Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 712: : 2 loses and loses

Guan Hongjian didn't drink tea, his face was cold. It was useless for Su Qingyue to say please, so he sat directly on the sofa and raised Erlang's legs. He wore a casual suit today, without a tie, and put an arm on the side of the sofa. Squinting at Su Qingyue, there was anger in his eyes, as if the other party owed him money, and he came to Xingshi to ask his guilt.

Chen Feng sat down on the other side with a gentle and awkward attitude.

It must be Guan Hongjian who brought him here, and he had to come. Su Qingyue knows that this is a critical moment for Fengli Technology after all. As the founder, Chen Boss must be present even if he is an entrepreneur. It hurts Boss Chen to have a snack, but he can only make a bowl of scented tea for him.

This tea was originally used to entertain Guan Hongjian deliberately. The purpose is simple. Pingjing’s water is hard, and even if he makes scented tea, the entrance is also uncomfortable. It is absolutely unacceptable for people like Guan Hongjian who have adapted to tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of tea.

Su Qingyue wanted to make him feel pressure in all aspects and defeat his psychological defense, otherwise it would be difficult for the negotiation to make progress. Thinking of this, I sat across from them and asked casually: "How about it, have you had breakfast?"

"Eat." Chen Feng said politely.

Guan Hongjian coldly interrupted his words, and questioned: "Su Qingyue, what do you mean? You talked to me, and then went to the forum to post and copied my back. Everyone is in the industry. Here, is it interesting to play this little trick?"

Seeing him rebel against the guest, and raked in the opposite direction, as if he was really wronged by him. Su Qingyue was not surprised. He had expected that Guan Hongjian would not be able to come up and be subdued. During this period, he would definitely give out this ill-tempered breath first. And if possible, in the end, he is not prepared to agree to the acquisition.

But now, the status of the two sides has reversed, and he can no longer rely on his temper, so he reminded: "General Manager, today is what you want to talk about, and I let you come to my office." He said. After a pause, he emphasized: "Now that you are here, I will ask you a word, do you want to talk or don't want to talk?"

"What to talk about? Now because of you, our entire equity system has suffered a huge loss. You asked me how to talk?" He said, frowning: "If you want to talk, then talk about our equity loss."

"Your loss has nothing to do with me?" Su Qingyue said directly. But suddenly it occurred to him that this is a good opportunity to advance. Thinking of this, he suddenly smiled and said: "However, I am willing to listen. What do you want?"

"I have said the conditions before." Guan Hongjian said, then emphasized: "I am a person of integrity."

After he spoke, he immediately looked at Su Qingyue.

He raised his chin proudly and looked at him coldly, as if saying, otherwise, there is no way to talk about acquisition.

Su Qing almost laughed at him, but still politely said, "Will you have some tea?"

After he spoke, the proud Guan Hongjian hesitated.

Su Qingyue said at this moment: "Mr. Guan, this is..."

"Enough! I have given you a lot of face. You want to talk about the acquisition, this is my condition!" Guan Hongjian said, holding up the teacup. He frowned with just one mouthful, as if choked, and soon put the tea bowl back.

"Then let me talk about my conditions!" Watching Hongjian's anger was turned back, Su Qingyue smiled coldly, straightforwardly, and said his own thoughts: "I am also sincere in cooperating with Fengli. , But all the clauses discussed before, including performance compensation and non-participation in gambling, must be cancelled."

"Do you think I would agree?" Guan Hongjian stared, obviously did not expect Su Qingyue to be so tough.

"Don't be emotional, it's better for us to discuss things." Su Qingyue said.

"These are all we negotiated in advance." Guan Hongjian argued and stopped talking about Yuedao shareholders.

"No one posted a post on the forum before, and Fengli Technology's valuation is still very high. The concept of your entire equity system packaged and listed is at least attractive." Su Qingyue said, with a cold tone, and said: "But now It’s not the same. I don’t need to say anything about your current situation. Even the partners have started to withdraw. I’m still talking about conditions with you now. It’s the greatest kindness."

When he said so, Guan Hongjian was still not convinced, and said, "In other words, not only do you disagree with my terms, but you are also planning to tear up the previous agreement?"

"We don't have any agreement." Su Qingyue reminded him: "I can tell you very clearly that my conditions are the best for the current Heng Ping and Feng Li. If you go wrong, you won't There is this condition again. You know the truth, don’t need me to say it. As for who breaks the agreement first, who plays tricks, we won’t fight, and the chariot said back and forth that it was not the work of a gentleman..."

Su Qing Yue language. Guan Hongjian was silent, staring at him, and sneered.

The negotiations are deadlocked.

For a long time, neither of them spoke.

Su Qingyue also ignored Chen Feng.

