Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 746: :guess

Work in the morning is not too much.

Except for He Jiahua's appointment, everything went smoothly.

However, when he thought of Zhang Yichun coming to the reception, he felt that this was another layout. Zhang Yichun is the spokesperson of He Jiahua and Qiu Yichun, and every move actually represents He's will. He will faithfully carry out their orders. It's just that Su Qingyue didn't have much confidence in what he would do this time.

Just thinking about it, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door and asked with a smile: "Boss, shall we go to dinner together? There is a Jianghuai restaurant in East Street, which is said to be doing very well. Let's try it out?"


Su Qingyue retracted his thoughts at this time, got up and walked out with him.

On the way, he casually asked about his situation with Virgin.

"We have always been good. Don't think of her as a star. She usually looks very cold outside, but she actually misses home. Sometimes, she can return home as much as possible, and she refuses to be in the group." When he arrived at Virgin, Zhou Ziyou smiled happily, but then he said: "But her job is very hard."

"Some jobs are just glamorous in appearance, it is difficult for this outsider to understand." Su Qingyue nodded and asked, "What's the matter recently?"

"That company is still going on. I found the crew before. However, this is not their place, so I didn't dare to go too far." Zhou Ziyou complained: "But Virgin is still quite frightened. She doesn't know what to do next. Do? Looks like you are going to tear your face."

As they said, they got off the elevator.

After going out, head west, and follow the original road of Haidian Book City to Suzhou Street.

Su Qingyue first said: "Don't tear your face. Today Zhong Weiguang told me about the situation. I think it's very good. Maybe it can solve this matter completely." He said, telling Zhou Ziyou the whole content.

The latter listened, raised his eyebrows, and said: "I heard Virgin say in a more detailed version of the situation he said. It seems that these sons of their family were not born to the same mother and embarrassed Virgin. He’s the youngest son. Some media reported that these brothers were at odds with each other. I think that although the media may not be all right, they must have a reason."

"After all, there are various interests involved." Su Qingyue said, and said: "We have to put enough pressure on this person this time, but we also have to give enough face. Because if he is willing to come forward, this matter can at least be discussed."

Su Qingyue said that he believes that the direction is right, and there are some things that require both kindness and strength.

Since the other party is going to talk about business, it is easy to do. Thinking of this, he said again: "But you still have to bleed, and this matter has no way to go."

"It's impossible not to bleed, but before the other party either didn't talk about money, or just mentioned an impossible amount. I just wanted to give it, but I didn't have it." Zhou Ziyou opened his hand and said, "But I am willing to pay for Virgin. all."

Seeing his serious look, he suddenly remembered such a sentence, and became angry at him.

The more Su Qing laughed, he never thought that the friends around him would also have feelings with the big celebrities. I couldn’t help but laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Don’t be so nervous. I just want you to tell Virgin not to make the relationship stalemate, try to ease the relationship, and prepare for the subsequent negotiations. Once the contract is successfully terminated, the contract will be signed with a domestic company, what? Are all back..."

"I understand, she definitely can." Zhou Ziyou nodded.

They talked and walked into the restaurant.

After flipping through the menu, Su Qingyue felt that it should be an improved Jianghuai cuisine.

Ordered two dishes.

They continue to chat. Speaking of which, Yuedao's overseas layout is also doing very well. This year, the Seoul branch has also made great progress in research and development. It should be said that the previous layout has allowed Yuedao to be in a leading position in the industry in terms of technology. However, "That little bit of immortality has been stuck recently. The thousands of people mentioned by Tian Zhong on the same screen have never been able to find a particularly good solution, and the effect has been unsatisfactory.

With these in mind, the dishes are here.

He took a chopstick and put the lion head into his mouth. The taste was good overall, but it was not authentic.

After eating at noon, work is not too much in the afternoon.

Looking at the calendar, it was a long time since he gave Ouyang. The strange thing is that this kid hasn't moved around until now, and hasn't even taken the initiative to contact him once.

After three o'clock, he got up and called Shang Dongshan and left the unit.

The Pingjing Ring Road at more than three o'clock is still stuck in traffic. They stop and go on the road.

Recently, new projects have emerged one after another in the gaming circle, and all kinds of masterpieces are constantly emerging. At the same time, some new things have sprung up to hit the market quickly. He was very worried about Ouyang's delusion, too arrogant, and not paying attention to the development of the external world.

Before he knew it, Ouyang's neighborhood arrived, and he got out of the car.

When he walked upstairs and knocked on the door, it was Zhang Lisheng who opened the door. Seeing that his hair is obviously longer than last time, and it's messy, and his mental state is very bad, Mi Mi Xing Xing greeted Su Qingyue and called out President Su. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Su Qingyue walked in and asked with a smile, "How is it, recently?"

"No problem, it's almost finished." Zhang Lisheng said, smiling.

The house was much cleaner this time than when he came last time, and it was obviously cleaned up by the cleaners. The computers are all on, running several different games.

I don't know what he is doing. At this time, Ouyang came out of the back room.

"Boss!" Ouyang cried, his mental state was not very good, and he glanced back at the screen. Scratching his head awkwardly, he said: "We are still doing it, sorry, it's really late in time."

"It's okay." Su Qing waved his hand, he never doubted Ouyang's hard work.

"Go and sit in my house, boss." Ouyang said, and then asked Zhang Li to go downstairs to buy drinks.

Sit down in Ouyang's room.

I noticed that Ouyang's computer is also running games, which is a stand-alone shooting game.

There are also pens and papers on the table to record things.

Su Qingyue originally wanted to ask what he was doing and what project he was doing, but before he could say anything, Ouyang took a deep breath and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, this project has been delayed for so long."

"It's okay, I just check the progress." Su Qingyue said.

He understands the distress of R&D personnel for long-term failure to achieve results, and is very worried that Ouyang will be swallowed up by this pressure. He tries to keep himself smiling, waved his hand and said: "If you have any problems, let's overcome them and solve them together."

"Boss, I have overcome the problems." Ouyang laughed and said: "I was looking for you in the past two days. Because I have prepared two plans, I hope I can discuss it with you."

"Scheme?" Su Qingyue was startled when he listened, and said, "Yes."

The next moment, Ouyang turned around, turned on the computer, and talked about his efforts.

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