders of Yangcheng is still a classic in the industry." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile, and after You Xianming and Su Qingyue shook hands courteously, and said: "You are going to be listed this year. Bar?"

   "Yes, I'm doing it." Su Qingyue replied with a smile.

   He found that Feng Xiaojiang was very courteous, but he was not the fake politeness in the industry who would feel complacent as soon as he saw him. Feng Xiaojiang's speech and demeanor were plain and sincere, without deliberate enthusiasm, nor pretending to be cold. In short, everything is natural.

   Hearing that Su Qingyue’s company was going public, Wang Xu, who was next to him, laughed and said, “Brother, always listen to my elder brother say your name. Can’t you join our supercar club?”

   "Yes, Mr. Su, just join in, and I will send you the car." You Xianming said with a smile.

   "Wait until the listing is finished, now I can't touch the ground." Su Qingyue replied with a smile.

  A waiter came in and brought a bottle of whiskey. You Xianming introduced: "I prepared it specially for you, Hanyu Poker's. You have to try it anyway today."

   "No problem, but I will drink less today." Feng Xiaojiang smiled and said: "Tomorrow is a big event, don't delay. Also, if you drink too much, the alcohol in the morning will not be consumed, and driving is prone to danger."

   "Don't worry about this, there won't be more wine on the table." You Xianming said with a smile.

   They were talking and the food came.

   From abalone with rice, to salt and pepper mantis shrimp, fish maw, all are classics in Cantonese cuisine.

   Everyone ate two bites and toasted together, wishing You Xianming a happy wedding. Wang Xu smiled even more: "My brother Ming is good everywhere, but the love road is a bit bumpy. I always meet some women who make his heart beat and disturb his heartstrings."

   He deliberately used poetic and pictorial language to describe You Xianming's past, and everyone laughed instantly.

  Su Qingyue found that Feng Xiaojiang did not smile, but only gently picked vegetables for the girl who was with him.

   After the first three cups, the more we talked, the better.

You Xianming and Feng Xiaojiang said: "You two are colleagues, you need to get in touch with each other," he said, referring to Su Qingyue and said: "My game is only made possible by Mr. Su's help. Xiaojiang, let me tell you, Su It's not only ability, but more importantly, acting righteously."

"It can be seen." Feng Xiaojiang smiled and held the cup to Su Qingyue, and said: "I have seen your interview. You are a reporter, and then you do the market, and then you do the product. The span is huge, really. It's very powerful."

   "It's all due to my brothers, I just got everyone up." Su Qingyue said with a smile, and followed with the cup.

  The latter finally ordered: "Let’s drink less today. Tomorrow is my Ming brother’s big day."

   "That's right." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   They drank all the wine, Feng Xiaojiang said again: "I know you are an old man from Hualuo."

"Yes." Su Qingyue said: "Chen Feng, who is acting for "Dudu Kart", used to be Hualuo's vice president, as well as my boss and immediate supervisor at the time. He encouraged me to start a business at the time. You can say, He is my career guide..."

   "I heard him talk about you, Mr. Chen said that your understanding of the market and products is far better than him." Feng Xiaojiang said: "Your results are even more so, everyone can see them there."

   "Everyone knows very well in doing business. In many cases, ability cannot be equated with results." Su Qingyue said, adding, "Many times there is luck in it."

   "One fate, two luck, three geomantic omen, four merits, five spiritual practice." You Xianming followed.

   "Yes, boss, you will be immortal tomorrow..." Wang Xu teased at You Xianming.

   Everyone laughed.

   Feng Xiaojiang urged everyone to take the right amount and have a drink.

   Then he asked Su Qingyue: "When will President Su leave?"

   "It hasn't been decided yet, but it should be the day after tomorrow."

   "Then we come down to contact?" Feng Xiaojiang said.

   Su Qingyue immediately agreed, saying: "No problem, let's get in touch."

   They were talking, and You Xianming smiled and said, "You two leave a phone call with each other. After the wedding, you will get together."

   He said, drinking again.

   Soon there was no wine on the table. Originally, You Xianming wanted to have a drink, but everyone refused.

   In the end, they only drank two bottles of white wine and one bottle of foreign wine.

   After returning to the hotel to rest, Dongshan suddenly said to himself: "This tour is very smart."

   "Oh? Where did you see it?" Su Qingyue asked instantly.

   "This person is confused on the surface, but he is very clear in his bones. He drank very happily and looked very messy, but everyone on the scene felt that he was taken care of." Dongshan said.

  Su Qingyue nodded, thinking he was right, and then said: "Then what do you think of Feng Xiaojiang?"

"President Feng has great wisdom. He should be a very thoughtful person." Dong Shan said, before Su Qingyue responded, "He said everything in this wine bureau today, but he said nothing. Children coming out of such a family have seen big scenes. Unlike my own children, they have not been anywhere until now..."

   When he said so, Su Qing was startled.

   casually said: "When you finish this time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I will give you a long vacation and take your wife and children around. You do the things, and I pay the money."

   "No need, no need to approve fakes, money is really unnecessary. The boss gave me so much, and now I have to pay for it when I go out to play, I'm still a human being."

   "That's it, fake and polite..."

   "It's really not...well, I don't know what to say, I just sigh with emotion. Boss, having said that, I also like to think about driving before, I just give you some inspiration from my perspective."

  Think of Dongshan used to be a black car driver. The customers they see every day are all sorts of strange, and it can be said that they know countless people. He thought, he couldn't help patting Dongshan on the shoulder, indicating that his analysis was correct.

Dongshan said again: "Feng Xiaojiang, on the surface, has a kind of arrogance that can't be concealed, and he refuses to be thousands of miles away. He is different from Wang Xu. Wang Xu feels like an outburst at first glance. Feng Xiaojiang is not, he has My own set of ideas should care about my own things.

   "I care about my own things?" Su Qingyue asked.

   Dongshan walked to the door and said with a smile: "I don't understand how that word is said for a while." He smiled and scratched his head.

   Su Qing thought for a while, but didn't understand what he meant, but didn't ask.

   Then, they soon separated at the door, and Su Qingyue returned to his room.


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