Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 705: : Thorough talk

   Feng Xiaojiang’s office is far away from the hotel. After Su Qingyue got in the car, the car went straight to the highway.

   Unexpectedly, he set up the company so far. Su Qingyue thought the office was on the outskirts of the city at first, but it had been more than an hour after looking at the watch before the car pulled off the highway.

The    New Technology Industrial Park sign stands in the green belt of the expressway, and Su Qingyue understands that this place should be the Yizhuang equivalent of Pingjing. He thought, the car turned to the left at a roundabout, and besides the skyscrapers under construction on both sides, there were already built skyscrapers. There are billboards of various technology companies in the building, and the environment is very similar to Hengqin.

   He thought, the car was heading south again, and he saw a group of low buildings. They immediately turned into the park of the building group, where Su Qingyue saw the brand of Feng Xiaojiang Company. Compared with the skyscrapers outside, it looks a bit old, but the view to the south is very comfortable because of the open space.

   Feng Xiaojiang Company is not a big one, it only occupies one third of the first floor. Su Qingyue walked over and said to the front desk. After a while, Feng Xiaojiang greeted him from the office, shook hands with him, and smiled and said, "Mr. Su, it happens that you can visit our company. Don’t look at it now, but it’s still Slowly expand."

   As he said, Su Qingyue smiled and nodded, and walked in with Feng Xiaojiang. There are not many people in their office, and the gap between work stations is not too tight. There are also two treadmills in the corner of the office. Feng Xiaojiang introduced: "Now it's just a research and development team. I don't think it is necessary to rent such a large and good house. You still have to do business according to your ability."

   "We still have to spend the money in key places." Su Qingyue replied.

Because the office is very small, they just simply visited, Feng Xiaojiang led him into the office, took out a paper bag from the cabinet, and said, "A friend of mine came back from South America just two days ago and brought me some over there. You can taste the antigua coffee beans produced."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   Although I don’t understand how this coffee bean is, it’s not easy to think about it. He said, looking around Feng Xiaojiang's office. An ordinary desk, the chair looks like an ergonomic chair with netting. There is a large cabinet. In addition to books, there are also several photo frames and a company mascot doll.

Feng Xiaojiang put the coffee beans into a machine and explained: "This is a hand-cranked bean grinder I brought back from abroad. I usually like to grind coffee manually. I think about some problems in the process, and I grind it manually. Coffee tastes more fragrant."

   He said, the grinder made a noise.

   Feng Xiaojiang asked again: "Su, when is the plane?"

   "I refunded the ticket." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   Feng Xiaojiang was startled when he looked back, and he asked: "Retired?"

   "Yes." Su Qingyue smiled and said: "I want to understand something and want to have a good chat with you."

   "Okay." Feng Xiaojiang nodded and continued to grind coffee.

   He and Su Qingyue introduced what is good about this grinder, and introduced the history of coffee.

   Su Qingyue said: "President Feng is always so serious and persistent in matters he loves."

"Only when people love it, can they really care about it. After being taken care of, affairs can in turn affect us and make us more concerned. I really enjoy this process of doing things." Feng Xiaojiang smiled and took the ground coffee , Put it into the drip filter.

  Su Qingyue noticed that there were also two photo frames on his desk, the same woman they saw at You Xianming Hotel that day. The photo was not taken at this time, but the age should be taken when I was a student. The background is the snow-capped mountains of Northern Europe, and the scenery is pleasant. Maybe they have not been together for a short time.

"This is my fiancee, Cheryl, you met that day." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile, and came over with the prepared coffee, and then introduced: "Our two belong to the family. We were together when we were in high school. The teacher also said to call the parents, but it turned out that this was the case."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   understand that this may be another story that is right.

   He picked up the coffee, without sugar, took a sip first. After the entrance, I felt slightly sour, and at the same time there was sweetness in the aroma, with a slight charcoal taste, I couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's delicious, it feels like drinking freshly produced tea. The freshness is not a machine. It's done."

   "Do you still put sugar and milk?" Feng Xiaojiang asked.

   "No, that's good." Su Qingyue said.

   Feng Xiaojiang laughed and sat down. He took a sip of coffee, looked at the trees outside the window, and the tall buildings in the distance, then pulled his gaze back, and asked Su Qingyue: "Mr. Su, are you thinking about casual games?"

   "Yes, about its future direction." Su Qingyue said, explaining: "At the same time, this is also the key content of where we will go if we cooperate in the future."

   "Direction?" Feng Xiaojiang frowned and asked: "We only finished talking yesterday. Do you want to understand today?"

"In fact, we have been doing research. My subordinate sent an email last night. After reading it and combining overseas information, I suddenly remembered one thing," Su Qingyue said, asking a question: "Why are there so many casual games on the market, but there are always It feels like a breathless breath. From influence to actual income, it has never been able to enter the front line."

   Feng Xiaojiang was startled when he said so.

   became obviously interested, and said, "You said it."

   "It's very simple that everyone went in the wrong direction. Casual games and MMORPGs are not the same. You can't use MMORPGs to promote casual games. This is an essential mistake." Say your own thinking.

   Feng Xiaojiang nodded earnestly and said, "Yes, what is your new direction?"

"Amplify the competitiveness of racing games, the sense of mechanical manipulation, and improve his competitiveness. Because the players of these casual games don't value money, but whoever plays well in the game, who ranks high. Just like WCG Similarly, it should be an event, a sporting event starting from a casual game, rather than going to an Internet cafe to engage in so-called charter events."

