Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 771: :Alchemist

Latest website: After eating at noon, return to the meeting room and continue to confirm the authorization details with Matthews and Max.

Su Qingyue didn't expect their efficiency to be so high, and it only took less than an hour to finalize the relevant intentions.

After leaving the storm company, Xiao Yu sat in the car and arranged a Chinese restaurant for dinner in the evening.

Then they set off on their way back. On the side of the ring road, you can overlook the beautiful city.

The afternoon sun shines on Su Qingyue's face from the gap in the ridge.

Xiao Yu turned on the radio at this time, and it was playing songs by foreign singers that Su Qingyue didn't know.

Ouyang patted Su Qingyue on the shoulder from behind, and said with a thumbs up: "Boss, your strategy is really powerful. I didn't expect me to mention this, they really followed the dilemma of "World for Hegemony". It's really amazing!"

He said and laughed.

Dongfang Jun and Tianzhong listened, not understanding what was going on, even Xiao Yu glanced at Su Qingyue.

Ouyang later explained: "Before we came, the boss had asked Liu Hao to get to know the people like Storm. I was afraid that this matter could not be discussed, so I designed a routine. I thought that if we encounter problems, we can use this perspective. Cutting in may be more conducive to negotiations."

They said that everyone made a wow sound.

Dongfangjun suddenly realized at this time, and said: "In other words, today Ouyang asked "World of Hegemony" about this matter. Did you design it in advance?"

Tanaka also said: "This design is too amazing."

"Are there any particularly smart people in this world?" Su Qingyue wrote an article first. After seeing the rest of the people not speaking, he said again: "Of course there are, but we can't see them in our daily lives. In our daily life, the percentage of people we are exposed to Ninety-nine is in one dimension. Since there is one dimension, the gap between people lies in the degree of care... I don’t like preaching, but you are all company executives, and there will be more important tasks for you in the future. So let me say a few more words here, always walking on thin ice, always trembling, so that our team will have a long-term future."

He said, everyone nodded.

He followed him and said: "In addition, about the negotiation itself. The key is to substitute the other party into the scenario we set, and at the same time really solve the problem for the other party." He said, and explained: "They have always wanted to combat this illegality. Yes, a studio that relies on plug-ins to make gold. Because these people have occupied the internal resources of the game for a long time and illegally obtained gold coins, this is very destructive to "World of Hegemony"."

Tanaka said: "Yes, we are not too opposed to the normal gold-making studio based on the understanding of the game itself, because it will not disrupt the balance of the game, and it will also promote the internal finance of the game. But this wave of people emerging now uses a large number of plug-in software."

He said that the more Su Qing understood, in fact, the recently launched "That Little Immortal Qi" also encountered this problem.

The company has been cooperating with the Guangge platform to do processing and monitor accounts reasonably.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Jun also followed: "However, this kind of thing requires legal support besides relying on ourselves."

As they were talking, the car crossed a road along the mountain, and the scenery was exceptionally beautiful.

After a while, Ouyang came from behind and said with emotion: "However, these people are really straightforward. I didn't expect to change so quickly. I am a little uncomfortable." He said with a smile, and then hummed twice. Sentence that song.

"They're just like that, Xiao Hua told me." Dongfang Jun interrupted: "Okay, just do it quickly, if it doesn't work, pull it down, and it won't delay the time for both parties."

"Yes, they are so direct." Xiao Yu shrugged and followed: "When I first came, I didn't get used to it. I thought it was too blunt. But after a long time, I think it's very good, save trouble, save time, after all. We have to deal with too many things, it is best not to delay too much time."

She said that everyone agreed.

Then Xiao Yu asked, "Brother Yue, do you have a fun in the afternoon? Or go back to the hotel to rest?"

"Let’s move freely." Su Qingyue said, looking back at Ouyang and the others, and exhorted: "But we still have entertainment in the evening. Everyone try not to go far and keep a better mental state." He said, looking back at Ouyang and Ouyang. He Lili said: "You two come to my house, let me talk about something."

"no problem."

He Lili and Ouyang agreed almost in unison, and soon Xiao Yu's car crossed the square to the hotel entrance.

Xiao Yu went to book a restaurant first.

After returning to the room, Su Qingyue let Ouyang and He Lili sit down and said, "Lily, you may be busy these days. Not only are we pleased, but you must also help Ouyang. Because the authorization is down, the platform will be launched soon. , The company is going to expand. There will be many things in the future, including renting an office space and collocation of personnel. You can help Ouyang."

"No problem, boss." He Lili smiled and nodded.

