Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 702: : First talk

     You Xianming's wedding was held in the most luxurious five-star hotel in Nanyue. Although it was very grand, there were not many tables, only 16 tables.

   According to Wang Xu, these dishes are carefully selected by him, from Liao ginseng to Australian lobster, abalone and king crab, and Feitian Maotai.

   After the wedding ceremony, You Xianming came over to toast, and everyone rushed to have fun.

   However, Su Qingyue and Feng Xiaojiang did not drink. One of them thinks it is inconvenient to drink and drive, and the other is that everyone is not familiar with it and they are not used to drinking on such occasions.

   The entire banquet went smoothly. After the end, everyone took photos with the bride and groom.

  Su Qingyue discovered that You Xianming's wife looked at You Xianming's eyes, just like admiring a statue. It's almost at the same pace with him, very admiring. She doesn't look pretty, at least it's far behind people like Gan Lin.

Feng Xiaojiang said: "This may be the only girl You Xianming finds who is not outstanding in appearance. However, their Hakka girls have a very strong family concept and are very family-oriented. I hope that this time the big brother can be a little more stable and don't always have hallucinations. Every woman is nice to him."

   "Brother, this is not an illusion, it is an intuition. His intuition is that everyone will look at him." Wang Xu interjected, again causing a group of people to laugh wildly.

   They chatted and took a group photo.

   Su Qingyue then bid farewell to You Xianming, and then went to the coffee shop he said with Feng Xiaojiang.

"This cafe is the most authentic I have ever drunk in Nanyue. I used to drink it every day when I was studying abroad. This is the taste." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile, drove the car on the viaduct, and said: "It's a little bit far away. But it's great value for money, you will taste it later."

   "No problem." Su Qingyue said.

   He found that Feng Xiaojiang did not maximize the performance of the sports car, the car did not drive very fast, and even an Audi easily surpassed them. Feng Xiaojiang was not in a hurry, and introduced to Su Qingyue: "I don't usually like to drive a sports car. Generally, I will try to drive an SUV out of it when there is nothing wrong with it."

   He said, Su Qing was taken aback.

Feng Xiaojiang complained again: "I drive a sports car, mainly because I like the mechanical shape of the sports car. It is really good. But it is very uncomfortable to sit on, and the vision is not open," he said, laughing: "I and you Said that Mr. You wanted to buy the 918 at first, but found that his stomach couldn't get in."

   "The vision is not wide enough, the space is indeed a bit small." Su Qingyue smiled slightly, complained briefly, and then said: "I think you are doing a good job in Dudu Kart. I thought you were a racing master."

"No, I am definitely not. Wang Xu was right." Feng Xiaojiang explained: "In addition to the technical aspects, I actually care more about the psychology of car riders, what they think, and why we like racing. This is a very important aspect of the product, how do we satisfy users."

  Listening to him, Su Qingyue was startled and asked: "Then what do you think of these people's psychology?"

"I think it's three points." Feng Xiaojiang explained: "The first is the pleasure brought by acceleration and high speed. It can even increase adrenaline and excite the cerebral cortex. That feeling is really great. People should all like this very much. This feeling is so enjoyable."

   admits that he made sense, Su Qingyue nodded.

Feng Xiaojiang said again: "And according to my observations, human beings are addicted to surging power and manipulating complex machinery. We all like the sense of control, and this is not only reflected in the machinery I mentioned. In fact, the racing game is In itself, it is the pleasure of replaying this kind of control."

   "That's right, sometimes you will feel this way when you repeatedly tap the keyboard or the handle." Su Qingyue said.

"That's how I am. I like "Horizon" and "Need for Speed." Feng Xiaojiang said, adding: "The second is the pleasure brought by competition and games. Human competition is ubiquitous, and things like racing belong to The primitive people passed it on to us."

   "But I don't think you don't like racing very much." Su Qingyue asked casually.

"Me?" Started by Su Qingyue's question, Feng Xiaojiang laughed and explained: "Yes, I am not, and I don't like manipulating any machinery." He said, talking about the Ferrari he hit, and said: "Wang Xu was right. I really didn't turn a corner. That's why everyone laughed at me."

   After he said something else, he smiled helplessly.

Su Qingyue was even more surprised and asked: "Then what is your purpose for buying a sports car?" He said, and it was almost useless for Feng Xiaojiang to answer. He suddenly understood the original intention of the latter and said: "You want to make a game, so you buy it. Got a car?"

