Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 731: : He Jiahua's Abacus

I have to say that Yamazaki's eighteenth year really tastes good.

It is not only the sweet fragrance in the mouth, but also the lusciousness of the thick sherry bucket, and after swallowing, there is a long sweet and sour and ripe fruit aroma. Like everyone else, he likes it very much. It's just that He Jiahua didn't talk about Yue Lindao, and didn't even ask. This matter made him doubt and worry.

The next moment, when he was mentioning the third cup, he spoke. First of all, he thanked He Jiahua for hosting, and secondly he said: "This year is a crucial year for our Yuedao, because we are facing a major event, which is to land in the stock market. This is us. As a reward for so many years of hard work, I would like to thank everyone here."

As he said, he got up to serve his cup.

Everyone keeps up.

Su Qingyue said again: "Here is not only to thank you, He Lao, but also to a very important person who supported me at the beginning of the establishment of Yuedao. Since I joined Hualuo in Pingjing, it should be said. I have to thank him in my life, I always regard him as my big brother."

He said so, everyone looked at him, everyone knew that he was talking about Yue Lindao.

At this moment, He Jiahua couldn't help but nodded, with a smile on his face, waiting for him to continue.

"I know, everyone understands that I'm talking about Yue Dongyue Lindao. He is not only Yue Dao's hero, but also everyone's good teacher and helpful friend. But recently, due to physical reasons, we have been unable to contact him. I thought I could see him here. But no, it should be said that this is beyond my expectation." Su Qingyue said, and said: "But no matter if Yue Dong is or not, we still have to thank him for everything he has done for Yue Dao, and wish him good health and a speedy recovery. ."

He said, raising the cup.

Everyone immediately followed, and Dongfang Jun said: "Qingyue, don't worry, Yue Donghui will be fine."

"Boss, Yue Dongji will definitely not have a problem with the human nature." Tian Zhong also followed up.

Chen Ting and Du Nanxiang looked at each other, only holding their cups.

He Jiahua listened at this time and said: "Qingyue, do you think it is appropriate for me to say a few words about this matter?" He smiled and asked, and in an undeniable tone, said: "Don't worry, you will feel better on the island. He got up, I know about him. Come on, let's do this glass of wine first."

He finished speaking and toasted a glass of wine.

Su Qingyue heard that he knew about Yue Lindao, and was stunned for a moment, and then finished the glass of wine.

He felt that this incident was neither unexpected nor unexpected.

Putting down the wine glass, the fruity scent still persists in his mouth. He Jiahua said at this time: "I know Lindao's body. I have found the best doctor for him and he is undergoing treatment in Los Angeles." He said, looking at Su Qingyue again. There was the kindness and authority of the parents in his eyes, and he said: "Lin Dao has also asked me about the next thing."

Exhort? Hearing this word, Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

Knowing that He Jiahua still has something to say, he waited.

At the next moment the latter continued: "Lindao loves us Yuedao very much, and he especially cares about you. He hopes you can bring Yuedao to glory, and he absolutely believes that only you can bring Yuedao to Brilliant." He Jiahua said, and Su Qingyue listened, always feeling that this was like a prelude to a turning point.

Then He Jiahua said again: "He told me to help you seriously. We have a consensus on this. Dong Yue gave me his voting rights. I must be worthy of this trust and help Qing better face everything in the future. difficulty."

He said that the last sentence more than surprised Su Qing.

Everyone present was stunned.

Without waiting for everyone’s recollection, He Jiahua held up the wine glass and said, “Qingyue, don’t worry, you were an agent before the chairman, and now you are official. I’m going all out to support you, even more so on this point. Exception." He said, and smiled: "Come! Let's all welcome our Chairman Su."

The next moment, Su Qingyue looked at He Jiahua.

Although he still kept smiling, he forgot how he drank the wine in the glass.

There was no fruitiness, and he was a little dazed. Thinking of Yue Lindao's sudden resignation as chairman, he realized that in fact everything was already working. The sentence Yue Lindao said: I will definitely explain it to you personally. Now that it is very meaningful in retrospect, it shows that there must be something.

Although he is currently the chairman of the board, He Jiahua has already sworn in his control of Yue Dao, and his scope of power is beyond fingertips.

Secondly, since the chairman of me was my own, how did he become the supporter of He Jiahua? From the perspective of human relations and the law, in front of everyone, he slapped himself fiercely.

This is not revenge for the Zhang Yichun incident.

This is more like He Jiahua's existing strategy. The reason why he does not become chairman himself now is entirely because of the great cause of listing. It's just how long this situation will last. I didn't expect the control to fall away from others so quickly. Then I recalled the words on the second floor: The old man talked about being crazy... Su Qing shuddered.