Ouyang was on the side and said, "Thank you, boss." Then he turned to He Lili, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Lily."

Su Qingyue waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about nonsense, don't do anything else this afternoon, and quickly sort out the department configuration and personnel you need. How to quickly set up this platform system, understand?" Su Qingyue Said, then said: "Don't procrastinate."

"Don't worry, these plans are already there." Ouyang nodded seriously.

In fact, the Bullfighting Platform has recruited more people since it started testing. But this was not enough. Su Qing thought about it, and then asked him: "Ouyang, with the signing of the storm company this time, the platform is officially launched, the bullfighting platform will definitely have explosive growth, and you are not the previous product manager anymore. , You are the chief executive officer. You have to hold on, miss this opportunity, and the next opportunity may not come at any time."

"Boss! Don't worry! I will do it well and live up to your expectations of me!" Ouyang said and got up.

Su Qingyue waved his hand and said: "It's not that I fail to live up to me, but it's that it doesn't live up to your hard work for so long and your team. Think about how long Zhang Lisheng and the others have been in that small house with you." He said, finally Said: "Your responsibility is great."

After he spoke, Ouyang nodded seriously.

After a while he went out with He Lili, and they made an appointment to work in the cafe downstairs.

Su Qingyue took a hot bath and squinted for twenty minutes.

After getting up, he asked legal counsel Fan Shengnan to help Ouyang prepare documents, and then browsed the news.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and it was Amu. Forget it, it's night. It is estimated that Xiao Su Tong woke up, and Amu had to get up too. He immediately answered the phone, and the first sentence was: "My wife has worked hard."

"Is it going well today?" Amu asked on the phone.

"Successfully," Su Qingyue replied, feeling Amu panting, and asked: "What's the matter with you?"

"I just coaxed Tongtong to sleep." Amu said, and asked: "I just want to ask, have you found Yue Dong?"

"No, how can it be so fast." Su Qing laughed more and more.

"I don't know if the dream is forbidden, I dreamed of Yue Dong today, maybe you can see it." Amu said with a smile.

"Thanks to you."

Knowing that she was worried about herself, Su Qing laughed more.

After a while, they hung up and Su Qingyue continued to work.

At 5:25, he went downstairs and saw Xiao Yu leaning on the front of the car, lighting a cigarette with a zippo, looking like a little cowboy.

Su Qing walked over to greet her, and the latter laughed immediately, like a child, and said, "Brother Yue, I'll tell you good news."

"Good news?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"Well, I didn't say it on the phone." Xiao Yu said, with a bright smile, like a kid asking for credit.

Su Qingyue immediately realized what was going on and asked, "Did you find Yuelin Island?"

"I can't say to find it, but what is certain is that there is a Fujian and Cantonese restaurant in Chinatown, and he will go to eat every Friday. This habit has never been interrupted." He said, and then asked: "I heard my friend say, yes Because this restaurant ships domestic raw materials every Friday, all of which are the freshest, so he goes every Friday."

Listen to her, once you calculate the current time, tomorrow will be Friday.

Then Xiao Yu said again: "In addition to this, her wife will also come to Chinatown's vegetable market every Wednesday morning to buy domestic materials and go home to cook." She said, but she spread her hands and said: "But we don't Confirm, where does he live, but based on these, you should not have a big problem finding him."

"Understood." Su Qingyue nodded, feeling that the information of the Min-Cantonese restaurant was the most important.

Because no matter how developed or emigrating a person, his appetite will never change.

Su Qingyue thought, and said thank you Xiao Yu.

After a while, Dongfang Jun and Tianzhong came out, Ouyang and He Lili were a little late, and they arrived almost six o'clock. Su Qing understood that they were working and didn't say anything.

Several people got in the car and headed to Chinatown. Xiao Yu introduced, "I entrusted a friend to book Jinmanlou."

"Chinese food is very hot here, right?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It's very popular. Their morning tea is very good. It is very authentic. Usually there is no place at all. This time I didn't expect someone to abdicate in front of me. They reserved a room for ten for us."

"Great." Su Qingyue nodded with a smile.

The road was a little blocked at night, and they didn't get to the entrance of Chinatown until half past six.

Seeing the archway covered with green tiles and a few vivid dragons, it has a Chinese feeling. Halfway through, Dongfang Jun pointed to a restaurant and said, "Southern capital flavor." He spoke, and Su Qing looked over.

There is more than the flavor of the southern capital here, as well as a variety of other local dishes. However, it is said that they have been improved in order to adapt to the local area.

