Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 728: :Board of Directors

  Chapter 729 Board of Directors

  After the family had dinner that night, Amo wanted to go to the beach for a walk, but was a little worried about catching a cold. In the end, he just watched the Spring Festival Gala for a while, and then went back to the bedroom with Su Qingyue.

  They did not fire the cannon at zero, because the doctor specially ordered that the fetus is very sensitive to the sounds around the mother, and the short-term roar will affect the development of the child's nervous system.

  So they are just in front of the French windows, quietly looking at the sea under the moon. Haibo pushed layer upon layer of waves, making a rushing sound.

"Husband, I haven't been so relaxed in a long time." She said, "It's the sound of the waves that makes people feel comfortable. The doctor also told me that letting me listen to this sound will relax people's mind and body. "

  Listening to Ah Mou sighed, Su Qingyue finally relaxed. This was the first time he hadn’t spent the Spring Festival in Huaiwen since he was a child. Without those firecrackers blasting in unison, it was more quiet. Looking back on this year, it felt like a war. He said to Amu: "Wait when I am not busy here, I promise you to travel around the world, this must be done."

   "Cut, when are you not busy? You will say it." Ami grinned and complained.

  Su Qingyue originally wanted to go to the market and not be busy, but then realized that he was on the market, but he was even busier. Faced with so many inquiries and questions from investors, it is certainly not easy to be pushed forward by performance every day, so he said: "It's okay, this matter is on the agenda, and it will be completed within five years."

   "Really?" Amu laughed, not believing what he said.

   "I have achieved everything that I said back then? Now I say that this goal will definitely be achieved." Su Qingyue vowed.

However, Amu sighed and said, "That's different, husband, you can promise to have nothing back then, but when you have everything, you will worry about losing. I interviewed so many listed companies Chairman and CEO, they are the same, they love themselves to kill everything, because that is their ideal, they don't want to leave their seats for a long time, can they travel around the world?"

  She said so, Su Qing was startled.

  There is certainly Amu’s anxiety during pregnancy, but she also asked a question, when she really got everything she wanted, would she give up? This is indeed a big problem. Looking at Ah Mou's eyes, he thought very carefully, but finally he said, "I will definitely agree to you about traveling around the world."

   "Well, then I can remember." Amu said, knocking on his waist.

   Knowing that she was tired, he went to bed with her.

  Before going to bed, Su Qingyue was still thinking that it is really difficult to judge gain and loss. After experiencing these world events, it should be said that the protective shell around him has become heavier and heavier. But he is an individual after all, and he still hopes that life can be simple. But the two are incompatible.

  Pick up and put down are indeed difficult choices for most people.

  He thought, and fell asleep slowly.

  For the whole Spring Festival, he accompanied Amou at the hotel in Yalong Bay, and Amou’s father went to pay his wish.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, they embarked on their way back.

  On the sixth day of the year, Amu went to the hospital for a systematic examination, and it was confirmed that the fetus was in good health.

On the eighth day of the eighth day, Su Qingyue, as usual, at the door of the unit, issued a profit for each employee.

In the morning, through the secretary of the board of directors, he notified all the members of the board of directors: "Tell them that the board of directors will be held on the 16th of the first lunar month. On the fifteenth of the first lunar they will fly to Hong Kong Island where He Jiahua is located. "The mail was sent in groups, including Yue Lindao.

   Still the same, when everyone replied with the words okay, thank you, Yue Lindao still remained silent. I don't know what he meant. In these recent days, Su Qingyue always feels that this is not something sick, maybe there are some other problems.

At lunch, he and Chen Ting chatted with Xiaohei for a while. Su Qingyue changed the subject and asked: "Sister Ting, Yue Dong has been ill for a while. I have not been able to contact him. I am I am very worried about him, what do you think about this?" He said, actually there are other worries in his heart.

Hearing his question, Chen Ting hesitated for a while and said seriously: "Qingyue, I think you have to pay attention to this matter. I haven't heard from him for so long, it's like disappeared. Is this sick or something else? The reason?" She paused after speaking, and then said: "I think you should pay attention to it. This matter is not simple."

  She said what she was thinking, and Su Qingyue frowned.

Vaguely, he himself felt that Yue Lindao might not be sick, maybe something else caused him to leave the company, sighed, and said: "I have been paying attention, but I am paying attention to Dong Yue's body. But recently I and you have gotten closer and closer. I always feel that there is a problem in it, but I don't want to think so."

   "Yes, Qingyue." Chen Ting followed with emotion: "Of course your heart is good, but people like us are simply extravagant hopes."

  She said so, and Su Qingyue nodded and said, “Actually, I don’t know what you are talking about. Harmfulness and defensiveness are indispensable, but I don’t want to think about it.”

  I spent the whole afternoon thinking about Yuelindao.

   went home in the evening and told Amu that he was going to He Jiahua on the fifteenth day of the first month, and explained: “One is the board meeting, and the other is about the Pre-IPO issue. I have to discuss it with him.”

   "But will He Jiahua agree? There must be his interests and powers here." Amu said worriedly.

   "I think he will agree, after all, where are the conditions of Senior Brother Peng and Mr. Ming." Su Qingyue said.

   He thought, Amu reminded him at this time: "Anyway, I think this matter is quite complicated."

  Listening to Ah Mou's words, Su Qing was startled more and more suddenly, thinking of Yue Lindao again. Faintly feel that this time the board of directors may not be that simple, maybe He Jiahua has been brewing something. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  After a few days, it finally arrived on the fifteenth of the first lunar month. Su Qingyue led all board members to Hong Kong Island.

  Everyone talked and laughed on the way, and they said they were going to Lan Kwai Fong.

   Dongfangjun said: "I promised Xiaohua to buy him the traditional version of "Feng Yun". When there is nothing wrong, you can go shopping."

Hearing him, Tian Zhong laughed and said: "My sister-in-law's requirements are really not high. My wife gave me a list of all kinds of cosmetics." Then he whispered to Su Qingyue: "My wife's cosmetics are all Zhou Ziyou recommended by his girlfriend, especially the eye cream, which is super good."

  Listening to their discussion, Su Qingyue noticed that only Du Nanxiang was silent.

  I don’t know if she thinks of something.

  When we got on the plane, everyone fell asleep again.

  A few hours later, they got off the plane, walked out, and saw Zhang Yichun with sunglasses and two people standing at the exit.

  They were in suits and leather shoes, and Su Qing went over.

  Zhang Yichun immediately shook hands with him, smiled and said: "Welcome, President Su."

  (End of this chapter)

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