Just thinking about it, everyone continued to drink.

However, the atmosphere has changed a lot, and everyone has noticed that something is wrong.

At this time, there are a lot of dishes coming up. He Jiahua introduces each dish one by one, and Su Qingyue said: "My wife specially invited the chef from the Michelin restaurant for you. These are the main signatures in the restaurant. You see, especially this one. Yaochi snails and chickens."

He said that the turntable stopped in front of Su Qingyue.

Although Su Qingyue was very upset, he continued to eat without showing anything.

The wine on the dinner table has not been seen for a long time, and Tian Zhong just slurped and did not call for a toast.

Dongfang Jun is also thoughtful.

Du Nanxiang and Chen Ting exchanged some other topics from time to time, obviously just to make the atmosphere relaxed.

After a while, everyone had almost eaten.

He Jiahua suddenly smiled and extended an invitation to Su Qingyue and said: "Qingyue, shall we go upstairs to write?"

"Qingyue, He Sheng has been waiting for you." Qiu Yichun said at this time: "You will be mumbling before you come."

"Okay!" Su Qingyue immediately replied, not allowing himself to show any strangeness. He always firmly believed that the Taishan collapse did not change the color before, and it was the cultivation base of mature entrepreneurs. I would rather do things absolutely than say nothing. It is the behavior of children to hurt people with their mouths.

They were talking and got up and walked upstairs.

Although it was dark outside, all the lights in He Jiahua Mansion were on.

Zhang Yichun triumphantly introduced He Jiahua’s calligraphy to others, saying: “My uncle’s words are not only in the rich circles of Hong Kong Island, but also in many cultural circles overseas, and they are also well-known. A few days ago, the owner of a real estate group in Singapore , And specially asked him to write an inscription."

He said, listening to Tian Zhong, he immediately interjected: "I haven't seen Old He's words, but my boss's words are not just the words of Yuedao.com. Once I watched him check out, it was on the credit card list. Signed, it's called a chic and elegant, so that the waiter asked him, which star are you? Have you practiced?"

Dongfangjun followed up: "Qingyue was taught by Liu Huajing. I showed his handwriting to my grandfather. He is a well-known expert and calligrapher in China. His evaluation of Qingyue characters is that he is talented, honest and unrestrained. Grandpa said that he often sees talented people who can write words, but they lack integrity and unrestrainedness. Only Tongzi Gong can have this kind of skill."

When he said so, Su Qingyue was startled when he listened, and suddenly realized what was wrong with He Jiahua's words.

From their first meeting, he felt that there was something wrong with He Jiahua's calligraphy.

There is more than just a structure. Looking back now, Su Qing understands that he lacks integrity and unrestrainedness, especially since the old man I saw today talks about being crazy. Understand the meaning of Tian Zhong and Dongfang Jun, today the team was suddenly brought out by He Jiahua, and the generals, everyone's emotions can be imagined.

Su Qingyue didn't say anything deliberately.

Zhang Yichun felt boring, so he stopped talking.

He Jiahua was still smiling. When he walked up, the servant on the second floor had already prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Qingyue, it happens that you are here this time. I specially bought you a set of pure tail wolf hair brushes. This time you take them. A good brush with a righteous heart is especially good." He Jiahua said with a smile.

It is not only a good pen, but also a good inkstone and ancient rice paper.

At this time, Zhang Yichun smiled to He Jiahua and said, "Uncle, please give me a question someday."

He said, Qiu Yichun laughed and said: "What's the matter, you are taking it out to sell money again?" She said, watching Du Nanxiang said: "Nanxiang, I told you that this is not as good as you in the first spring. You never Don’t lie to He Lao’s words, unlike my nephew, who uses his uncle’s words to scream every day."

"He Lao's writing is really good. What I admired most when I was here was He Lao's writing." She said, "However, when I saw Qingyue's writing on the Yuedao network, I knew He Lao found a like-minded person. People."

As everyone talked, Su Qing tried his best to ask He Jiahua to write first.

The latter was not polite, standing in front of the counter.

Su Qingyue watched, he wanted to know He Jiahua's state of mind at this time, and watch him put up a pen.

The tip of the pen stayed on the paper for a while, and then I started to write. It is still a good line of scripture: "To the east is the stone, to view the sea. The water is Dandan, and the mountains and islands stand upright. The trees are overgrown and the grass is luxuriant. The autumn breeze is bleak, and the waves are surging. …" Cao Cao's "Guan Cang Hai leaped on paper."

