Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 729: : Jia Chunqiu

Su Qingyue didn't like Zhang Yichun.

Especially disgusted by his high-pitched face, and the sense of superiority that was inadvertently revealed. Talking with his neck up, with a little dog-seeing feeling. When they walked out of the airport and came to the Toyota Alpha, he actually stretched out his hand to stop Du Nanxiang, pointed to another car and said, "Go and get that car."

Although Du Nanxiang is only a director and has no equity, she is also Yuedao's chief financial officer anyway. This is not only for Du Nanxiang, but also for herself. Su Qingyue had already got on the car, but he pulled away the arm that Yichun was blocking: "Nan Xiang got on the car." He said.

Zhang Yichun was taken aback for a moment.

Finally, they left the airport in three cars.

Su Qingyue and Du Nanxiang, Tian Zhong, Chen Ting, and Zhang Yichun were in the same car.

The rest took another car.

From the airport to the hotel, you can see the coastal scenery all the way, and you can also see the tall buildings that are rising along the road. The tall buildings are on the opposite side of the island, like giant steel beasts, gazing into the distance. Su Qingyue noticed Du Nanxiang's gaze, and turned to the other side, perhaps because he remembered something from the past, the whole person was very dull and moody.

Next to him, Zhang Yichun smiled and greeted Su Qingyue: "Manager Su, have you been to Hong Kong Island before?"

"No." Su Qing replied more simply.

Zhang Yichun then said: "Our place is not only a developed financial industry, but also a global financial center, and the port's throughput is also the world's top." He said, the corners of his mouth trembled, and his sunglasses covered his eyes, but Can still think of his disgustingly proud look.

"Oh." Su Qingyue said finally.

Simple and powerful, with a little disgust.

Zhang Yichun was a little dull for a moment, so she had to stop talking. At this time the train drove towards the Ritz-Carlton, where they got off the train. Zhang Yichun accompanied them to check in first, and then everyone went up to put their luggage. Su Qingyue washed his face upstairs by the way, and as he walked out, he ran into Du Nanxiang and got off the elevator.

There were only two of them in the car, which was very quiet.

The floors of the elevator panels are constantly changing, and for a moment, Du Nanxiang suddenly said: "Mr. Su, thank you just now."

As soon as she uttered her words, Su Qingyue was startled and turned to look at her.

Realizing that her face was not so good, I had to comfort her: "You are doing a good job, and you are completely worthy of the position of CFO of Yuedao." After speaking, I felt that it was not enough, so I had to add: "Don't be too nervous."

"Thank you for saying that." Du Nanxiang nodded, and then called out: "Mr. Su."

Feeling something is going on with her, Su Qingyue asked, "What's wrong?"

"Is Yue Dong coming today?" She suddenly asked.

Su Qingyue immediately replied: "I don't know, I haven't contacted recently."

"Yeah." Du Nanxiang nodded, feeling a little hesitant.

At this time, the elevator stopped on the first floor and the car door slid to both sides. Du Nanxiang added in time: "Manager Su, you are careful."

She was taken aback by what she said, Su Qingyue immediately realized that there was a problem, and Du Nanxiang must have some understanding.

He wanted to ask, but he got out of the elevator and had to say, "Thank you."

Back in the car, the car started and went on.

Soon they entered the mountain. One side of the mountain was shaded by trees, and the other side was facing the sea. Zhang Yichun also introduced: "My uncle is a man who specializes in feng shui. He chose the house here because he asked the master to calculate I think this place has the air of an emperor. At the beginning, it was called the best feng shui place on Hong Kong Island."

"Oh." Su Qingyue continued to reply indifferently.

"The people who live here are either rich or expensive." He added.

Su Qingyue ignored him.

I don't know what Zhang Yichun thought behind the sunglasses, he finally stopped behind.

At this time, the surrounding scenery was pleasant, and soon the car went up halfway up the mountain, a yard door automatically slid open on both sides, and soon they drove in.

There was a shadow wall in front of which the car passed around and stopped in front of a small building.

