Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 747: : Ouyang's thoughts

"Boss, I am working on a platform for competition."

When Ouyang spoke, Su Qingyue listened and raised his eyebrows, feeling that this was not an unfamiliar concept. Thinking back to the few stand-alone games that were running on the computer just now, he felt that Ouyang would definitely need to optimize, and he had more good ideas, so he waited for him to continue.

"I think the current model actually has a certain bottleneck, and it is difficult to make a particularly big breakthrough in the short term. But competition is different. Just like football, basketball, and baseball, there is no cycle of confrontation."

Understanding what he meant, Su Qingyue nodded, and Ouyang said again: "And unlike these existing platforms, I have done more experience processing: one is to implant an optimized accelerator, and the other is voice. , These are two relatively big points, and the rest have several functions."

As Ouyang said, he turned around and began to show off his functions.

Su Qingyue saw that all the functions were very mature, and he was obviously rushing to compete in the game. This point coincided with the idea he had put forward. Suddenly I was a little happy and realized that my initial worries were unnecessary.

Zhang Lisheng came in from outside, handed the drink to Su Qingyue, and looked at the screen that was being demonstrated.

Ouyang finished speaking at this time, and then said: "Boss, the basic situation is like this, but I am also facing two very important choices. This is related to whether the so-called platform is going to go on for a long time or whether it is a small mess. ."

"You just said that there are two options." Su Qingyue asked.

"Yes, the first choice is to make a small fight. Like these platforms, piracy can also be connected and money can be earned. But in the long run, intellectual property rights must be valued by the state. I don't believe in such platforms. If the game is to be competitive for a long time, first of all, copyright must be done well."

Ouyang explained that Su Qingyue nodded, agreed, and asked, "So the second one."

"The second option is also problematic." Ouyang hesitated, and said: "If the platform wants to be bigger, it needs a lot of capital and resource investment. Even if it only meets the life and death line we set, it is not a small number. Because of you I know that the most important thing about a platform is popularity. It can be said that online is the lifeline of a platform."

He said that he lit a cigarette, and continued: "Only with enough online users can we accumulate big data technically, and iterate continuously according to the needs of users, and the platform can become more and more perfect; only enough online users, Players can have a better experience, with fast matching, good atmosphere, full popularity, more topics, and easier organization of events; only enough online users can take advantage of our technology to the extreme and form a mainstream and exclusive competitive platform. "

Speaking of this, Ouyang paused, and finally said: "Otherwise, everyone will be covered in mud after a meal of competition and entanglement, and there will be no advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, this is different from our online games at the time, with a lot of funds and resources. It's just a simple investment, and it may not be profitable in the early stage. As for the time invested, it has to be determined according to the market, and it is impossible to give a clear timetable now."

As he said, Su Qing realized that this platform is indeed different from simply making products. But once the ecology is formed, the future imagination space will be greater, and it will fit well with many of its own layouts and strategies.

It was discovered that Ouyang no longer only looked at the front, but noticed the goal of Zhongyuan.

Such a vision is very important at the company's strategic level.

Su Qingyue felt that Ouyang had begun to mature.

At this time, Ouyang said again: "I still hope to achieve a great career, not the same as other platforms. Although I did this at the beginning, on the one hand, I am not reconciled. I hope that the competition can be made A career, not just to make a fortune, but I know it does require a lot of investment."

"You don't need to worry about resources and funds. This is not something you need to worry about. With our current strength, we can fully invest in a long-term and continuous manner." Su Qingyue said: "But how much funds are needed and whether there are external sources? If resources or funds are involved, we need time to discuss this. But in this direction, I don’t think there is a problem."

"Yeah." Ouyang nodded excitedly.

Su Qingyue asked again: "How much work do you still lack?"

"Almost three or four months, it can be officially launched." Ouyang said: "It is mainly to improve a few technical details, especially this voice system."

Hearing it out, he might have to improve the voice system, or even just use it.

Su Qing became aware that during the research and development process, sometimes some lucky products were born. At this time, the research and development personnel should not be interrupted indiscriminately. He smiled and said: "No problem, you do yours. But time, it is really necessary to hurry up, and now the market is changing rapidly."

"Yes, boss, I understand." Ouyang nodded and said, "Now these brothers, there really is no day or night. Li Sheng has been with me for so long, and he never sleeps more than 4 hours a day."

"Take them to the sand and relax completely." Su Qingyue said.

"I have been." Ouyang said and laughed.

They talked and laughed, determined their thinking, and Su Qingyue said again: "I will talk to the relevant person when I go back, and then if necessary, we will come again."

"Okay, boss." Ouyang said, explaining: "I have my own rhythm, don't worry about UU reading www.uukanshu.com. Don't be so anxious. In terms of recruiting people, recruit people who are not familiar with the project. Coming in, on the contrary, will delay time. Because new people come in, they need to be trained and explained one by one. We don't have so much time. I think we should do it first."

"Yes, then first." Su Qingyue nodded and said, "Call when you need it."

Su Qingyue said, looking at their office environment.

Although this was the best way for Ouyang at that time, Su Qingyue still believed that it was not easy for their project to go to this day. R&D personnel often have to face failure to achieve results, and suffer every minute and every second. This is a very painful thing. Thinking of this, he said: "Thank you."

Ouyang immediately smiled brightly and said, "What is this? For us, this is a career, and for people like us, facing death or life, the choice is not that complicated."

He said, Su Qingyue did not speak any more.

Su Qingyue stayed in the studio until six o'clock in the evening, and he led everyone to dinner.

Ouyang and the others only drank drinks because they had to work at night. During the dinner, Ouyang talked about his observations on the industry and felt that the future is still unstable. Only by constantly looking up, lowering your head, and back and forth, can you gain a foothold.

Su Qingyue finally said: "Brothers, I have already agreed with Ouyang. We are real game producers, and we hope this business can go on and go on healthily."

At less than eight o'clock, Ouyang offered to end the meal and go back to work.

On the way back, Su Qingyue was very happy. He found that Ouyang had finally matured, and the previous hostility disappeared in his eyes.

Sometimes people's maturity depends on experience and hardship.

If a person can be reborn from the ashes, the future will continue to open the door to him.

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