Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 758: : Tired and happy

   There is no doubt that changing to be a father is happy.

   During these days, Su Qingyue, who was promoted to be a father, never laughed a lot. Even when I encountered anything unsatisfactory at work, when I returned home, as long as I saw the baby smile, everything disappeared.

   He found that the joy that children bring him is endless.

  He took the initiative to take on a lot of housework. Although there are parents and concubines, some things are sometimes attitudes and are also the responsibility of a man. During this period of time, Amu always smiled and said that Su Qing's hands and feet have become a lot dexterous.

   also compared him with many husbands, and finally gave Su Qingyue a full score to show off. Su Qingyue felt that sometimes Amu's fun, he really couldn't understand.

   However, these happiness are also accompanied by fatigue. Recently, every day when he arrived at the unit, he didn't want to work the first time, but wanted to sleep, and Amu was even more tired than him.

   However, although the two of them were very tired, they did not complain.

   Why do you say that your parents are great? That's because apart from their parents, there is no role in the world that only asks for giving, but doesn't want anything in return.

Even Zhou Ziyou said, "Boss, since you had this baby, your whole person has been different. The speed of speaking has also slowed down, and you have become more open-minded about many things. And everyone said that your smiling face has increased significantly. It’s not easy to get excited anymore."

Chen Ting even smiled and said, "Since she had this child, Qingyue has never woken up, and she almost went to bed before eating. In this way, she still smiles every day. It can be seen how much a child has changed people. "

   "It's more than that, Mr. Su is often absent-minded now." He Lili also said with a smile.

   Su Qingyue admits that, even when he is at work, he often misses his children.

  Especially when I am about to get off work, I feel like an arrow at home.

   Recently, he had just found a master through Peng Nuoyi, and calculated the child's eight characters, and then the family chose one named Su Tong from the many candidate names. He thinks that the name Tong represents childlike innocence and happiness. As long as Xiao Su Tong is happy and happy, as for his career and money, he can do whatever he wants.

   At the same time, during this period, Amu also picked up photography again, taking many artistic photos of Xiao Su Tong every day.

   She also summed up some rules from it.

   and Su Qingyue proposed that in the future a photography shop for pregnant and infants could be opened.

   On Monday morning, the biological clock woke up Su Qingyue again, and it was 7:15 by looking at his watch. He was tired and wanted to sleep for a while, but thinking that he still had work today, he had to get up and wash his face and brush his teeth. Amu's mother had already prepared breakfast for them.

   A bowl of fresh meat wontons made him feel very comfortable after eating, and his sleepiness gradually disappeared.

He hurriedly took a bath. Before leaving, he still didn't forget to kiss Xiao Su Tong. He smiled and said to him: "Tong Tong, wait for Dad to come back in the afternoon and buy you delicious and fun things." He said. Only then reluctantly left, before leaving, kissed Amu, and said, "My wife has worked hard."

   went out, the weather was slightly cool, and he needed a thin coat.

   Now the temperature in Pingjing finally warms up. The air is very comfortable every day. Su Qingyue doesn't need to turn on the air conditioner when he gets in the car. He likes to open the windows and let the natural wind blow in to see the scenery outside. Recently, "That Little Fairy Qi" has started the formal promotion work.

  On various industry websites, they not only occupy important advertising positions, but also on various hot topics. On the entire search network, they ranked first in the game popularity index.

   On the first day of the public beta a few days ago, it was a huge success. The number of online users directly set a record.

   And this is only the initial stage, the industry commented: According to Yuedao's consistent style, their mid- and late-stage efforts tend to be more stable and accurate. So the number one we see now may be beyond ourselves in the future. Contribute once again to the listing of Yuedao Network.

  Financial media also commented: The success of the public beta of "That Little Immortality" proves the creativity of Yuedao Network as always. The most important thing for a game company is to maintain its strong creativity. Su Qingyue did it, and Yuedao Network did it.

   In addition to these, the players also gave that little bit of very high evaluation.

   They gave this game four and a half stars and pointed out that he not only restored the grandeur of the fantasy world, but more importantly, made a lot of playability adjustments on this basis. Coupled with the national battle of thousands of people on the same screen, it instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the entire player circle, including the eldest brother Liu Yong who also took his guild, and switched to "That Little Immortal Qi".

   It was past eight o'clock when I arrived at the unit.

  He first went to Lijun to check the data. Lijun pointed to the curve and said with a smile: "It's still growing."

   "Hmm." Watching the data on the screen keep changing.

   Su Qing laughed more, went back to his office, and made a cup of tea.

   briefly browsed the reactions from all walks of life, and then he opened Ouyang's platform. Recently, they have started an internal trial run. It should be said that the overall effect is very good. Not only can the game run smoothly, but the stress test also shows their technical level.

   After playing in the community for a while, I feel that the battle commanded by the voice system has indeed brought good feedback to the entire platform. In the future, this voice system may be better if it can also be used in other games ~www.readwn.com~.

   He thought, and recorded an idea on the notepad.

   Looking at the calendar, the platform has been running for a while, but there is still a part of the copyright that has not been negotiated. Su Qingyue feels that if the platform is officially tested and then officially launched, the first thing to ensure is that there are no problems with intellectual property rights, because only in this way can it operate effectively for a long time.

  During this period, they did talk to several companies and authorized them. But there was a company in Silicon Valley, but they never responded to their emails. This company also occupies several mainstream games on competitive platforms. Su Qingyue felt that if it was not possible, he would need to go to the appointment in person to talk.

   Thinking of this, he picked up his cell phone and hesitated who would be more appropriate to call.

   After all, Yue Dao is now facing the market, and people like Shige Peng Nuo are not suitable. People in the game circle are also worried about leaking secrets and causing unnecessary trouble. Thinking about it, he suddenly thought of Xiao Yu, she should be able to contact him, so he dialed out the phone.

   However, there were long notes over there for a long time, and no one answered it.

   I just remembered that it should be at night there, so I didn't fight again.

   He left a message to Xiao Yu, explained the situation here, and then resumed work.


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