"The operation of sports events is a business model that can achieve more profits, quick results, and continuous and stable operation." Su Qingyue said, recalling the plan last night, and said: "Here is like Serie A and the Premier League. All game guilds become participating club teams. These teams will produce star athletes."

Su Qingyue said that Feng Xiaojiang seemed shocked. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly said: "Su, do you know? You may have mentioned a very good business model. If it is a sports event, it can even operate a lot of things. Commercial stars are like Maradona, Figo and Zidane in football."

"Yes, but it's more than that." Su Qingyue said again: "In fact, from the event itself, from the game itself, it can also radiate to many surrounding industries, such as novels, comics, and film and television. This is a very complete chain. It is a complete chain. Combining competition with the cultural industry, the future is unimaginable."

   "I have seen your interview, and I remember you said about big entertainment."

"Yes, yes, this is actually a meaning." Su Qingyue nodded and said: "President Feng, we are going to be a closed-loop world. This is a brand-new track, and the possibilities it can create in the future are even It will be on the same level as the traditional online game industry, because it also has the attributes of a competitive event. It will definitely create huge economic value, just like those football leagues and basketball leagues."

"When Mr. Chen talked to me about you before, he said that your business intuition and sensitivity are something that almost no one in this industry can achieve. Now I see it and find that it is really worse." Feng Xiaojiang was excited. Initiate emotion.

   Su Qingyue smiled and asked: "Then can we talk about cooperation?"

   "Of course you can." Feng Xiaojiang returned. His expression hasn't changed in an instant yesterday, but he still said: "But before cooperating with President Su, I have to tell you the actual situation..."

"you say."

"Mr. Su, of course I am willing to cooperate with you, but now there is a big problem, that is, "Tuk Tuk Kart" has been signed to Fengli Technology." Feng Xiaojiang said, thinking about it and then said: "In this regard, My Feng Xiaojiang speaks for words, and I cannot tear up the agreement arbitrarily. This is not only a violation of business ethics, but also a violation of my inner code."

Listening to him, Su Qingyue smiled and waved his hand and said: "President Feng, you think I was wrong. How could I let you tear up the agreement with Fengli? Chen is always my boss. If I let you do this, it will be more than just It damages the reputation of both of us in the industry and at the same time damages our friendship. What we need to do to do this is multi-party assistance. This kind of damage is absolutely impossible to do."

   "Then how do you want to cooperate?" Feng Xiaojiang was puzzled for a while.

   "I hope to sign the second-generation product of "Dudu Kart"." Su Qingyue said that he finally started his plan. In fact, I didn't expect it to progress so fast. I took a sip of coffee and put the cup down again.

   "But we don't have a second generation?" Feng Xiaojiang said, he looked surprised and didn't understand Su Qingyue's meaning.

"It doesn't matter, you are going to be the second generation sooner or later." Su Qingyue returned, seeing Feng Xiaojiang dumbly, and then said: "And we don't specify the time or the deadline, when will you make it, and when will we start. I It won't give you a lot of pressure, so don't worry about that."

"President Su, to tell the truth, I really don't understand you, but what is certain is that your vision and thinking must be above me." Feng Xiaojiang said, shook his head, and finally said: "This matter I agree, there is no problem."

   They talked and raised the coffee cup together.

   Feng Xiaojiang said again: "General Su has said so much, so what do you think about our capital cooperation?"

   "I don't think we should cooperate in capital for the time being." Su Qingyue said, Feng Xiaojiang was completely stunned.

   Then, he shared his thoughts on capital cooperation...

"In the first step, we signed a contract with "Du Du Kart 2", which caused discussions and hot spots in the industry, but we did not announce our ideas; in the second step, Feng Li lost "Du Du Kart 2", which would inevitably lead to a decline in valuation. This led to the failure of Equity’s integrated listing plan; the third step, we acquired Fengli; the fourth step, Yuedao, Fengli, and Duka Interactive Entertainment (Feng Xiaojiang’s company) integrated and established a joint venture company to conduct games, competitions and peripheral cooperation , Development; the fifth step, based on the new company, attract more capital in sports and entertainment, use the strength of capital and the resources behind it, expand the effect and scale, and go public independently..."

   He said, Feng Xiaojiang listened, obviously the more he listened, the more interested he became.

   Su Qingyue said again: "During this process, UU Reading www.ukanshu.com Yuedao or I personally do not seek control and control rights, and leave everything to Mr. Chen and you."

"Operation is still left to Mr. Chen, and my interest is still in product development. I am not good at and have no interest in matters other than R&D, and I believe Mr. Chen, professional people do professional things." Feng Xiaojiang is also a little excited. .

"No problem, I will arrange the docking when I go back. But before that, I have something to say." Su Qingyue calmed down and continued: "Xiaojiang, let's not hide it from you, before I came, my idea was to buy the company or act as a second-generation product. , Not for anything else, just to combat equity."

When he said so, Feng Xiaojiang smiled and put his hand on the table: "My father often said that the best partner is not a saint. It is good for everyone to be honest with each other." He said, "For your Purpose, I think it’s okay."

   "Since it's all set, I will let our Yuedao business person in charge come over and meet here. Let's hold a media forum in Nanyue these days and announce the news of the cooperation." Su Qingyue said.

   "This is not a problem." Feng Xiaojiang said with a smile, glanced at the wall clock, it was already a little bit, and he said, "Mr. Su, go to our unit canteen for some food."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue responded.

   The two immediately got up and left the office.


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