Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 713: : 3 unchanged and 3 more

   Chapter 714

  Guan Hongjian finally said nothing.

  There was no affirmation or denial, he just stared at Su Qingyue and picked up the cup again. After taking a sip of tea, he put it down again. His expression is very complicated. There is not only hatred but also other emotions in it. The negotiation fell into a boring silence for a while, and there was a strange silence in the office.

  The three men were a little helpless for a while, they all picked up their tea cups and drank again.

In the end, Chen Feng broke the weird tranquility and interjected in order to ease the atmosphere: "Qingyue, Huayang said it is coming in a few days. Do you have time? Let's get together? It just so happened that some of us haven't been drinking together for a long time. Yes. Last time Lord Snake came, I was not there either."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, Su Qingyue also hurriedly responded, taking a look at Guan Hongjian, knowing that he is now very at a loss and is in a state of frustration, so he did not force him to make any decisions at the moment, but said to Chen Feng: " It just so happened that I said to my sister that day, this is another year, we should get together."

  They were talking, Guan Hongjian raised his hand to look at his watch, got up and said, "I have something else to do today, come back to talk."

  Other words, go outside.

  Su Qingyue nodded, knowing that this matter is too difficult to make a decision. Sometimes emotions are terrible, it will have a kind of inertia, pushing people to the bottomless abyss.

  Guan Hongjian must know how difficult he is to suppress this emotion. This emotion has followed him for decades, and it can make him and ruin him.

  Sent them out of the office door, and Su Qingyue returned to the house immediately. He didn't deliberately force Guan Hongjian to do anything, as he said, don't chase the poor, leaving a ray of life for the other party so that everyone can continue negotiations in the future. It's just that Chen Feng feels a little bit of pain, this time he came, obviously less energetic back then.

  Holding Dongshan to collect all the tea on the table, he made himself a cup of tea, and then sat down. Just about to open the industry news, the news of welcoming the Olympics pops up in the lower right corner. He clicked in to watch the news, and first ushered in a full-screen advertisement. After closing the advertisement page, the progress of the torch and the preparations of the various sports venues were shown.

  Browsing for a while, the outside suddenly became lively and noisy. Don't understand what's going on.

  Su Qingyue asked He Lili.

  The latter immediately told him: "Zhou Ziyou is back."

  He nodded, forgetting that Zhou Ziyou's time to go out this time is not short. However, it is also a good thing to be able to reunite with my female friend and relax my body and mind. He thought, looked at his watch, and found that it was only nine o'clock. Simply close the page about the Olympics and enter the formal work.

  Checking the industry news, after a while, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door and came in.

Su Qing got up and asked him to drink tea. Seeing that Zhou Ziyou was still carrying a pile of food and drink in both hands, he casually said: "You are spending money again? You don't need to bring me anything in the future. Some things piled up are easy to expire. ."

"This is not for you. Virgin bought this for his sister-in-law." Zhou Ziyou grinned and said: "She said pregnant women need more care. These are the Korean ginseng items she bought. You take them back to your sister-in-law. Soup or something. There are also maintenance products needed during confinement."

  He said, Su Qingyue was not too polite, and asked casually: "How about it, over there?"

"It's okay. The Korean company is progressing very smoothly. According to the current international market situation, they have made some product adjustments. I think it is very good." He said, and said: "I will form a specific text report for this You."

   "I'm not talking about this, but about you and Virgin." Su Qingyue interrupted him.

   "There is nothing wrong with the two of us." Zhou Ziyou said, as if there was something in the words, he sighed again.

   "No problem personally?" Su Qingyue heard the overtones and said, "That means there are other problems."

"Hey...Han Yu is just like this. It is so squeezed that it makes people breathless. There is a gangster-level person who relies on a contract with Virgin a few years ago to find Virgin's troubles every day. In fact, it is because of Virgin. Refusing to accompany the wine, Quan Longxian also communicated with the opponent many times, but that person was obviously more powerful than Quan Longxian."

   "Who is it?" Su Qingyue was a little unhappy for a moment.

  He was disdainful of such things, but now that his brother’s girlfriend is being threatened, it’s a different matter.

"A father who specializes in food, but who does a great job, is said to have billions of dollars, and belongs to a listed company." Zhou Ziyou said: "Now Quan Longxian is already doing all he can to help and mud, not let Virgin Participated. But there are still many opportunities behind this. In short, this person can find trouble very much."

   Seeing that Zhou Ziyou was very helpless and a little frustrated.

Su Qingyue cheered up for him and said, "You have to take this matter, Ziyou. Because she is your woman, you were chosen at the beginning, and you must go all out now. Even the Daoshan oil pot is something you must go to. This is also a critical period for you and Virgin. Don’t let her down. As a man, you must show her that despite the cruel reality, there is a beautiful world."

   "Of course!" Zhou Ziyou nodded seriously.

  Su Qingyue then said: “Send me the specific name of the group and what this person does later. Let’s find a way to help you get this done.”

   "Thank you, thank you boss!" Hearing that Su Qingyue was about to make a move, Zhou Ziyou nodded seriously and continued to drink tea.

  After a while, he left.

  The work in the morning was not too stressful. After Su Qingyue finished handling them one by one, he greeted everyone to eat at the back cafeteria at noon. In fact, he mainly welcomed Zhou Ziyou back.

  Everyone on the table was asking about the situation in Korea and about some Korean stars. Zhou Ziyou all smiled and answered one by one.

  Only when Jackie Chan went out to answer the phone, he was obviously not in a high mood when he came back.

   "What's wrong?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It's nothing. A brother is leaving. I feel very unhappy." Yu Chenglong shook his head helplessly and said: "He is the brother I brought up after joining Yue Dao. Now the company is slowly getting better, his The ability has also risen, and I actually want to quit. Hey... It's really... everyone has their own ambitions."

   Hearing his emotions, Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

Guan Pengpeng next to    followed: "You won't tell me that Sanduo is leaving, right?"

  "How did you know?" Yu Chenglong was startled by him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Guan Pengpeng said casually: "Three things have changed. After he bought the Da Ben, the company has spread." He smiled and explained to Su Qingyue: "Boss, that buddy was nicknamed Sanwu before. Products, no money, no cars, no women. His family is in the suburbs of the airport. They were demolished a few days ago."

  He said so, and everyone instantly made enviable comments.

Only Yu Chenglong said: "This brother is the best seedling I have ever seen, and it is also the fastest growing. I thought he really loves this industry. Unexpectedly, he couldn't stand still after a demolition, and his MSN signatures Change it to: My name is San Duo."

  Other words, Su Qing more relieved.

  I feel that as long as there is no problem with the company, normal employee turnover is understandable.

After dinner, I walked back with everyone, listening to them talking about the happy life of the demolished households, and looking at the five-ring sign that Pingjing welcomes you on the roadside, Su Qingyue felt that it is precisely because of the prosperity of the motherland that they have everything they have today. . Not only them, but also all walks of life, Yue Dao is also a part of enjoying this dividend, and we should give back to the society more in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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