Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 723: : Big pressure in small families

   Chapter 724

  Su Qingyue chatted with them, talking and laughing.

  Looking at the elder brother continuing to use the tea needles to pry the tea ball a little bit, it seems to be very strenuous. Sometimes, as if he had hit something, he retracted the tea needle again, and then slowly, continued to test on the tea ball until he found a suitable position, finally prying open a small piece, putting it in the teapot, and continuing Brew.

  The depth and the shallowness, between the indentation and the indentation, are kung fu, skill and attitude.

At this time, the house is full of fragrance, and Peng Nuoyi explained: "It is not easy to pry the gourd. You must not be greedy. You must have an embroidered mentality. Pry it a little bit, and you can't harden it when you encounter resistance. In this way, you can maximize Keep the tea strips intact.” He smiled and said, “I have learned a lot by drinking tea.”

   "Yes, there is a philosophy of doing things in tea." Su Qingyue said, he agreed with this point.

  Mingxin laughed instantly and said, "I just think tens of thousands are really expensive, and hundreds are not delicious. I really don't understand your philosophy." He said, and laughed heartily.

  At this time, Su Qingyue's cell phone rang.

  He took a look and found that it was Amu, and immediately picked it up.

  There was a sobbing sound on the other end of the phone, and Amu was crying. Before Su Qingyue had time to ask what was wrong, Amu asked, "Su Qingyue, where are you?"

  "I’m in Nuoyi, and I’m talking about something with my senior brother and Mr. Ming." Su Qingyue explained, feeling surprised, because Ah Mou would only call his full name when it was important or when he was angry. Not quite understanding what happened, he asked casually: "What's wrong, what happened? You said."

   "I can't tell you on the phone!" Amou suddenly retracted his crying voice and said, "Anyway, I told you that you are not allowed to go out to drink tonight. You must come back immediately after work. I have something to tell you."

  Suddenly remembered that Amo went to check up in the afternoon, and realized that there might be something wrong.

   asked directly: "Is it an inspection problem?"

  "Don't ask, I didn't know what I said on the phone." She said, before Su Qingyue could speak, she hung up the phone.

  Su Qingyue took the phone and stunned in the same place, the tea suddenly looked dull.

  Mingxin saw that he had something to do and immediately said: "President Su, I still have something to do. Should we do this first today?"

   "Well, let's do this first." Su Qingyue also said, busy getting up.

  The three of them spoke, and sent him downstairs. Before leaving, Peng Nuoyi also told him: "Qingyue, if you have any questions, you can call me directly. Don't care if it is at home or at the company. As long as I can do it, I am bound to do my best."

   "Me too, you see if there is any problem, I will find someone for you." Mingxin also followed.

  The three people said goodbye, and Su Qingyue got into the car.

  It was exactly 5:10 in the afternoon. Pingjing was already in traffic jam, and Mercedes-Benz was walking and stopping on the road.

  Su Qingyue adjusted his emotions a bit, he suddenly realized that he was walking a little hurriedly, even a little gaffe. He had never been so panicked before, and he didn't know what was going on with Amu.

  Recalling Ah Mou’s attitude, she did not dare to think too much.

  It was really hard to see the car. He told Dongshan from behind: "Hurry up today."

   Hearing his order, Dongshan immediately flashed from left to right like he drove a black car. Finally arrived home before six o'clock. As soon as I walked in, I saw Amou sitting on the sofa, her face pale.

  Su Qingyue walked over and said hurriedly: "What's the matter?"

   "Nothing." Before A Mou said anything, A Mou's mother preemptively said: "Qingyue, don't let her scare herself! Other doctors have said that there is nothing wrong, don't scare yourself."

   "At that time, I heard that you were also very nervous!" Ah Mou said to her mother.

  Amu handed Su Qingyue a report while talking.

  Su Qingyue read it, although many technical terms are not very clear, but one of the lines is: bilateral choroid plexus cyst. He was frightened, looked at Ah Mou, and asked: "Cyst?"

   "Hmm..." she said, her eyes red instantly.

  Su Qingyue hurriedly comforted her, listening to her sobbing and saying: "What can we do, what should we do?"

