Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 730: : The old man chats and goes crazy

"I set up a study room on the second floor." Going to the second floor, He Jiahua introduced to Su Qingyue: "The designer did not agree to have a terrace before, thinking it would ruin the beauty of the whole house. But I said, I am not comfortable No, what if there is no terrace. He can't add it to me at the end, and now I entertain friends and so on, mainly on the second floor."

He smiled and said, with pride in his words, he felt that he finally defeated the designer.

Su Qingyue listened and nodded slightly.

The door of the study was open at this time, and the sunlight came in from the glass door of the open terrace, which seemed particularly warm. There are a lot of books here. Su Qingyue glanced casually and noticed that they were all thread-bound books. Among them, there was a copy of Su Shi's selected text on the writing desk, and a copy of the word was hanging on the opposite side of the desk.

Su Qingyue couldn't help but pronounced: "The old man talks about being crazy..." He Jiahua smiled again: "He is a good character."

"This is just nonsense." He Jiahua laughed, pointing to the Su Shi Wenxuan on the table and said: "A few days ago, I turned to "Jiang Chengzi. Mizhou is out hunting, and I am also up." He said with a smile, I used to be here. What is hanging is: "The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying."

"It feels like you are improving every day." Su Qingyue nodded, feeling that He Jiahua has a lot of energy today, but although this character looks good, it gives people a strange feeling. It is a structural problem. Comfortable. He thought, didn't say much, still smiled.

The latter asked him casually: "Qingyue, have you written recently?"

"Writing less, mainly because you are too busy, you know." Su Qingyue explained with a smile.

"Thanks, things are done beautifully. These are things that we all see." He Jiahua said with a smile: "After the company is listed, it will be on the right track, and it will be fine to practice the calligraphy at that time." He said nothing and took everyone to When I walked inside, I saw Dongfang Jun, thinking of something, and said: "Dongfang Dong seems to write, too, Qingyue told me."

"My word is incomparable with yours."

"What can't be compared? It's up to people." He Jiahua said, smiling at Su Qingyue again: "Qingyue, if you don't mind, let's write a copy after dinner?" He said, laughing, and then said, "This is also true. It's only when you come that I can be so excited."

"Okay." Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

However, Dongfang Jun waved his hand and said that he would forget it.

They walked to the terrace, where there was a marble tea table with a tea set on it, and a servant delivered a burning charcoal fire outside. He Jiahua pointed to a pot of tea on the table, and introduced: "We specially prepared for you, our Chaozhou people's favorite Phoenix Dancong tea. I have only a few catties a year."

He Jiahua spoke to Du Nanxiang, and said: "Nanxiang, I will save a little for you, take it back to drink." He Su Qingyue said: "Nanxiang is a bit big-tempered, but honest and kind. I can do a good job. I admire her very much and thank you for taking care of her."

"Elder He, this is not my care, it is Nan Xiang's own ability." Su Qingyue smiled back.

Du Nanxiang always smiled and didn't talk much.

Zhang Yichun tried to speak up with several other shareholders, and everyone was very polite to chat with him.

At this time, He Jiahua washed his hands in a small basin of clean water, then picked up the fan on the table and fanned the charcoal fire slightly to make it more prosperous. Pour the tea and warm the pot first, and then said: "When I first came here, my mother was too busy. I was still going to school at that time and didn’t know anything. The only thing I could do was to make her soak when she came home. Last pot of hot tea."

He said, Su Qingyue nodded, noting that he hadn't mentioned Yue Lindao a word.

It seems to know that Yuelin Island is not coming, but why on earth? What is the relationship with He Jiahua?

He thought, walking to the side to call Yue Lindao. Unfortunately, the phone is still turned off. Seeing how He Jiahua was talking and laughing with others, I remembered Du Nanxiang's exhortation to be careful. He Jiahua had already poured the tea into the tea cup at this time, looked at him and said, "Qingyue."

"Thank you." Su Qing laughed more and hurried up to pick up tea.

