Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 734: : Explain the profound things in a simple way

They talked for a long time that night, and it was almost eleven o'clock when they returned.

Su Qingyue was surprised by Du Nanxiang's frankness. This not only shows that she is well versed in the way of the workplace: to gain trust, she must have no reservations; it also shows that she no longer wants to be a tool person, she wants to be herself, to be a dignified independent team One member.

Liu Tianjun flaunted her and said: "Look at me, I can play football if I want to! Everything I have is to be who I want to be!"

To be yourself is indeed the dream of a tool person. Although Du Nanxiang is a socialite in the workplace, there is the helplessness of women in the workplace.

There is no denying that Du Nanxiang's character has a utilitarian element, and this utilitarian even makes her somewhat morally flawed. She is eager to move forward and upward, eager to get rid of the status quo, eager to change her destiny, all of which stem from the lack of security.

Du Nanxiang lacks security and longs for security, so he would rather choose to "destruct his eyebrows and kneel down on the rich and powerful." When she took this step, she realized that it was not what she had imagined.

Du Nanxiang said that the reason why she loves Yuedao is because of respect, no one is really a tool. The atmosphere of unity, sunshine, motivation and ideals made her truly find her place and feel safe.

Proactively confessing privacy is trust, and it is also a fame.

Thinking of this, Su Qingyue returned to the room and took a shower first.

The hot water washed away the alcohol, not only was he not sleepy, but he was sober.

Just thinking about whether or not to call A Mou, the phone rang, and it was a sensible connection.

Su Qing wiped the phone and answered the phone. Amo’s voice came out from the other end of the phone: "Husband, how is it? Did you talk to He Jiahua about PreIPO?"

"No, I just arrived today." Su Qingyue said, after thinking about it, he still didn't tell Amo what He Jiahua had done. Feeling that she was already nervous, telling this would increase her anxiety even more. Just said again: "Did the child move today?"

"Yes, I am very lively every day." Amu said.

"When are you coming back?" Amu asked.

"It should be the day after tomorrow, not too long." Su Qingyue said.

"Husband, today my junior high school classmate Hua Meiling is here." Ah Mou finally returned to the subject. Su Qingyue listened, and she said again: "I invited her to dinner, and she told me that a bunch of men become bad when they have money. Things, especially female secretaries..."

Su Qing couldn't help but rubbed his eyebrows when Amo said this.

Although I can understand all kinds of gossip between women, and there are indeed many such things. But when Amu was pregnant, she was already sensitive, and she still had to talk about it. No matter how unintentional, it was a bit irritating.

As he was thinking, Amu asked, "Su Qingyue, do you understand?"

"Understand." Su Qingyue was a little embarrassed when asked.

"Understand what?" Amu asked.


Su Qingyue was speechless for a while, before Su Qingyue had time to say more, Ah Mu said: "That is to say, someone can't hold back the initiative. So you have to tighten this string in the future..."

"Good! Good! Good!" Su Qingyue had no intention of fighting.

Unexpectedly, Ah Mu's voice suddenly became louder, and said, "You really have it?"

"What is there?" Su Qingyue was asked startled.

"If you didn't, you would have answered so perfunctorily." Amu said on the phone with a grunt, making Su Qingyue a little confused.

Realizing that Ah Mou was looking for something and looking for a sense of existence, he had to cooperate with her and acted for a while.

Finally swore an oath and it was all right.

After hanging up, Su Qingyue stretched.

I wanted to say that this was not all, but I thought of He Jiahua again. Today Du Nanxiang said that he is always changing female secretaries, and everyone is his tool man.

Su Qingyue didn't care about his life, but thought of another question: "He Jiahua regards himself as a tool man? What kind of plans and plans for Yue Dao? How should he face it?"

However, the struggle I faced this time was different from previous commercial wars, and it was even more difficult.

This battle must be based on the premise of not harming Yuedao and not harming Yuedao's team.

And this kind of war is also the most difficult.

You can't hit the people, you can't destroy any buildings, you must have surgical precision strikes. Such a war requires not only more courage, but more importantly, wisdom.

It is really difficult, but there is no way. This is reality.

They have different emotional foundations for Yue Dao.

Behind my dear love is actually a burden, thinking about how to face it.

Fortunately, this matter is not so anxious yet, there is still time to think and think about that great wisdom.

He thought, and felt that the core of everything was to find Yue Lindao first.

Because behind Yue Lindao's surrender of voting rights, it was definitely not as easy as He Jiahua said. There must be something behind this. Thinking of what happened to Yue Lindao. The more Su Qing understood that he had to find Yuelin Island in order to know his confidant and to survive all battles.

He thought, slowly falling asleep.

When I got up the next day, I was still awakened by the biological clock.

He first took a hot shower to make himself more comfortable, and then sat in a chair to work for a while.

I checked the email and various information to make sure there was nothing wrong. It was already eight o'clock in the watch.

Only then went downstairs to have breakfast, and as soon as he walked in, he saw Du Nanxiang beckoning himself.

A manager of the hotel standing beside him, smiling slightly, said to Du Nanxiang: "I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing? Are you busy? This is your favorite cheesecake." He said, handed it over. A small plate with small pastries on the plate.

"Thank you." Du Nanxiang said with a smile.

The manager left immediately.

Su Qingyue smiled, Du Nanxiang said: "I used to live in this hotel all year round. They and Lao He’s company are an agreement hotel." She explained and looked around: "I have lived here for several years. I'm very familiar."

"I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

After taking a bite, Tian Zhong also came, and when he saw them, he smiled and said hello.

I took something and sat next to them and chatted.

Su Qingyue watched the time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, they had a simple meeting in the afternoon, there was not much content, but it would also waste time. Su Qingyue believed that he should talk to He Jiahua about the PreIPO in the morning, and felt that the problem should not be big based on the conditions of Mingxin and Peng Nuoyi.

Just thinking about what to say, at this time, He Jiahua dialed the phone and said to talk to him.

Su Qingyue heard it right, and immediately said, "I want to talk to you too."

"Then I will let Yichun pick you up later," he said.

"Okay." Su Qingyue said.

They hung up the phone, and they were eating, Tian Zhong asked, "Boss, I always listen to you about PreIPO. I haven't understood anything too much yet?"

"You ask Mr. Du to say that he is our chief financial officer, more professional." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

"The professional angle is too complicated, President Su, I think it's up to you." Du Nanxiang laughed.

Su Qingyue said: "Then let me say this, I may not be accurate, as long as I have the meaning. Regardless of professionalism, try to use easy-to-understand language, okay?"

He said, Dongfang Jun also leaned over behind him, and said with a smile: "Quick! Quick talk!"

After thinking about it, Su Qingyue said: "Actually, this matter is very simple. It's as if we finished writing a novel right away, but this novel is already very popular on the Internet. At this time, the media came to you and said I would give it to you. Promote it, write you a book review or something, at a good price. You know that they are here to take advantage, so why did you let them do it?"

He asked, and Dongfang Jun said, "That must be good."

"Yes, the good thing is that they are famous and influential, which can help us greatly expand the results of our battles and multiply the influence of the novel. The most important thing here is the resources, and money is a trivial matter..."

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