Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 711: :Big bowl of scented tea

  Chapter 712 Big Bowl of Flower Tea

   "Qingyue, have you returned to Pingjing?"

Listening to Chen Feng’s question, this time he was not as hesitant and embarrassed as yesterday. Su Qingyue replied casually: “Just entered the house and just had dinner.” He said, in fact, he has guessed it, this must be Guan Hongjianrang again. What did he just say this time? Slightly curious, he asked: "Boss, what's the matter?"

  "General Manager Guan is next to me, he wants to say a few words to you." Chen Feng replied.

  I didn’t expect that Guan Hongjian wanted face so much, even if he made a phone call, he had to go through Chen Feng.

   may not be face, but a posture, a condescending posture.

  Su Qing knows who he is. However, the more this is the case, the more he must beat his momentum. He didn't give up, making him feel difficult to move. After all, the initiative is now in his own hands. According to Guan Pengpeng's information, some of the partners participating in the Equity Packaging listing are about to withdraw.

   was thinking, Guan Hongjian’s voice came out slowly from the other end of the earpiece, and he said: “Mr. Su, don’t say a word when you come back.” The voice was a bit complaining, and there was no sense of apology.

   However, Su Qingyue didn’t care, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Is there time now? Come to my office, we are both here, let's talk." Guan Hongjian said, his voice and attitude were very blunt, with an impatient meaning, as if calling an ordinary employee:" What I said before, because I haven't paid attention to it when I was out of town, so it happened to be chatting today."

   "No time, sorry." Su Qingyue returned him decisively.

  Guan Hongjian was visibly stunned on the phone. He didn’t expect Su Qingyue’s answer, which was not what he expected. He paused for a while, laughed and said, “Be with his wife and children first?”

   "Yes." Su Qingyue deliberately appeared indifferent.

Guan Hong on the phone paused again and said, "Well, come to my office tomorrow afternoon. I just called Mr. Chen up and let's talk." He said, pretending to be innocent, and complained: " After all, this matter is not only related to our equity, but also related to Fengli's interests. If you do this, Mr. Chen and I are both very embarrassed."

  Listening to him as a victim, Su Qingyue really wanted to reply to him: then forget it.

  It is conceivable that Guan Pengpeng and the others are working overtime tonight, and some information will be released tomorrow, and He Jiahua will also start operations. It really can't be too late. This is how business negotiations are, each of which requires time and location to be checked. After a while, the timing and people's mentality may be wrong.

  The next moment, he said: "I won't have time tomorrow afternoon, morning. Come to my unit at 8 o'clock, because I have a meeting, it is not convenient to go out."

   "Eight o'clock?" Guan Hongjian was startled. After all, business negotiations were not so early.

  Su Qingyue directly froze his army again, and said: "I have something to do at ten o'clock. I have been very busy these days."

   "All right, then eight o'clock." Guan Hongjian stopped fighting.

   hung up the phone, went back to her seat, and found that Sister Xiaoxuan was spreading knowledge about pregnancy to Amou. Seeing Su Qingyue walking over, the latter turned her eyes to him and asked curiously: "Who called just now? So long."

  "Guan Hongjian."

  Su Qingyue talked about having a drink with Brother Guang.

   Ah Mou was slightly worried and asked, "What did he say?"

   "Ask me to meet." Su Qingyue said, casually saying what was agreed.

  "Meet to negotiate?" Amu asked.

"It's hard to say, it might be a fuss, but in the end I still disagree." Su Qingyue said, and said: "After all, he is Guan Hongjian. Of."

"Qingyue, you should be careful. I heard Zhao Baohang say that Guan Hongjian has a high self-esteem." He said, and then asked: "Besides, I read media reports. You have all copied the road. Why buy Fengli again? I’m not sure when the time comes, and let him yin you for a while, isn’t it worthwhile?"

  He said so, and Ah Mu also said, "I also feel a little dangerous."

"This thing must be done!" Su Qingyue said: "Because this is not the acquisition itself, but also related to my reputation in the industry. To establish power, I have to tell these investors that I can not only defeat them, but also Achieve yourself." He said: "Any business struggle must have a beginning and an end. Otherwise, it will evolve into an anecdote in the industry and become a post-dinner talk for everyone. All propaganda, operations, and tit-for-tat must be implemented in the end. In terms of business, things, and capital, only this can become a case, which is our original goal."

  He said so, and everyone nodded.

   Then they drank again, and Brother Guang said with emotion: "This is Qingyue stronger than me. Whatever happens to me, I will instinctively retreat, but when Qingyue is different, he will rush forward."

"It's not like that. The important thing is that I have to." Su Qingyue reluctantly shook his head and said, "I have no way of retreating from the southern capital. Now Yue Dao is even more retreating if you don't advance. Guan Hongjian has done the job and put me in Put it on the stove and bake it. I won’t fight back or rush forward.”

  He said, in fact, this period of time is very stressful.

"The other one is Boss Chen. I promised him some things. Now I put Fengli on the stove and bake it. I can't just leave it alone. When I first came to Pingjing, Boss Chen often pointed me to me. , Later, I started my business and he supported it. Now I can’t fight, I don’t care about anything. What's more, in our plan, Feng Li and Boss Chen are an indispensable part..."

   "You are right about this." Brother Guang was a little moved instantly.

  Everyone toasted together, wishing Su Qingyue a smooth and prosperous tomorrow.

After drinking a glass of wine, Su Qingyue suddenly remembered something.

He called Dongshan directly. The latter happened to be in his work unit. He told him: "You go find some scented tea and get a few cups for drinking tea. The tea is not good, the most common ones are fine, and the cups are normal. Put it in my office."


   "Tomorrow we will leave at 7:20, and you will come a little earlier." Su Qingyue said at last.

  He wanted to understand one thing, that is, to put pressure on Guan Hongjian in all aspects.

  Go home in the evening, first take out the special products to Amo’s parents, and accompany them to talk about work for a while. Listening to the old man telling the truth. He took advantage of the drunkenness, still warm, and took a hot bath. When I came out, I walked in the cold room, shivering with cold.

   Amou laughed and said, "Is it much colder than Nanyue?"

   "Pingjing was just a few days before the heating, and it was the most uncomfortable. I am no longer used to the winter without heating." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

  They didn't fall asleep until sooner. UU reading www.uukahnshu.cóm

  There was almost no dream all night, and Su Qingyue only woke up at 6:35. He simply stopped sleeping.

   Quickly put on his clothes and found that Amo’s mother was already cooking, so he hurriedly ate two bites.

When    went downstairs, Dongshan was already waiting downstairs.

  The car started quickly. After all, before the traffic jam, they walked along the Fourth Ring towards the company and reached the unit's parking lot within ten minutes. Looking at the watch, there are still more than ten minutes before the appointed time. Dongshan said to him: "I put all the tea in the cupboard. I didn't put the cup in it, but it was on the tea table."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue nodded.

  At this time, the entire company has almost no people except the operation and maintenance department.

  Su Qingyue returned to the office at this time. Within three minutes of sitting down, Guan Hongjian and Chen Feng arrived.

  Watching them walk into the office, they are still a little sleepy and not in the state.

  Su Qingyue smiled secretly, got up and shook hands with Guan Hongjian, smiled and said: "Welcome, just in time we have some tea and wake up."

  (End of this chapter)

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