Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 722: :truth or Dare

  Chapter 723 Truth or Dare

  Su Qingyue knows that Jinggua Gong tea is the best of Pu'er tea. The Taishang, known as Pu'er, is also known as the **** tea by some people. It is the tribute tea from the Palace Museum’s tea inventory, including Jinggua tribute tea, daughter tea, and tea cream. In the early 1960s, the Forbidden City cleaned up these tribute teas, and some of them were left on the market as a result. Nowadays, if people want to see them, they can only be seen at major auctions.

"I used to claim that I loved tea, and all I drank was good tea. But since I drank tea with Mr. Peng, I felt that the tea I drank was all tea foam." The silver tea needles, pry loose the tea **** a little bit, and then slowly fiddle with the tea utensils. Mingxin spoke to Su Qingyue with a mouthful of northwestern dialects: "Look, you see, it's all white silver."

“Mr Ming should talk about cross talk. It’s a bit awkward to come out for investment.” Peng Nuo laughed, and talked to Su Qingyue, and then introduced: “Such a good tea, if it is just ordinary water, it would be a bit of a waste. Pingjing’s The water quality is too bad, and ordinary bottled mineral water is only added with minerals."

As he said, he pulled out a wooden bucket from under the table, and explained: "The Yunjiang water that was transported by air this morning, the tea from the place where the water is produced. It is the so-called one. The mineral content of Yunjiang water is relatively low, which is true. Light spring water suitable for making tea." He said, unscrew the tap of the wooden barrel, and poured the water into the cast iron teapot. "Let’s try it today to see if there is such a **** as the legend."

   "I didn't expect my brother to know tea and like tea so much." Su Qingyue couldn't help but sigh after hearing his introduction.

  Peng Nuo waved his hand and said, "I also listened to what others said, and those who really understand it have to be professional tea masters."

   Stop talking in other words, start to make tea, from the hot pot to the first pot. Su Qingyue discovered that Penuoyi was like a tea master, and he really lived in tea. And he and Yue Lindao simply liked them. Recalling that he and Peng Nuo had not communicated this aspect before, Su Qing laughed more and said: "I want to know that Brother, you know tea so much, I will ask you for advice before buying tea."

"It's okay, there will be opportunities in the future. You don't need to buy tea in the future. If you want to drink, just ask your assistant to make a call. Your assistant is He Lili. I will call Maomao later..." He said, and said, "I I have also invested in two tea gardens in my hometown. I guarantee that they are all top-grade, and I will ask them to deliver them to you every year from now on." He said and laughed.

  Mingxin and Su Qingyue said: "His tea garden is really good, let's go to play someday."

"That area is an ecological area planned by the government, and there is also a villa area. It is very comfortable to live in." Peng Nuo said, "If you look back tired, you can go to rest. The air is fresh, the scenery is also very good, and it is quiet and quiet. , Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I often go back and change my mind to get a clearer mind."

   As he said, he began to pass the tea cup to Su Qingyue.

While handing it over, the introduction: "The picking of golden melon tribute tea is similar to Pu'er daughter tea, but the storage method is different. The tea buds picked by unmarried girls are placed in bamboo thorns, and the tea buds are golden yellow after years. Then it was made into the size of a melon and enjoyed by the emperor dedicated to the emperor, so it was called Jingu Gong Tea or Jingu Reigntou Tea. Taste it together and experience the feeling of the emperor..."

  Look at the color of the tea soup for a while, and there is no trace of impurities. Smell it a little, the aroma is in my heart, and there is a very sweet taste. The entrance was slightly bitter and sweet, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Good tea, one more word is more."

Mingxin took a sip and said, "Mr. Su, you have to say this, good tea and water, and good people to make it, so that it will be more interesting. Brother, your brother, in order to win you, can say that you are doing your best. You are asking him to pick the moon for you now, and he will also go."

"Don't say that, as if I'm all utilitarian." Peng Nuo waved his hand at this moment, looked up at Su Qingyue, and said: "Qingyue, I have always been thinking about us uniting to do something. Let's not talk about alumni relations. We have not known each other for a long time. I think you are a person I admire. Especially from the treatment of the veteran, I can see your humanity, and cooperating with you, I don’t think it can be wrong."

   "Thank you brother." Su Qingyue nodded, understanding what he meant.

Behind him, Mingxin also said: "It's the old Guan. He also waved his hands when meeting people. He couldn't tell how bad you were. It's not easy to make the old Guan embarrassed to say it." He said, patted Su Qingyue. On the shoulders: "A daughter can buy horse bones. It's not just a daughter. You have to be truly sentimental and righteous!"

  He touched Su Qingyue's heart in this way, which surprised the latter.

I always feel that Mingxin is making a lot of noise, but I didn't expect to be able to say such a thing. Su Qingyue then said: "I have a few principles. The first is promise, the second is sentiment, and the third is personal interest. He took a sip of his tea and continued: "Needless to say, the first one. As for the affection for all brothers, the affection for the family. So in everything, I have to choose the right person, whether it is the fund or the management. Partners. Because they are not serving me personally, they must serve the entire Yuedao network so that the Yuedao network can thrive. Only in this way can those who follow me get rewarded."

