Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 706: :friend

  Chapter 707 Knowing each other (seeking monthly ticket, seeking subscription)

  Unexpectedly, although Duka Huyu Company is not big, the restaurant is warmly decorated. The warm lighting and white tables and chairs make people feel relaxed when they enter.

  Although it is a buffet, the taste is still good. Su Qing couldn't help but praise it.

Feng Xiaojiang laughed and said, “I matched these stalls according to the company’s staff ratio and tastes. The chefs I found were very good.” He explained, “I think the R&D staff is very hard. Now the company is small, except In terms of money, many benefits are not enough, so try to satisfy everyone in terms of diet."

  "Mr Feng’s philosophy is very good, employees first. This is very important for a company." Su Qingyue nodded and continued to eat with his chopsticks.

They talked a little excitedly. Feng Xiaojiang seemed to have a drink, and he talked a bit too much. He said to Su Qingyue again: "General Manager Su, I haven’t been in the industry for a long time, but I still met a lot of people. Although many people talked with each other. You are also very talkative and insightful. But when it comes to real product research or interest, they are either dizzy or eager to achieve results. No one is like you."

   "It is not easy to be a business, but it is even more difficult to cooperate with ideal people." Su Qingyue said, he understood what Feng Xiaojiang meant.

   "Actually, Mr. Guan also contacted me before and wanted to invest." Feng Xiaojiang said.

   "Hmm." Su Qingyue nodded, not surprised. After all, despite the various integrations of the Equity System, there are few key products that can be obtained on the table. "Dudu Kart" is Fengli's life gate, and naturally it is also the life gate of equity. Guan Hongjian can't just sit back and watch.

"However, I don’t like the way he speaks. I have been abroad for many years and I know exactly what that kind of polite contempt is. A face is always smiling, but it’s not sincere. I don’t like this. It’s impossible for a person like this to put the future of me and my brothers in the hands of such a person.” Feng Xiaojiang said.

  Su Qingyue said with emotion: “This is also a kind of fate. It is actually a kind of luck that the founder and the investor can live together in peace and even have the same enemy.”

Speaking of luck, Feng Xiaojiang immediately seemed confident and confident: "Speaking of luck, my luck is really good. Not only in cooperation, but also in relationship, I am also very lucky, such as my fiancee Cheryl. She is not only my fiancée, but also the partner who supports my career most."

  "Have you known each other for a short time, right?" Su Qingyue asked casually, remembering the performance of the two of them that day.

"We are high school classmates, and we have been together in high school. At that time, many people said that we were married for business, for what benefit." He smiled and said: "In fact, our two childhood sweethearts have played together until the end. What interests are involved?"

  He said so, Su Qing understood that many people always label things they don’t understand.

At this time, Feng Xiaojiang said: "In fact, we are in love very much. Even after I went abroad, our love did not change because of the distance. This is different from Mr. You. I am not a prodigal who looks back and reads Qianfan’s return. "He said: "I and Cheryl have not had any ups and downs today, everything is just going with the flow."

  Listening to him, Su Qingyue suddenly realized that Feng Xiaojiang is not only lucky, he also has a special ability, which is to seize luck.

  In fact, everyone in this world has a lucky side in their lives, but not everyone can grasp it. He thought of this and said with emotion: "President Feng, those who can seize luck are all capable people."

"Thank you for the compliment." Feng Xiaojiang said, and then said: "However, I always feel that the people around me are not like dudes as the outsiders commented. In fact, outsiders have only seen them driving sports cars, but no Seeing their hard work. For example, Wang Xu, looking at the fool, but he is very professional in market research and product research. Now his family's sports brand, because of the adjustment of his product strategy, has recently Annual sales are both double-digit growth."

  Listening to him about Wang Xu, I think of Liu Hao.

  The biggest impression I had of Liu Hao back then was that Liu Paopao, famous watch and wine, and the beauty of the car and beauty every night. But after in-depth contact, they found that the other party is more than just these, these are just a shell, behind them there is actually a greater desire for success.

  Thinking about this, I continued to eat.

  They determined that the teams of both sides will meet tomorrow to determine many matters of cooperation.

  In the afternoon, Su Qingyue left Feng Xiaojiang's company. After returning to the hotel, he contacted Guan Pengpeng as soon as possible, asking him to lead the team to Nanyue before noon tomorrow. Later, he informed Guan Pengpeng about the whole matter and assigned him tasks so that the team tried to make a plan based on this direction before boarding the plane.

Guan Pengpeng then agreed, and then he understood Su Qingyue's plan, and smiled: "Boss, once you get out of this hand, Guan Hongjianfei will have to be blown up by you. He finally made a layout and saved the Zhengshang network. A little loss for you. But if you do this, you will draw a salary from the bottom."

  He said that he instantly understood the subtlety of Su Qingyue’s move.

  Su Qingyue didn’t say much, only re-emphasized: “Let Lily make arrangements as soon as possible, and be sure to arrive at noon tomorrow.”

  They hung up the phone.

  Su Qingyue asked You Xianming for an MPV and asked Dongshan to pick up Yuedao’s team tomorrow.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ he clicked on the industry forum and saw that the previously exposed post was still there, and some people were still commenting: "Now what will Su Qingyue do? Is it a high-priced acquisition or a dingy departure. He I must have never imagined that I would encounter such a setback, which also reminded him..."

Some neutral accounts commented: “In fact, Guan Hongjian’s layout is still very powerful. Although they have some troubles on Zhengshang Network, the layout integration actually started very early. Including Heyuedao talks, they are still constantly Make various adjustments on the ground. It now appears that everything is premeditated and everything is layout."

  Looking at these, forget the time, now it is less than a week since Guan Hongjian’s trouble.

  Want to come, he still doesn’t know what he is doing.

At this time, Amu called and asked, "Husband, how is the situation with you? Our group is all talking about you, and I was angry when I heard it. Some of them said, "You are pleased to say, what is going wrong now?" Yes, I also said that you have lost all your face now."

   "I am going very smoothly here, you don't need to be angry." Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Don't be so anxious."

   "Really?" Amou asked.

  Su Qing smiled and replied: "Well, go back and tell you..."

  (End of this chapter)

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