Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 757: :perturbed

   During this night, Su Qingyue hardly dared to close his eyes, and kept guarding by Ah Mu's side. Even if she moves a little bit, he will be very nervous. Especially in the latter half of the night, Amu's signs became more and more obvious. At about 3:30, she said to Su Qingyue: "I think it's almost done."

   Nurses, midwives, and attending doctors all arrived at the first time. The whole family became nervous in an instant. The doctor inquired about Amu's situation, and Su Qingyue found that the pain on her face had obviously increased.

   Su Qing understood that the real pain of pregnant women is definitely not something she can experience.

   At this time, Su Qingyue was about to enter the delivery room with Amou, he heard an ouch behind him, and looked back and saw Amou's father sitting heavily on the chair and almost fell.

   "What's wrong?" Su Qingyue was startled, and saw his father step forward to support him.

   "No, I'm so dizzy, maybe it's too much pressure and high blood pressure." Amu's father talked, slowly lying on the chair, his face turned red, and his breathing became heavy. A nurse next to him immediately took out the blood pressure meter and did a test: "Low pressure 125, high pressure 200."

   Amo took Su Qingyue's hand at this time, and said: "You accompany Dad first."

"Ah..." Su Qing hesitated for a while, and then realized that there are professionals in childbirth. Now the important thing is to reassure A-Mou. The next moment he promised her and responded seriously: "Don't worry, I will definitely stay with our dad. After he said, he couldn't help but pull his heart as he watched Amou enter the delivery room.

   turned around and went to see Amo's father.

   I saw him sweating profusely. After drinking the medicine, he closed his eyes and slowly returned to his senses.

   Su Qingyue’s father comforted: “Old Yan, don’t be too anxious, this will not be a problem.”

   Amo's mother also said, "Can't you go back to the house and lie down for a while?"

   "No, it's okay here, nothing serious." Amu's father said hurriedly.

The nurse also interjected at this time: "It's okay. When pregnant women give birth, family members are under pressure, and it is easy to have high blood pressure. After taking this medicine, it will be better later. Don't worry about your family members. Miss Yan is in very good condition. go well."

   She said, Amu's mother said again: "I didn't see you so nervous when I was born with Amu?"

   "I'm nervous, did you see it?" Amu's father said.

   The old couple began to quarrel, and soon their emotions stabilized.

   Although Su Qingyue didn't say a word, he kept staring at the door of the delivery room. He understands that his heart is already turbulent, because in a few hours, there will be a little life in his life. Although he has thought about the scene after the birth of the child countless times since Amo was pregnant, but when everything was about to come, he found that the excitement and anxiety were completely beyond his imagination.

  Gradually, everyone calmed down.

   The chat has gradually become easier.

   Su Qingyue’s mother said again: "Qingyue, why haven’t you two come up with a name yet?"

   "I thought about it a long time ago. There are boys and girls, but then we found out this name. We had to calculate it based on the birth date. You can't just get up." Su Qingyue responded with a smile.

   Amo’s father smiled and said, "No matter what it is called, the most important thing is to be a person who contributes to society in the future."

   "It doesn't matter whether your grades are good or not, you must be healthy first," said Amu's mother.

   "Well, yes." Su Qingyue's father said with a smile.

   Su Qingyue also laughed and interjected at this time: "Children who study well belong to the country, children who can make money belong to their mother-in-law, and children who generally can't make a lot of money in school are their own."

   "I don't know if it's a man or a woman, you're a mother-in-law." Su Qingyue's mother laughed.

   The family chatted idly, waiting for the good news from the delivery room.

   Various snacks were delivered from the hospital, and Su Qing understood that in addition to nervousness, there was expectation in everyone's heart.

   The previous generation must be the baby who is looking forward to the next generation, but Su Qingyue is a bit at a loss. Unlike others, he doesn't expect his children to be rich. He feels that children have their own lives, as long as they are healthy and do not follow evil paths, the rest should not be excessively interfered.

   As they talked, Amu's father finally came over.

   He finally started talking and laughing, and after a while, he went out to smoke with Su Qingyue's father despite his opposition.

   At this time, the room fell into a strange silence again.

   Everyone is waiting for the news, the wall clock on the wall passed by minute by minute, and the sky outside was also shining.

   Su Qingyue calculated the time, and has been in for almost four hours. He has inquired about it, knowing that this kind of thing sometimes goes well, maybe for a few hours, or maybe more than ten hours, and there is no movement, and finally it is pushed out again. So it's useless to be anxious, you can only continue to wait.

   He thought, the two old people who smoked came back.

   Su Qingyue’s father smiled and said, “The sun is beginning to shine outside. It would be great if our children were born at this time.”

   Amo’s father followed, "I think too."

They were talking, and the nurse came out from the delivery room and said: "Who is Yan Xingmou's family? Congratulations, mother and child are safe, the baby is seven kilograms and two taels. Wait a minute, the child will come out after finishing the vaccine..." she said. Laughing, A Mou's father hurriedly handed over the wedding candy, and smiled and said to A Mou's father: "Congratulations, father-in-law, we have a new baby."

   "The weight is not light, it is good, so good, healthy and healthy." Su Qingyue's mother said.

   After a while, Ah Mo and Bao Bao were pushed out.

   Su Qingyue did not pay attention to the child, but squatted down in front of her first, squeezed her hand gently, and said, "My wife, you have worked hard."

   "Is the baby handsome?" Amu asked him with a smile.

   "You are handsome without you! UU reading www.uukanshu.com can do such a beautiful job of having a baby, so handsome!" Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   went to see the baby again, the baby seemed very calm, the doctor said that everything was fine for him.

   Su Qingyue clumsily took the baby from the doctor's hands, looking into his eyes. For a moment he cried with joy and tears filled his eyes. Suddenly I feel that life is too sacred and too beautiful. At this time, Amu's mother asked him to put the baby by the bed, but he didn't hear it at all.

   Then, the baby started crying.

   Amu's mother said: "The way he is crying is really like Ji Amu when he was a child."

   "They cry so beautifully." Amu's father said with a smile.

   Looking at everyone, Ah Mou smiled like a new mother, and stretched out his hand and said, "Let me hug him."

   "Yeah." Su Qing nodded earnestly, and gently hugged the child.

   I thought to myself, I must treat them nicely.

   In the future, he will no longer simply fight for himself or simply fight for the company.

  I will still do it for them in the future.

   Thinking of this, the baby gradually calmed down in Amu's arms.

   The family's hanging heart finally relaxes.


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