This is the first chapter of "Out of the Summer Gate." Su Qingyue knows what Cao Cao wrote when he climbed the Jieshi Mountain to watch the sea. The so-called mountains and seas, majestic and majestic scenery, in fact, more express Cao Cao's enterprising heart in the world.

Maybe this is what He Jiahua thought.

Looking down, he quickly discovered that there was another problem in the structure of the entire verse. I didn't understand what was going on before, but now Su Qing suddenly realized.

He thought, watching He Jiahua write again: "The journey of the sun and the moon, if you go out of it; the stars are brilliant, if you go out of it. Fortunately, even..." He paused here, as if thinking of something, stopped for a while, and pointed the pen forward. Dip the ink lightly, and then finally write: "Sing to chant the will."

Suddenly Zhang Yichun applauded: "Good words! Good poems! I feel that my uncle's skill has increased again."

He probably doesn't understand calligraphy, so he can only use good and good poems to compliment him, which seems dull and tasteless.

At this time, He Jiahua fastened his seal, looked up at Dongfang Jun, and asked with a smile, "Dear Dongfang, what do you think?"

"Very good." Dongfang Jun praised, pointing to the words and said: "Especially this song is well written with chanting."

He said that Su Qingyue also nodded and said okay, but in his heart he felt that Dongfang Jun had failed the whole writing.

He Jiahua tried too hard to use the four words chanting. The final dip in the ink affected not only the structure, but also several other aspects, which disrupted the already unsatisfactory balance. He might have wanted to write this poem a long time ago, but he has been waiting for himself. Today, he can't bear the loneliness in his heart.

Looking at what He Jiahua was said by Dongfang Jun, his expression remained unchanged, and he was still talking and laughing with everyone.

At this time, Du Nanxiang interjected: "Looking at what Elder He wrote, I look forward to Mr. Su now."

As she said, He Jiahua smiled and said: "Qingyue, your hands are itchy, come on." He stepped aside, and said to Su Qingyue: "But you have finished writing this picture, you want to give it to me."

"He Lao, let's exchange this point, and I want your words too." Su Qingyue smiled back.

Then he picked up the pen.

It’s really been a long time since he started to write. For a while, his pen tip stopped. He still wanted to deal with He Jiahua’s view of the sea, but he didn’t know why. Suddenly he remembered the song Hua Yang made for The Great World of Martial Arts. Cowardly, alone in the play; thin face, ripples...

Suddenly, he knew what to write.

I started writing in an instant, and wrote: "Youth chivalrous, make friends with Wudu Xiongs. He is gutless, and the hair is towering. In the talk, life and death are the same. A promise is heavy..." He Zhu's "Six States Songs·Young Chivalrousness, UU Reading" www.uukanshu.cOM Su Qingyue did not choose poems, but chose words.

Seeing this, Du Nanxiang couldn't help but yelled: "Good occasion!"

Dongfang Jun said: "So chivalrous!"

As they said, Su Qingyue ignored it, as if entering his own state of mind, thinking that he went from entering Hualuo to encounter Guan You, then to the focus of facing the Three Musketeers, and then with Jiang Zhengshang, Zhou Yang and Zhong Tankai. Maybe I have become mature, but there is something that hasn't changed. It's my original intention.

Thinking of this, Su Qingyue dipped his ink a little, and wrote: "Push the Alice and bravely, you will be arrogant and arrogant. Gaily embrace, Lianfeiyan, Douchengdong. Boom drinking wine, the spring is floating cold, sucking the sea and hanging rainbows. Eagles and dogs, Baiyu picks the eagle's bow, and cunning hole. Le Hurry. Like a dream of yellow beams, resigning from Danfeng; the moon is full of solitary awnings. Officials are redundant, pregnant with suspense; falling into the dust cage, books and books."

The study was quiet.

He Jiahua couldn't help but said: "Qingyue, really is a young man, proud."

Tanaka said at this time: "I don't understand the calligraphy, but I understand the word. I can understand it at this level. It's cool and powerful. It's impactful and beautiful! It looks good!"

The big guy is talking about it.

Su Qingyue seemed to be unable to hear it. He was completely immersed in his own world, and wrote: "The scorpion is like a cloud, for crude use, and the strange power is suddenly. It is from the Tianjiao species, the sword roars to the west wind. I hate mountain climbing and the water, hand-sent Qixiantong..."

At the end of the writing, his pen tip stopped and hesitated for a while, but finally the pen tip did not dip in ink.

Wrote: "Look at Guihong."

After receiving the pen, Dongfang Jun thoughtfully said: "The character Su is well written..."

He said, He Jiahua also applauded: "Good words! Good words!"

But at this time Su Qingyue was still immersed in his thoughts...

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