At the next moment, Guan Hongjian suddenly leaned against the back of the sofa, his whole body relaxed, and smiled and said, "President Su, if you have this attitude, I can tell you clearly..." He said, "I am a funder. It’s normal for me to lose some money, and it’s normal for me to lose some money. It’s a big deal that I will earn it from elsewhere." He said, turning the conversation, staring at Su Qingyue, threatening: "But you, President Su It's more troublesome."

Seeing his triumphant look, Su Qing understood that he was right.

Guan Hongjian really wanted to play the game that he had expected that the fish died and the net broke, and both suffered.

He wanted to threaten himself with this.

Cursing his lips, Su Qing smiled and asked, "What's the trouble?"

"I can tell you very clearly that this matter has already begun. People in the industry, your shareholders, and the media are all watching you. Watching how General Changsheng exited the acquisition, watching the joy of singing along the way. How did Dao Network get stuck! And these are not the cooperation between you and Duka Mutual Entertainment, and it is not a few interviews between you and Feng Xiaojiang that can be diluted. I don’t doubt the progress of Yue Dao’s listing, but you have to think about your own losses. Not only reputation, but also the trust of shareholders in you, and the morale of your team." He said, and finally emphasized: "If this matter fails to be negotiated, it is definitely not me alone!"

Looking at Guan Hongjian, Su Qing understood that he was planning for the worst.

He originally wanted to leave a little decent for both sides, but Guan Hongjian attacked again and again, and even threatened. Either he fulfilled his excessive conditions and was unscathed; or he was about to threaten himself and Yue Dao by hurting both sides.

Looking at Chen Feng's frown, I realized that he was already very annoyed.

The next moment, Su Qingyue said: "Mr. Guan, do you think I don't know that you will use this method to make me obey?" He asked, and said: "To tell you the truth, I can still talk to you here now. , For your good, for my boss Chen Feng."

When he said so, Guan Hongjian didn't speak, but sneered.

Su Qingyue said again: "If you have to do this, I will have to announce to the media the conditions I give you now. Before you had the concept of Fengli, what else do you have in equity now? And I don’t believe Mr. Chen is willing to follow You integrate. If you have to make trouble, then you are violating the company's articles of association and infringing on the rights and interests of shareholders."

He said so, and Chen Feng cast a trusting look.

Directly interjected: "General Manager, I think this is not only a matter of equalizing the family, but also a major matter of all our founders, team, and other partners."

Chen Feng said.

Su Qingyue then emphasized: "Of course you don't care about the loss of investment, but what will the investors behind you think? Have you thought about it? Will they agree to accept this loss?" He said, "General Manager, you Understand that even if this is a situation where both lose and lose, it is not me who suffers. It is the loss of both you and your investor."

"Do you dare to threaten me?" Hearing the meaning of Su Qingyue's words.

"I can't talk about it." Su Qing replied coldly. I just told you: "If you have to do this, I have to go to your investor. Put all the conditions on the table and let them see the money. Is it worth it? You are disregarding their interests for your personal face. I can find Yang Song to talk about it this afternoon."

Su Qingyue said.

Guan Hongjian was obviously surprised.

Because Yang Song is the biggest LP (investor) behind Heng Ping, a big man he cannot offend.

The next moment, Guan Hongjian sneered and said: "You think he will believe you. We have been working together for more than ten years."

"He won't believe me, but the final result will let him understand that I am right." Su Qingyue said.

He had long wanted to understand that even if He Jiahua came forward, the other investor would still choose to trust Guan Hongjian. And what I can do is to remind. In this way, everyone tore their faces and really caused huge losses, and they would suddenly realize what Guan Hongjian did in the meantime.

At this point, Su Qingyue said again: "Your investors, I know very well, because they have also contacted me privately."

Listening to Su Qingyue's words, Guan Hongjian's expression instantly became complicated.

Su Qingyue said again: "Mr. Guan, let me be clear. In fact, you should be worried about this matter! Because you disregard the interests of LP (investor) and handle such a big matter with your own loyalty. How do you make them trust you? My loss is nothing more than Fengli, UU reading www.uukanshu.com As for fame, it is imaginary. Saying you are good today and saying you are bad tomorrow is not important at all."

Guan Hongjian still did not speak.

Su Qingyue leaned close to him a little bit, and then said: "Everything I said is about your future. If you do this this time, how can you make these investors believe you in the future? No matter how many successful achievements you have in front of you. Complaints and grievances damage the huge interests of LPs. This matter will definitely be remembered and become a classic case. Your reputation will also be defeated by a thousand miles in this industry."

Silence, or silence.

Knowing that Guan Hongjian’s risk has been completely broken, Su Qingyue said again: "You rejected me before, and talked about the concept of equity, the value of Fengli. Now Fengli’s back path has been copied by me, and you have no idea. Now, who else can treat you like me?" He said, and finally threatened: "General Manager, I'll say it again, there will be no such shop in this village after such a deal."

After Su Qing Yue spoke, he also leaned against the back of the sofa.

Guan Hongjian remained silent.

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