"Mr. Su, you are a smart person." Feng Xiaojiang laughed: "Few people still understand me. In fact, I told you that I buy a car with a loan, not all at once, as many people think. Anyway, these cars are sometimes opened for one year, and the discount will not be much. Some can increase the price. I think it will be a financial management."

   As he said, he turned the car off the viaduct.

   Su Qingyue discovered that Feng Xiaojiang was very different from the outside world. Still the same sentence, this person cannot simply be attributed to the rich second generation, the dude to start a business. In fact, he is capable and thoughtful.

   As they were talking, the car turned right on the side road ahead and entered an alley. The cafe is in the alley. A black round sign hangs at the door with a simple Greek letter on it. The cafe has a small courtyard with only three tables.

   They chose to sit down under the shade of the trees.

   Feng Xiaojiang ordered ice American, saying that this is his favorite drink abroad, and it can’t be simpler. He said: "I have a drink every morning. Our school also has a cafe with a similar environment. At that time, I often eat a hamburger or sandwich by myself and have a glass of American food. Its best place , It’s bitter, stimulates the taste buds, and makes people more energetic."

   Listening to him, Su Qing smiled more and he ordered a latte.

   They talked about Chen Feng and some things in the industry.

   Su Qingyue once again discovered that he was completely different from the rich second generation in the foreign population, and also different from his own impression. I couldn't help but think that what He Cunxi said may not be all correct. I may be able to talk to him about cooperation at the company level, which may not be a breakthrough.

  Because they had a great conversation, Su Qingyue put down his coffee cup when he thought of it here.

   I have to say that he doesn't like the smell of coffee, even though it does smell. He said at this time: "President Feng, I have time to come to Pingjing, I invite you to drink." He smiled and said: "I found that I and you are really good for a chat."

   "Well, I think you and Chen are always alike, and more interesting than him." Feng Xiaojiang said.

  Su Qingyue then followed: "I feel the same way." He said, and then asked: "President Feng, then do you see that we have no room for cooperation when we look back?"

   Su Qingyue said, unexpectedly Feng Xiaojiang's face changed instantly.

He obviously froze, but then returned to normal. He smiled first, and then said: "President Su, I think you are a sweetheart, and you should be a good friend. I would also like to make your friend." He said : "But if I don't understand it wrong, you are talking about cooperation at the company level or at the capital level, right?"

   Hearing that he was using but to make a turn, Su Qingyue smiled and nodded, and responded: "Yes."

"President Su, I know that there are rumors outside that I am a rich second generation, not short of money, and unwilling to cooperate with others." Feng Xiaojiang said: "I believe such rumors. You have heard it by more than one person. Even people in our company believe in this legend."

   He said so, and he didn't point to the cooperation itself.

   Su Qingyue asked, "Isn't it?"

Feng Xiaojiang laughed instantly: "Of course not, these are all fake. I do business for money, how can I refuse?" He said, "I don't have much interest in my parents' industry, even when I was 18 years old. At that time, I wrote a statement saying no inheritance. Although my parents, including my brothers and sisters, took this statement as a joke, I took it seriously."

   Don’t want family property? Listening to him, Su Qingyue thought he had heard it wrong.

The latter immediately said: "But I still have an interest in the family. In recent years, the competition in the pharmaceutical industry has become more and more fierce. We are not only facing China, but also competing with foreign countries. I have always hoped that I can expand some new products for the family. In the industry, find some channels to make money.” He said, and took a sip of coffee: “The game industry is the best industry I have seen. I like it very much and hope to gain a firm foothold in the industry. UU看书www .uukanshu.com"

   "I can understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

   understands that although he is a rich second-generation, he can't help himself. He has his own ideals. Just like You Xianming, it cannot be said that he has no love at all. This is wrong. Because people who do not have love will never get married. And people without ideals would not do such a thing.

   Su Qingyue felt that he did not simply refuse, he must have his own deeper reasons.

   Feng Xiaojiang seeks not only a product, but the big interests of the industry, not small profits. Thinking of this, Su Qingyue said again: "President Feng, in fact, regardless of your personal ideals or family interests, the success of a game cannot satisfy you. You have bigger plans, right?"

   "You are really just like Mr. Chen said, you are a smart man." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile and lit a cigarette.

"But what I don't understand is, in this case, why do you want to tell many people that you don't mention cooperation at the company or capital level?" He said, asking puzzledly: "If there is a need for greater interests, would it? Shouldn't it be better to do all kinds of cooperation?"

   He said, Feng Xiaojiang was obviously lost in thought.

   After a while, he looked up at Su Qingyue, smiled, and said what he was thinking.



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