Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 735: :future

In the end, Su Qingyue briefly described what PreIPO is. It must be accurate, but everyone suddenly realized it. Even Du Nanxiang couldn't help but admire: "General Su, he is very good. He can explain such a professional thing so clearly."

"But it's not accurate, the real knowledge content still depends on you." Su Qingyue smiled back.

"No, the skeleton is the most important thing to be accurate. Many people have been doing finance for a long time, but they don't understand that finance is not simple mathematics. It is more a game of human nature behind it. I think you have caught this point." Du Nanxiang said: " Regardless of people and organizations, it is ultimately benefits. Your description is very accurate, but I would definitely not be able to."

They said with a smile.

Tanaka also said: "The boss is good at grasping the essence. He was a marketer back then and jumped to the focus to engage in products. Many people were not optimistic about him, and the result was not a matter of life. This is the power of grasping the essence. Place."

He said that Dongfang Jun wanted to talk too.

Su Qing hurriedly stopped them: "Okay, let me praise me again." He said, and said, "Nan Xiang, please tell me a little serious knowledge about PreIPO. In this case, everyone will be clearer if you string them together."

He said, Du Nanxiang started talking.

"The PreIPO round mainly refers to a round of financing conducted by a company before going public. The exit method of investment funds participating in the PreIPO round is generally as follows: after the company goes public, it sells stocks and exits from the public capital market. The same as the risk of investing in the seed and start-up stages Investment is different. The investment time of funds participating in the PreIPO round is when the size and earnings of the company have reached the level of listing, and even the company is already at the door of the stock market. Therefore, the PreIPO round of investment has the advantages of low risk and fast recovery, and it is in the company’s stocks. Investors can get a high return on investment. What can they bring to us? These funds are generally strong and famous, and their help to us is not only capital, but also for us. The introduction of resources such as management, customers, technology, and listing services can also increase our visibility in the capital market."

She said, everyone listen.

Suddenly it became clearer, and Tanaka said with emotion: "It's really like what the boss said. I said that our company is doing very well, and there is no shortage of money. Why don't you just go public and do it so complicated?"

They were talking and chatting.

After breakfast, Su Qingyue returned to the house and took a bath first.

After a while, Zhang Yichun called and told him that he was downstairs.

Su Qingyue only then went down.

While walking, I wondered how to talk to He Jiahua about Mingxin Capital and Yinuo Fund.

When I went out, I saw Zhang Yichun standing in front of the car. Today he drove a Rolls-Royce Phantom. After seeing Su Qingyue, he nodded slightly and called Mr. Su, which was more polite than before.

Following them in the car, Zhang Yichun told him that he was going to He Jiahua's office today.

"Just in the most prosperous Central, you can overlook the whole Hong Kong from there." Zhang Yichun introduced with a smile.

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded politely.

The car drove forward, looking at the tall buildings outside the window, like giant steel beasts, controlling the entire city.

Although the lane below is narrow, it is not too congested. At this time, Zhang Yichun pointed to one of the tall buildings and said: "It's there, my uncle is not usually in the office. This time he came to the office when you came."

Zhang Yichun roughly meant: I came to the office specially for you, you should say thank you.

Su Qingyue ignored him, just nodded.

Continue to look out the window.

After a while, they arrived. After getting off the car, a security guard greeted him and shouted with a smile, "Zhang Shao, the elevator has arrived."

Zhang Yichun raised his face and didn't even look at each other, so they walked in with Su Qingyue and introduced: "There are a total of twelve elevators here, one for my uncle. I use it if he doesn't use it normally." With that, the security guard led them to the elevator entrance and smiled and watched them upstairs.

The high-speed elevator made people's ears scream, Su Qingyue adjusted a little, and after a while, they walked out the door. The lady at the front desk stood up, bowed and shouted, "Shaohao Zhang."

Zhang Yichun still ignored the other party and walked into the company with a raised face. He Jiahua's company is very large, and it seems that it is not only an investment business, but also many industries in operation. This is a large group, and the Internet is just their new business that they value most recently. However, according to Du Nanxiang, the investment status of many industries is not so good. This can better explain why He Jiahua attaches great importance to Yue Dao.

Walking inside, he soon came to He Jiahua's office.

This place occupies almost half a floor of the building, and the secretary outside stood up and smiled and said, "Good Shao Zhang?"

"My uncle asked me to bring President Su over to talk about something." Zhang Yichun explained.

"Well, He Sheng is inside, please please." The secretary said with a smile.

Su Qingyue looked at her as young and beautiful, reminding him of Du Nanxiang.

She smiled and got up, opened the door for them, and said, "He Sheng, President Su is here."

At this moment, He Jiahua was in front of the French window. Seeing Su Qingyue coming, he immediately greeted him and shook hands. He smiled and said, "Qingyue, please come in soon." He said, pointing to the surroundings: "How is this place? The environment is okay?" He said , Refers to the floor-to-ceiling windows, where you can overlook the entire Hong Kong Island.

"Very good." Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

He Jiahua asked him to sit down, UU reading www. Secretary uukanshu.com sat next to him and made tea for them, while Zhang Yichun stepped out.

"My secretary, a very talented student in the finance department." She introduced, with a hint of compliment, the woman nodded slightly, just smiled.

Su Qing thought, but what he saw was the "Du Nanxiang" of the past.

I don't know, she is not clear about her future. Su Qingyue thought, all this must be on her own. Thinking about this, she handed Su Qingyue a tea cup. Su Qingyue smiled slightly, said a word of thanks, and said: "He old, about the PreIPO list, before you We are all in touch with the two or three that I have talked about."

"Yeah." He Jiahua nodded, thoughtfully: "Is there an agency on your side looking for you?"

He said so, as if he already knew the result.

Su Qingyue immediately realized that this was actually arranged by He Jiahua. After all, he had already obtained Yue Lindao's voting rights and controlled the company. Then some concessions in interests are also normal. It suddenly dawned on him that it was no wonder the two IPO machine funds were not in a hurry.

Everything was under He Jiahua's control, and Su Qing couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

Think about it, and then said: "I am Mingxin Capital and Yinuo Fund." He said, explaining their conditions.

He Jiahua couldn't help raising his eyebrows as he listened, looking a little unbelievable.

But in the end he said: "Qingyue, you just do it, I don't think there is a problem." He said, and then said: "Qingyue, I am looking for you today, mainly to talk with you about the future of Yuedao. . After all, Yuedao’s listing is a certainty, and I am going all out to support you. In this case, our most important consideration is the future, not the present..."

He said that Su Qingyue didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd.

His complexion was still calm and said, "Old He, you said."

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