  He said, Ming Xin couldn’t help but followed: "Good point!"

  Su Qingyue then said again: "Only when these are good, can I reflect my personal values ​​and interests."

   "This point, the three of us coincide." Peng Nuo smiled, poured tea for Su Qingyue, and then retracted the teapot, saying: "We are all the same, we are the first choice."

   "Things gather people into groups. Some people feel that the taste is different, so we generally don't mix it up." Mingxin said with a smile.

  He said so, making Su Qingyue amused.

  However, he recognized Mingxin’s words. In fact, through this time of contact, Su Qingyue found that the two of them have a very good reputation in the industry. As they said, it emphasizes commitment and love, but also includes personal interests. Now they are investing more and more extensively in the Internet industry, but the game field is currently mainly in contact with themselves.

As he was thinking, Ming Xin added: "Qingyue, President Peng and I have different priorities. President Peng is very professional. You have seen several Internet companies that he has recently jointly invested. He is on the Internet. I understand, this is another reason why he values ​​you."


"Ms. Ming, tell me that he values ​​you and thinks that you are different from the bosses of many companies." Peng Nuo explained to him with a smile, and then said: "He thinks you are a person worth following, and he told me privately In the future, as long as you want to invest in the project, he will invest. Of course, such a large project, can not just stop at the level of personal preference. We must also be pragmatic."

As soon as Peng Nuo said, he poured tea for them, and then said: "We have formed a professional team for this purpose, and conducted a very professional analysis and research on the entire industry and Yuedao. The growth prospects of the online game segmentation industry are broad; Yue Dao’s series of layouts are in line with the direction of future industrial chain innovation, and have the ability to extend upstream and downstream; in the future, there is a huge room for growth in capacity and share in the market; the company’s core business level also has unique core competitiveness and independent knowledge The technical core of property rights. Because of this, we are confident that in addition to capital funds, we can also bring more different resources and assistance to Yuedao, and we already have a plan."

  Other words, Su Qingyue was startled.

Then, Mingxin said: “Qingyue, I believe the industry’s evaluation of us now is obvious to all, and you can see it. I think if we can, our Yinuo and Mingxin, as a professional organization, will participate in your Yuedao Pre -In the IPO plan."

  Peng Nuoyi followed: "Qingyue, you also know the relationship between me and Mr. Ming. I was in the association before. Apart from anything else, the resources in all aspects must be unique."

Mingxin suddenly laughed and said, "Qingyue, do you know? After knowing that you like drinking tea, Lao Peng specially took you the golden melon. I told you that he treats you better than his first love." He said haha. laugh it out.

  Su Qingyue also laughed. He has met many investors, including the internationally renowned investment bank brought by He Jiahua. Everyone also has an interest factor, and his speech has a polite element, but it still feels different.

  He didn't expect Penuoyi to be so sincere and attach great importance to it.

  For Pre-IPO, there is actually a professional team to operate it, and the valuation and conditions are also industry conventions, there is not much room, so such performance can not only be explained by profit.

He thanked Peng Nuoyi from the bottom of his heart, but he just said, "However, we have standards for Yuedao in this matter. Because the early stage is relatively busy, He Lao is taking the lead in this matter. Fengli is busy with this matter, my The focus will also be shifted to this aspect. When I meet with Mr. He and communicate, we will officially start this work. You must be my priority. Don't worry."

   "Don't worry, Qingyue, as long as you give me a chance, I can guarantee that no one can compete with us." Mingxin smiled.

  Pennuo immediately added: "We are determined to win this matter. No matter what conditions others offer, we will increase the rate by 15%, and we will do what we say."

   "Huh?" Su Qing was startled when he heard him say this.

  If the other party’s offer has reached the end, would Peng Nuoyi and Mingxin still give it? He didn't think it was possible. But at this time, Mingxin interrupted and said: "Qingyue, I know it must be a little unbelievable, but please believe us, and we will do what we say! For Yue Dao’s knowledge and views, we are not acting every time. , Tu was verbally quick for a while... This matter does not end, and our team will not disband."

"Druckenmiller used to say that the most important thing about investing is not right or wrong, but how much you earn when you are right. Good opportunities don’t come often. When pie falls in the sky, please go with a bucket. Pick it up instead of using a thimble." Peng Nuoyi said: "Qingyue, I firmly believe that Yuedao will be extremely large in the future. In this case, you are our opportunity."

  He said so, Su Qingyue immediately understood the starting point of Peng Nuoyi and Mingxin.

  He thought, smiled and nodded.

However, instead of rushing to agree, he said: "Wait until the conditions of all parties have been summarized, and we will confirm it at the time. I hope everyone can cooperate and can cooperate very happily." He said, picking up the tea cup and changing it. A topic said: "Senior Brother's tea is delicious."

   "Don't worry, brother!" Mingxin said at this time.

  Peng Nuo also said: "The tea is ready, take it away."

   "No, put this here first, and I will drink this when I come." Su Qing laughed and followed.

  The three people continued to drink tea.

  (End of this chapter)

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