Soon Xiao Yu parked the car in front of a small building. The green plaque reads in Chinese characters: Shunfeng Fish Museum, with English below.

They walked in and the restaurant looked like a Cantonese food stall.

When someone saw that they were Chinese, they greeted them in Chinese to go to the private room on the second floor and asked them what to order.

Su Qingyue said casually: "Moutai."

The private rooms on the second floor are not too big, but a bit rudimentary. Compared with domestic high-end restaurants, there is still a distance.

They said, sat down, ten minutes later, the door opened, and Questi, Max, and Matthews came.

Everyone chatted and sat down. Xiao Yu began to order dishes, from white sliced ​​chicken to squab, as well as Cantonese beef offal, braised pork, white sliced ​​chicken, and delicious braised duck... She told the waiter and explained to Su Qingyue: "Their white-cut chicken was really air-lifted from Qingyuan."

"The taste must be authentic." Su Qing laughed and explained to Matthews what is the difference between Qingyuan chicken and ordinary chicken.

The latter listened and kept nodding. Through Alice’s translation, he couldn’t help but nodded, uttering the word “well”, and communicated with Custi. Alice then translated and said, “Matthews and Max said that they are looking forward to it, because they usually just I heard that, in fact, how is Chinese food? Without you, they can't eat authentic food."

She said, Su Qingyue nodded.

Xiao Yu added: "Many Chinese restaurants here have been improved."

After they spoke, the wine was brought up.

Su Qingyue introduced it as a national wine, and Questi helped to introduce it: "I have drunk this, and Doron asked me to drink it. It can be said to be very delicious!" He translated it through Alice, and Su Qingyue heard a few words from himself. Familiar English, knowing that all are words of appreciation.

After that, Ouyang personally filled everyone up.

When the first few dishes came up, Su Qingyue turned to the other party first.

Matthews immediately dipped the pieces of white-cut chicken into the sauce consisting of ginger, minced garlic and soy sauce, then put it in his mouth, chewed twice, and suddenly said intoxicated: "It's so delicious. Now! This is the best chicken I have ever eaten."

As he said, Quisti laughed and said, "I didn't lie to you, the authentic Chinese food is really delicious."

After they talk, everyone eats.

After a while, Su Qingyue picked up the glass and said, “I’ll bring the first one. First of all, I’m very happy to meet all my friends. In fact, before I entered this industry, the one I admired most was Storm Company, the various producers, but I did not expect that one day, I would have this opportunity to see you. I should say that I am lucky."

He was talking, waiting for Alice to translate, and then said again: "Today's scene reminds me of what one of my favorite American stars said. Without a heart, you will get hurt by pursuing your dreams. When you truly desire something At that time, the entire universe will come to help."

After he spoke, Alice finished the translation.

Su Qingyue suddenly felt that Custi stared at him with wide eyes, as if he had seen something new, and sent out a few interjections that he understood, and Matthews couldn't help but nod. Then he got up with the cup and said in English: "It\'s thepossibilityofhavingadreamcometruethatmakeslifeinteresting...Whenapersonreallydesiressomething,alltheuniverseconspirestohelpthatpersontorealisehisdream."

As he said, Alice asked Su Qingyue: "Are you talking about James? He asked, he always brought a copy of "The Shepherd's Fantasy Journey" when he was playing, and Questi always said these things."

"Yes, this is the book, also called "The Alchemist"." Su Qing laughed more.

As he said, Kusti let out a howl, and he had to stand up and clink glasses with Su Qingyue.

Alice said that it was the first time she saw each other so excited, and then translated Quisti’s words: "He said that when he saw you the first time, he felt that you were different from people on many platforms or companies. You group of people’s eyes flickered. It is the flame of hope, dreams, not money."

Hearing from him, Ouyang also got up at this time.

Following Dongfang Jun and Tian Zhong, everyone present soon stood up.

They clink glasses~www.readwn.com~ Su Qingyue said: "For the bullfight! Fight for the dream!"

Followed everyone and shouted: "Fight for your dreams!"

They drank their glass of wine and sat down to continue eating. Custi said again: "It seems that Mr. Su also likes basketball?"

"Yes, this time I came here and bought a ticket for the playoffs in advance to go to Houston!" Su Qingyue said.

Quisti was immediately interested and said, "Wow, that's great! I am coming home from Cleveland."

"Then see if we can play in the finals in the future! Yao 11 vs. LeBron." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

Kusti laughed suddenly and drank with Su Qingyue again.

Speaking of the ball game, everyone was excited, and the more Su Qing understood that the bullfight was half.

Thinking of this, he continued to drink with everyone.

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