Everyone got out of the car and looked at the small building. This is a three-story villa. The eaves are elastic Chinese eaves. The corners of the roof are slightly raised. The walls are made of reinforced concrete and even have a Bauhaus feel. Su Qingyue feels that this kind of mixing is not appropriate, and there is a large terrace on the second floor.

Zhang Yichun led them inside, and there was a smiling servant at the door.

He Jiahua suddenly appeared on the terrace, wearing a nightgown: "Qingyue." He yelled with a smile, and then greeted everyone: "Oda, Nanxiang, Dongfang have not seen each other for a long time. Everyone is here, great. Wait for me to get on. You guys." He said, turning around and walking back.

Su Qingyue and others followed Zhang Yichun into the room. There were two crystal elephants at the entrance of the hall, Zhang Xianyan was wealthy. Like the decoration of many old-style Hong Kong movies, this is a palace-like decoration. Crystal lights illuminate the whole hall with magnificence. There are spiral staircases on both sides of the hall, leading to the second floor.

He Jiahua walked down from above, he brought a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and said to Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, you can come, I am very happy, we will have a family dinner at home tonight." After that, he shook hands with Su Qingyue. A short fat woman walked over behind him, and he immediately introduced: "This is my wife Qiu Yichun."

He said, Su Qingyue was startled.

Suddenly remembered that a long time ago, Du Nanxiang talked to herself about the story of Jia Chunqiu, shook hands with Qiu Yichun, and called his sister-in-law. He found that Qiuyi's pure temperament was far better than He Jiahua, because He had a sense of utilitarianism in his eyes.

But Qiu Yichun didn't have it. Under her seemingly calm appearance, what was hidden was her arrogance in her bones. This was not what she learned later, it is probably her family education since she was a child. Thinking of this, Su Qingyue shook hands with Qiu Yichun. The latter said: "I heard Jiahua mentioning you every day, saying that you are a business prodigy. Today's view is really good."

"Mr. He has been rewarded. In fact, it's just taking a bit of the bonus of the times." Su Qingyue smiled.

He Jiahua followed next to him: "It's also a skill to get the bonus."

They exchanged greetings, and then Qiu Yichun shook hands with Du Nanxiang again and said, "Nanxiang, it's been a long time."

"Yes, it's been a long time." Du Nanxiang said.

Qiu Yichun smiled and asked, "How are you now?"

"Very good. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Du Nanxiang said: "I feel that since joining Yuedao and working with everyone, I feel much better and I am younger. I didn't use those cosmetics originally, but now I am more in a better mood. It doesn’t work much anymore. It’s better to rely on yourself. Make-up is not enough."

Qiu Yichun heard what she said, looked back at He Jiahua, then smiled and said: "Jiahua is a man with no conscience. I don't care about you if I put you in Pingjing, and I don't say it's okay to ask you to come back and sit down." As she spoke, she shook hands with Du Nanxiang, unable to tell whether she was calm or malicious, and then added: "Is it going to be Pingjing in the future?"

"It's taking Yue Dao in charge." Du Nanxiang replied with a smile, and took another look at He Jiahua.

Know that there must be a story between them.

Opposite Zhang Yichun raised his face, and sunglasses blocked his malicious smile.

Su Qingyue hated him even more. However, at this time, Qiu Yichun did not continue with Du Nanxiang, smiled and shook hands with everyone, the arrogance brought out in the calm, as if to say that I was the owner of this house.

Du Nanxiang ignored her, shook hands with He Jiahua, and cried, "Old He."

The latter immediately smiled and said to Zhang Yichun: "In the first spring, you have to learn from Nanxiang and learn from the dedication of others in terms of work."

"Understand." Zhang Yichun nodded

At this time, He Jiahua and Su Qingyue said: "In order to meet you and everyone, your sister-in-law has prepared authentic Cantonese food for you. Let's have dinner on the top floor tonight, where the scenery is particularly good, overlooking the entire Hong Kong Island."

"Thank you sister-in-law." Su Qingyue smiled back.

Qiu Yichun smiled and said, "It should be." Then he left.

He Jiahua invited everyone to drink tea on the second floor and said, "I will make a Kung Fu tea for everyone. Everyone will taste the Pu'er I just got yesterday." He stopped talking and walked upstairs.

Everyone followed afterwards.

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