Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 701: : Big wedding

   The wedding of the southern Cantonese took place very early.

   When Su Qingyue arrived at his home at half past five, You Xianming and others had already got up. He changed into a Chinese-style gown with auspicious clouds on it. The groom’s hat is also very beautiful.

   There are many people in the house. You Xianming's house is a single-family European-style four-story villa. There are 36 sports cars of various colors outside the courtyard.

   Several friends who drank yesterday helped You Xianming rush forward and backward. Wang Xu kept talking, asking everyone to park the car.

   Su Qingyue has seen a wedding exaggerated, but he saw it for the first time like this. When entering, You Xianming greeted him and asked Feng Xiaojiang to take care of Su Qingyue, and said: "Brother, I can't take care of you today, so let Xiaojiang stay with you."

   "Brother, today you are the protagonist, you are busy with you, don't be so polite." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   Feng Xiaojiang also laughed beside him, and led Su Qingyue to eat morning tea in the restaurant on the first floor.

   I didn’t expect that although time was tight, they still prepared exquisite handicap, from shrimp dumplings to barbecued pork buns, and seafood porridge.

   and Dongshan filled their stomachs and heard applause outside.

   It turns out that the ceremony is about to officially begin.

   Su Qingyue hurriedly went out, the whole ceremony was crowded with people. He and Feng Xiaojiang watched for a while and felt the difference in the acceptance ceremony of the Nan Cantonese. Su Qingyue and Feng Xiaojiang went out and watched Wang Xu smoking outside, chatting with one person and said, "This time we are here in Nanyue, as long as it is a high-end sports car."

   Feng Xiaojiang smiled when he was talking.

   Su Qingyue walked to Feng Xiaojiang's Lamborghini, and the scissor door opened. The others followed and went to the hotel where the woman was staying. Feng Xiaojiang and Su Qingyue said that the woman's hotel was opened by Uncle Wang Xu.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Feng Xiaojiang followed the team, suddenly laughed, and said, "What do you think of him?"

   "It's funny."

"His family is in the north. Uncle first came to us to do business, and then his dad came. We were junior high school classmates. This kid got in a big trouble and was fired. Later, his father arranged another school for him. I'm on it again." Feng Xiaojiang said and laughed: "But he didn't change his original intention, so what should he do?"

   He was talking and amused Su Qingyue.

   The car continued to drive forward. Su Qingyue felt that the car was very uncomfortable and the vision was not very good.

   He asked casually: "Are you from Southern Cantonese too?"

   "Strictly speaking, yes." He said, but then said: "My family is actually from Chaoshan."

   He said, and asked Su Qingyue where he was.

   "I am from Huaiwen."

"Yuji’s hometown, isn’t it?" Feng Xiaojiang said, an affirmative questioning. Seeing Su Qingyue nodded, he said: "I went there before when I drove across the river and sea. The places along the route have been turned along the way, which is very interesting."

   "You can tell me next time you go, if I'm there, I will show you around." Su Qingyue said.

   "No problem." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile.

   Their car continued to drive forward. Because it is a team, these super sports cars do not discriminate against sports cars. They were very slow, and from time to time they cooperated with four camera cars to shoot around them. The team attracted the attention of countless people. Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile: "Every time you get married, you are like a war. The battle is terrifying."

   "Well, I saw it last time."

"Last time I was not in China, I don't know, but the second time he even used the airplane." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile, "You, don't look at the frequent changes of women, but as long as his beloved person makes a request, He agreed. Buying all kinds of money, giving all kinds of money, getting married and giving the face of a full-fledged girl, he never disputes in this respect."

   "Is a man of affection and righteousness." Su Qingyue said.

"No, you should say that he is a kind and righteous scumbag." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile: "Don't look at his first three divorces, but none of them scolded him. As long as the other party still needs resources, he needs resources for resources. Money for money. Such a scumbag is still liked by everyone everywhere."

   Listening to him, Su Qing smiled more.

   believes that emotional problems belong to feelings, but morality is always necessary. I believe You Xianming must still believe in love, otherwise how could he get married. In marriage, men should take on family responsibilities, instead of blaming women for snobbery all day long.

   They were talking and the car finally arrived.

   After a burst of firecrackers, Su Qingyue and Feng Xiaojiang got out of the car. The front was very lively, especially when Wang Xu took the lead to walk in. The kid scattered red envelopes around and said: "Come! Come! Today is the day of my big brother's rejoicing. Don't be polite, it's auspicious." They talked and walked in.

  Because there are too many people, it's too lively.

   Su Qingyue simply did not go in with Feng Xiaojiang, they stayed outside the hotel. Leaning on the car and chatting, Su Qingyue found that Feng Xiaojiang was very talkative, and he wanted to talk to himself. As Dongshan said yesterday, he is a person with independent thinking ability and has his own ideas.

   They talked very happily, but Su Qingyue remembered He Cunxi's words again: If you want to talk to him about the acquisition, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

   In the next moment, Su Qingyue feels that at least he can talk to him about the industry and see his attitude.

   Thinking of this, Su Qingyue said: "President Feng, do you have any new plans besides this game now?"

   "Not yet, I'm still thinking about it." Feng Xiaojiang said, after thinking about it, and then: "Manager Su, I happen to have a question too, and I want to consult you."

   "Just say it." Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

The latter then said: “What I am wondering now is how to maintain a good iteration of a product. Although "Dudu Kart" is very good now, I understand that a studio cannot rely on only one product. He must have The ability to bring forth the new and the life cycle of the product must be extended. I think this is a very difficult thing."

   Listening to him, Su Qingyue was startled.

   realized that Feng Xiaojiang had a long-term plan, and he was definitely not the one who played the ticket.

   thought for a moment, UU reading www. He replied at uukanshu.com: "I think we should start from the direction first. Including the direction of the company, the direction of the studio, the direction of the product. If the direction is wrong, then it will be difficult to do it later." He said: " But if the direction is correct, such as your casual game, there will always be results if you stick to it. The premise of the direction is ability and interest, both of which are indispensable. After all, games are cultural and creative industries."

   "Your idea is right." Feng Xiaojiang nodded.

   They just talked about this industry.

   Su Qingyue discovered that Feng Xiaojiang is not out of reach. It is even possible to talk more and go deeper, including telling him about his plans. Thinking of this, Su Qingyue continued to talk to him.

   After about an hour, the ceremony is over.

  You Xianming picked up the bride, and they walked back.

   They talked a lot on the way, and soon the bride was picked up and returned to the hotel.

   The formal wedding is the same grand, this time also combined with video.

   When they looked at this, Feng Xiaojiang and Su Qingyue said, "Mr. Su, shall we finish looking for a cafe to sit for a while?"

   "Okay." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   The wedding on the stage continued at this time, and Su Qingyue and Feng Xiaojiang followed everyone to applaud.


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