Then, he handed the tea cups to Dongfang Jun, Tian Zhong, Chen Ting, and then to Du Nanxiang, watching her pick it up, his eyes narrowed, and he laughed and said, "Taste it and see if it's the old taste. This time I used Baishan mountain spring water."

"Thank you, Mr. He." Du Nanxiang responded politely, took a sip, and said: "I suspect that it is my psychological effect. Drinking is different, but tea is really good tea." She said and laughed.

Tian Zhong didn’t know the meaning of the conversation between them, and said untimely, “I think I like Sister Nan Xiang. If I can’t drink it, I can’t drink it. Anyway, the tea that my boss gave me was taken away by my husband. . I really don't understand."

Listening to him, everyone laughed.

He Jiahua followed: "Going back this time, I'll get some tea for your old husband, and it happens to have a good pot."

He talked about everyone, and continued to drink tea.

The sun gradually fell, scorching the clouds at the far end, causing them to gradually turn into a fiery red color.

The terrace dimmed, the servant turned on the warm lights, and everyone was chatting, not talking about business.

After a while, the butler came and said in a low voice to He Jiahua: "It's okay."

The latter immediately got up and said: "Everyone is tired from the journey, let's go to dinner. Have a good drink and relax. I prepared Yamazaki's 18-year-old whiskey for everyone. It is fully fermented in sherry barrels and matured. "He smiled and introduced Su Qingyue to Su Qingyue: "Sherry barrel-aged raw wine has a fragrance of dried fruits and chocolate, and it has won awards for three consecutive years."

"Okay, great." Su Qingyue said.

Dongfang Jun smiled and said, "Do you have any Coke? I never drink."

"Can't you have a drink?" He Jiahua said with a smile.

Dongfang Jun immediately said: "I still drink Coke, right?"

He Jiahua didn't persuade him any more, only glanced at the servant, who then left.

Walk into He Jiahua’s restaurant. It is decorated like a royal palace, magnificent and magnificent enough to accommodate dozens of people. Everyone took their seats separately, Su Qingyue sat on his left and Qiu Yichun sat on his right. The others sat down, UU reading www. According to the custom of Cantonese cuisine, uukahnshu.com first comes with a sample soup.

He Jiahua introduced: "This soup is supervised by your sister-in-law. It is a very simple sea cucumber soup. In addition to nourishing, it is also an appetizer. You have been tired for more than a year. Drink more soup to relieve your fatigue."

After he spoke, the servant served the soup for everyone.

The more Su Qing took a sip, he felt refreshed.

Qiu Yichun smiled and said to Du Nanxiang, "Nanxiang, what do you think?"

"Very good." Du Nanxiang nodded.

Qiu Yichun said again: "Drink two more bowls if it is delicious. You can't drink it every day in Pingjing, right?" She said, hearing everyone praise the soup, and said: "How old do you guys like me making it? Soup, we Southern Cantonese women are very particular about this. Girls can make soup to keep men."

As he said, everyone laughed.

Su Qing faintly felt that there was something in Qiu Yi's pure words.

However, Du Nanxiang didn't answer the question, and followed the cold dishes of Bai Zhanji.

The servant pours the wine, and He Jiahua carries the cup. Everyone keeps up and listens to him. "I am very happy to visit the Humble House today. Since the establishment of Yuedao, under the leadership of Qingyue, it can be said that we have achieved a brilliant record. Recently we have acquired. Fengli Technology, it can be said that the entire investment community is aware of our future. Here, let us all celebrate together."

He stopped talking.

Su Qingyue was startled, but he didn't expect him to be so polite. He got up hurriedly and said, "He is too serious."

"It goes without saying that you are the most important soul figure of our Yuedao." He Jiahua said with a smile.

Everyone also followed: "Boss! Cheers!"

Without saying any more, Su Qingyue and everyone drank a glass of Chinese wine and sat down to look around.

Yue Lindao was not there, and China Cigarette was missing in the ashtray.

Suddenly miss him a little, and worry a little...

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