Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 703: :understand deeper

"President Su, there are actually a lot of people inside and outside the circle I have contacted. There are some nonsense people, so let's not mention it," Feng Xiaojiang said, because the two had a good conversation before, he opened the chatterbox: "But like you There are actually not a few people who have ideas and insights. However, I believe you also understand the current situation. This is not the era of brutal growth in entrepreneurship. It is now the era of capital."

   As he was talking, Su Qingyue nodded.

   I found that Feng Xiaojiang's judgment on the background of the times is very accurate. From this perspective, this person is by no means rushing into the Internet industry. He has his own thinking about the entire industry.

  In an instant, Su Qingyue became more interested in Feng Xiaojiang. He took a sip from the coffee cup, and patiently listened to him to continue.

"The vast majority of people I contact have a very superficial understanding of racing games, or casual games." Feng Xiaojiang said: "I can understand this because it is a very new product direction after all. Everyone. For this, nothing more than to understand from the perspective of hobbies or capital." He said, and then: "In this case, no matter how much money the other party gives me, it is impossible to change anything. And I thought. Yes, racing games or leisure, they are the future market direction, and can even become mainstream products."

   Listening to him, Su Qingyue understood what he meant by not contacting capital. This is not so-called not bad money, nor is it that the rich second-generation entrepreneurship is willful.

   In fact, Feng Xiaojiang hopes that his collaborators understand the future, understand the market, and really pay attention to this matter, and treat this matter as a business, not a simple investment. His demands are too high, no wonder he has been rejecting all walks of life.

   Thinking of this, Su Qing smiled more and said: "President Feng and the media propaganda are completely different, and they are even more different from what I thought."

"I know." Feng Xiaojiang laughed. In the afternoon the sun penetrated the shade of the trees and hit his face, making him look a little melancholy. He said with emotion: "The media like to exaggerate a certain aspect of the feature, and I am a rich second generation. The background color of is too obvious, and everyone needs a label. I don’t have much opinion on this, everyone is happy."

"As you refuse more and more people, your label will become more and more magnified." Su Qingyue said, took a sip of coffee, and asked: "In fact, you want to find a like-minded person, and work together in this direction. Partner, rather than simply assigning you and your company to whose banner, right?"

   "Su is always a sensible person." Feng Xiaojiang nodded and said: "At least I think everyone's cooperation should be based on reasonable business, based on collaboration, and at the same time ensure the independence of each team."

   He said so, and Su Qingyue nodded.

Simply explain the principle of owning the company to acquire: "Mr. Feng, let me tell you this, including us and Fengli, to discuss acquisitions with any company. The first and most important starting point is to maintain the independence of the team." He said, and emphasized. "Because I have always believed that only by ensuring the independence of the team and protecting their enthusiasm can they continue to be creative."

"I agree with what you said." Feng Xiaojiang nodded and said: "The other is whether the two parties can work together and have a consistent understanding of the direction of the product. I always find this to be a difficult thing, at least in the ones I have seen. There is no such person in the industry."

   finally understood why the others failed. Because they only want a simple acquisition, a conversion of power and rights, and Feng Xiaojiang wants a spiritual partner, and a partner who can truly assist him and achieve success together.

   Su Qing sighed and sighed with emotion: "If I knew what you wanted before I knew you, I don't think you need to say, I will reject myself, let alone talk about acquisitions."

   "You are still very sincere in saying this." Feng Xiaojiang said.

   Although they didn't agree on anything for a while, Su Qingyue felt that his relationship with Feng Xiaojiang was a step closer. At least they both knew each other's needs and confirmed their own styles.

   In the next moment, Su Qingyue said, "Brother, I won't talk about these things. I think it's good for us to make friends."

   "Of course, I think so too." Feng Xiaojiang smiled and said, "I am very happy to meet you."

   Seeing that he is so sincere, Su Qing understands that he is not the dude that many people think of.

   Feng Xiaojiang has his own ideals, and the rich second generation supported by his family. He is well educated and clearly knows what he wants and what he doesn't want. This is different from ordinary people starting a business. Feng Xiaojiang has a huge advantage, which is to resist temptation. And temptation is the biggest trouble for an entrepreneur, and a little carelessness may lead to abandonment of all previous achievements.

   This is a natural advantage that many people do not have.

   Thinking back to myself now, I actually fell into a misunderstanding, that is, regarding Fengli's independence considerations, he is still based on the success in the sense of capital and the emotional considerations between himself and Chen Feng. He didn't think much about what Feng Xiaojiang mentioned based on business and collaboration.

   He was a little scared for a while, and realized that what Feng Xiaojiang mentioned was not simple. Because this is actually a misunderstanding, the layout of acquisitions is not that simple. The same problem is one of the reasons for Zhong Tankai's failure in Zhengshang Network. Even if he did acquire Fengli, the future development may be good, but it is actually just a fluke.

   The real strategic layout of the acquisition should be based on business considerations, capital market considerations, and even the personality match for the founders, and strategic coordination after the acquisition.

   This is really a worthwhile trip. Su Qingyue was in a good mood for a while, feeling that he not only knew who Feng Xiaojiang was, but also what he should do in the future. Now he can't wait to return to Pingjing immediately and invest in research on the casual game market.

   Thinking of this, I chatted with Feng Xiaojiang for a while.

   The latter took a sip of coffee and smiled and explained: "Mr. Su, I can't entertain you today because I am going to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law in the evening."

   "It happened to be the evening I also made an appointment." Su Qingyue said.

   They talked, got up and ran away.

   On the road, I recalled Dongshan and said: He cares about his own things very much, he is a man of great wisdom.

   Su Qing understood that what Feng Xiaojiang cares about is his own ideals.

   At this point, they are all the same people again, and Su Qingyue feels that he owes something to him now.

   Back to the hotel, Su Qingyue was thinking about their conversation this afternoon until after nine o'clock in the evening, but the amount of information in the afternoon was so huge that he was a little tired. He decided to relax, went to the executive lounge, ordered a glass of whiskey, and sat down.


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