Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 756: :wait

In the end, they finalized the cooperation with You Xianming and obtained not only financial investment, but more importantly, the long-term or short-term lease agreement for many commercial apartments and communities across the country.

Qiu Xinjun finally let go, and now he can say that the future of Xiaohei's short-term rental is the sea of ​​stars.

In a very short period of time, Xiaohei Short-term Rental occupied the main domestic first- and second-tier markets, greatly expanding its influence, and its market share continued to rise. After that, the company's cash flow also returned to positive, and marketing and promotion expenditures also reached a point of equilibrium. Some intermediaries who previously resisted them have now chosen to join them.

Qiu Xinjun said more happily to Su Qing: "Without you, I would actually have taken a dangerous move in this matter."

"The one you should be most grateful for is Sister Ting." Su Qingyue asked him.

Qiu Xinjun laughed and said, "You don't need to say this, I'm not a fool." He laughed and said, "I hand in all the money now. I will leave the money for the car and the cost of tobacco and alcohol. I don't care about the rest. She can check the company's accounts at any time, and I listen to them."

Understand that for Qiu Xinjun, career has never been a problem.

In many cases, if a person's heart has not settled, no matter how good the career is, it will feel empty.

After all, being able to share success is a very important way for a man to decompress.

However, Su Qing understood that Chen Ting would leave Yuedao Network sooner or later, after all, Qiu Xinjun needed her. Although he doesn't say anything, how can people who know and love each other do not know each other's difficulties. She hasn't left yet, it's just that the company will go public soon, and the resignation of senior executives will have a great impact on Yuedao.

During this period, the entire company is progressing very smoothly.

"With the assistance of the Ouyang project team, that little bit of fairy energy finally did what it promised, and completed the final technical breakthrough. Many pioneering technological innovations have been made, including the use of AOP crosscutting technology to collect client pressure point information in real time. Classify and load resources, and prioritize the game definition according to the plan, and establish related classification numbers; create file loading caches for resources corresponding to specific classification numbers, and make reference counting, based on the actual memory capacity of the user's machine when it is running LIFO processing.

The character animation is cached according to the action frame sequence and indexed according to the direction; the combined resources are synthesized and divided according to the level, and then subdivided according to the area size and the sound duration.

According to the collected relevant pressure point information, the necessary parts are filtered and left, the playback level is optimized, the graphics card is submitted in batches for rendering, etc., and finally thousands of people on the same screen are not stuck.

Wang Xinjie smiled and said to Su Qingyue: "Boss, I thought that our problem would eventually be solved, but I didn't expect the people from Ouyang Project to help. Their project team is now even stronger than us in many aspects of optimization. , I am looking forward to his battle platform going live."

Su Qingyue smiled and said: "The surgery industry has specialties. Communication and exchanges between different teams, learning from each other's weaknesses, and achieving common progress are our biggest advantages and our biggest grasp in the industry in the future." Said, I also look forward to Ouyang's battle platform.

On Sunday, they did the test again, and the results this time were quite satisfactory. The large-scale national war that had been unsatisfactory before had no lag from beginning to end. The feedback from players is also consistently good.

What is word of mouth, beyond the expectations of users is called word of mouth.

Sanqing Xiaoxian said excitedly: "Yes, this Thousand-Men War I want is like this." He not only said excitedly to Tian Zhong, but also wrote on his blog, saying, "This is what I want. The fantasy world, I didn't expect to be realized one day. Here, thanks to the staff of Yuedao."

His blog instantly attracted media attention.

Everyone understands that "that little fairy spirit needs to work hard. Someone in the industry forum pointed out: this is the most important product of Yuedao Network before it goes public. See this meaning, "that little fairy spirit must be aspirational. It’s just that I don’t quite understand. With thousands of people on the same screen, can it really be done under the existing hardware conditions? I am skeptical.

Of course, there are doubts, and some supporters replied: "Any kind of technology has a strong room for optimization. If you are not good, it does not mean that others are not good. I really want to see how this game is presented by Yuedao Network. A magnificent fantasy world."

In the face of these disputes, Su Qingyue has become accustomed to it.

In the morning, Guan Pengpeng submitted a complete marketing and promotion plan to Su Qingyue, and Su Qingyue made another amendment on it. He pointed out that unlike the market a year ago, the current market is becoming more mature. "If you want to succeed with that little fairy, it is impossible to rely on a little technological breakthrough. A very important point is the marketing and promotion itself. Innovation.

During this period, it is not only that this product is coming to an end, but the due date for Amu is also approaching. Due to some abnormalities in the fetal heart rate monitoring recently, Amu was hospitalized one week in advance on the advice of the doctor.

Not only that, the hospital also provided them with an opportunity to experience the pain of childbirth for free. However, Amu did not let Su Qingyue try. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

On the Monday after "The Little Immortal Qi Test", Su Qingyue received a call from Amu's father, saying that Amu might be giving birth.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and Su Qingyue immediately called on Dongshan to go to the hospital.

The road is not too congested. After receiving a call again, Amu's father said, "It should be about to give birth. Hurry up."

"Well, don't worry, I'll be there soon." Su Qingyue said.

He patted Dongshan on the shoulder from the back seat, and said, "Hurry up."

So Dongshan began to accelerate, and he finally became like he had just met him, darting around in the traffic, honking his horn from time to time. They used to travel for nearly an hour, but now they only took less than 25 minutes. When they arrived at the hospital, Su Qingyue patted Dongshan on the shoulder, laughed, and said, "I seem to be back to the past."

He said, went to the hospital.

The nurse smiled and greeted him. When he arrived at the door of the ward, the doctor had just finished the examination.

Talking to the family, and seeing him coming, smiled and said, "She should be on time. Just rest assured."

Then, Su Qingyue communicated some details with the doctor, and went in to accompany Amou.

Amu said he was nervous.

Su Qingyue smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, I am actually more nervous than you."

A Mou's father had just finished measuring his blood pressure and found that his blood pressure had also been high. However, even so, he still insisted on being at the door of the delivery room.

In the afternoon, Amu asked Su Qingyue in a low voice, "Would you like to listen to the sound? I always feel that I am about to give birth, and my back hurts again." She said.

Su Qingyue immediately pressed her ear to her belly.

For a while, he seemed to really hear the baby's crying, and smiled and said to Amou: "I seem to have seen him."

After he said something, Ami laughed.

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