  He suddenly panicked in his heart, feeling an unprecedented pressure, and he even felt that he couldn't breathe. But watching Ami still crying and his parents standing by the side, Su Qing suddenly realized that he must control it well. If you sigh and sigh in a hurry, it will definitely increase the tension in the whole family.

   Thinking of this, he hurriedly adjusted his emotions. Endure the pressure, not let yourself show nervousness, and say: "It's okay, modern medical technology is very advanced, let's understand the situation first. After confirming it, don't let yourself be so nervous."

   "Can I not be nervous?" Ah Mou said, tantrums.

  Su Qingyue did not refute, but asked Ah Mou’s mother, “What’s the specific situation? What did the doctor say?”

   Amo’s mother then explained: “I don’t know it very well. We have never heard of this before. The doctor is afraid that we don’t understand, so he wrote us an explanation. You can take a look.”

  She said, and handed Su Qingyue a printed A4 paper.

  The above introduces what is going on with fetal choroid plexus cysts. It turns out that this is caused by a higher rate of cerebral effusion during the development of fetal brain primordia than the development of aqueducts in the brain. During pregnancy, about 30% of pregnant women will have high indicators, which are usually found by B-ultrasound in about 20 weeks.

Su Qingyue watched, and Amu’s mother added: “However, the doctor also said that with the development of the child, almost 90% of the choroid plexus cysts will disappear around the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy. Don't worry. As long as you check regularly, it shouldn't be a big problem." She said, but nervousness was clearly written on her face.

   "But there is still ten percent."

"Xingmou, you have been particularly blessed since you were a child. Look at your journey, from elementary school to university, including later career, and married to Qingyue. Everything goes smoothly, this must be the case. If you can die, trust your father. Moreover, neither our family nor the Qingyue family have any genetic problems in the family, so there will definitely be nothing wrong." Amu's father said.

   "Yes, don't worry, wife, there is no problem. It may also be that our children's brains are developing too fast, and I will likely be like me in the future..." Su Qingyue pretended to tease lightly.

   "Keep rolling, when is it all, joking." Although Ah Mou said this, he was obviously more relaxed.

  Everyone chatted casually again, and it wasn't until eight o'clock that Amu's mother went to cook.

  Father Amo was so scared that he never dared to smoke on the balcony anymore, so he went straight downstairs.

  At night, Amo’s mother made nourishing blood and calming the nerves soup again, and she put Shilian seeds as usual.

  When eating, it is obviously different from usual. Although they are still talking and laughing, it is obvious that everyone is careful to avoid touching this topic as much as possible.

  Originally, Amo only drank a bowl, and she said no more, but her mother said, “I’d better drink a bowl more, you are just now when you need nourishment.”

  As she said, Ah Mou was startled, and then pushed the bowl to Su Qingyue again.

  Good Yangxue Anxin Decoction seemed to instantly become a Chinese medicine soup that was difficult to swallow, but Amu insisted on drinking it.

  At night, Su Qingyue walked downstairs with Amou for a while.

  In order to ease emotions, Su Qingyue said: "I went to talk about the Pre-IPO today. I think Senior Brother Peng is good, what do you think?"

   "Oh." Ah Mou said, obviously not wanting to mention this.

  Su Qingyue had to change the subject again and said, “By the way, don’t you want to go to work? Please take a one-month vacation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I will tell your boss.” He said.

  Ami looked at him, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, I agree."

  This is the first time that she has decided not to go to work and has a baby full-time with peace of mind. They had discussed it many times before, and Ah Mou strongly opposed it. The more Su Qing understood that she might be really scared.

  They returned home at night, and Su Qingyue couldn't sleep at all in the bed.

  I was afraid of turning over and over to let Amou see it, so she had to lie on the bed and slept.

  Until Amo fell asleep, Su Qingyue went to the study alone and sat down in a chair.

  He suddenly sighed. This was the first insomnia in his life.

  In his mind, there is nothing that can stump him.

  But this thing is different.

  Because of the work, no matter how hard it is, it is my own business, and I face and bear it alone. And this involves Amu, parents, and family.

  Su Qingyue went to the balcony, smoked a cigarette, hinted to himself, went back to sleep...

  (End of this chapter)

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