Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 772: : Never betray

Latest website: They were very happy that night and drank a lot of alcohol.

Matthews always praised: "I heard Questi tell me that Huaxia wine is delicious before, I don't believe it, how can it be so exaggerated. Now it seems that I am wrong." He said, toasting Questi, and again Asking Alice to translate her own words, and she kept laughing.

Alice sighed: "I've never seen Matthews so happy." She said, translating Questi's words: "He said that there are many kinds of Chinese wine, all of which are very delicious, with all kinds of flavors. Matthews should go there in person, it's very delicious."

As they spoke, Su Qingyue welcomed them to visit China.

At this time, everyone is eating again.

Matthews explained to Su Qingyue: "I used to have a bad impression of Chinese food. The main reason is that no one brought it, just relying on my own imagination. And often I will encounter unpalatable and unpalatable ones. Bring them with you. This is completely different. I have seen them for a long time this time and will definitely remember their names."

"In fact, sometimes it’s not delicious, and it’s not the fault of Chinese food. Many Chinese foods have changed here." Alice interrupted at this time and said in English: "More Cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, etc. There are actually more than eight major cuisines, because there are also local cuisines, Qiong cuisine, Dongbei cuisine, and countless."

Listening to her, Xiao Yu translated for Su Qingyue.

Matthews and Questi said: "Let’s go back and talk to Esk. I think the Chinese food in our cafeteria needs to be adjusted." He said, and then: "In this case, not only Chinese employees, but also Including ourselves, we have more choices."

He said, Custi agreed with a smile immediately.

When he finally left, Questi shook Su Qingyue's hand and spoke. Alice translated: "He said he would not go to Jianghai next time, but to Pingjing. I will find you first and let you take him to eat well. Eat, especially the watery stomach you just mentioned, and Erguotou."

"No problem!" Su Qing smiled.

Standing in the restaurant shook hands with him, Custi told Max again: "The letter of intent is established, you have to keep an eye on the others."

They left without saying a word, Su Qingyue looked at his watch, it was almost nine o'clock at this time.

Xiao Yu was also in a good mood, and asked if you want to take a look at the scenery together, overlooking the entire city of Los Angeles, and then go to Jiuquhua Street, "We can also walk around the square in front of the hotel and drink some beer." She said, laughing. Asking everyone: "How is it?"

Everyone immediately agreed.

After getting in the car, Xiao Yu arranged a timeline, and they went to Jiuquhua Street first.

She introduced in the car: "This is the most winding street in the world. There are a total of eight bends, not only steep but all of them are sharp bends. It used to be a straight line, but it was changed to a winding road because it was too steep. The road conditions." She said, and then introduced Su Qingyue: "The Simpsons that you may have seen, the scammers like the detective Amon, have all been described here."

After listening to her introduction, Su Qingyue just nodded.

He wasn't too serious in his heart, but when they arrived, he sat in the car and looked down a little.

He issued a lifelong sound, it was really steep, and immediately realized that the **** must be more than thirty degrees.

Shen Xiaoyu said, “It’s already over forty degrees. It was a straight **** before. It’s said that there was an accident. Later, I started to repair this kind of turning slope. I built eight, but the speed is not more than 15 miles per hour, otherwise it will be very difficult. It's easy to get dangerous." She said, and complained: "But I always think there are too many slopes like San Francisco."

As they said, they stopped at a ninety-degree turn.

Take pictures, but because it is night, the effect on both sides of the road is not very good.

Everyone decided to feel it again in two days.

A young man in roller skates passed by, making a chic drifting action when making a sharp turn, and then disappeared. Everyone talked, Xiao Yu said with a smile: "There are so many people who skate and roller skating here, and you can see them on the beach road every weekend."

They were talking about getting on the bus, Xiao Yu asked everyone if they would like to go to Twin Peaks and take a look at San Francisco.

"The night view of San Francisco is like an artistic painting painted with light." She introduced: "I followed another sentence, and the Golden Gate Bridge can be seen there." As she said, everyone happily went there. Through Xiao Yu's introduction, Su Qingyue I realized that this is the only natural hill in San Francisco. It can overlook the night scene 360 ​​degrees.

When Su Qingyue and the others arrived, it was almost ten o'clock.

The night view overlooking San Francisco is colorful and picturesque. It is really like a satellite cloud picture. The countless lights that light up turn the whole city into a beautiful picture with the halo.

After taking the photo, it will definitely look better. He Lili took out the camera to take a photo, sighing, "It's so beautiful."

Before eleven o'clock, they began to return.

Su Qingyue in the car told Ouyang: "Time is running out. You have to check with Lily every night."

"Well, boss, don't worry." Ouyang nodded.

Su Qing laughed more and said: "Don't just tell me to rest assured, but also remember to thank others."

Ouyang smiled instantly and said, "Boss, don't worry, I am not the same as I was before. But to tell the truth, I used to know that I was grateful, but sometimes I did get muddled. But now I won't." Said and laughed.

Tian Zhong followed: "He used to be a kid."

He said, the big guy laughed, and Ouyang ridiculed himself hurriedly: "It's true."

Soon the car arrived at the hotel, and everyone got out of the car and went back to their respective rooms.

Looking at the time, it was just after three o'clock in the afternoon in Pingjing, Su Qingyue dialed out the phone for Amu.

After a while the phone was connected, he chatted with Amou, and videotaped with Xiao Sutong for a while, and then went to sleep contentedly. Because he was going to find Yuelin Island at noon tomorrow, he decided to sleep in, and would not visit with everyone tomorrow morning.

Thinking about this, but I didn't sleep very securely.

In the dream, he had been talking to Yue Lindao, but he didn't remember at all when he got up.

Looking at the wall clock, the hour hand is already pointing to the eleventh position. He hurriedly took a hot bath and came out of the bathroom, Xiao Yu's phone number came in, and she was already downstairs. Su Qingyue tidied up a bit and went downstairs and got into her car.

That restaurant is also in Chinatown.

Xiao Yu introduced: "It's quite famous there. We have classmates who always go there, saying that in San Francisco we can no longer find a more authentic Fujian and Cantonese cuisine than there." She said, "I saw him last time." It was my classmate who took me to eat **** duck, it was really super authentic."

She was talking and laughing, Su Qingyue nodded, and soon passed by yesterday's archway again.

Because it is daytime, after passing here, seeing the familiar Chinese characters and archway, it feels like entering Nandu Old Street.

Next to him, Xiao Yu pointed to a restaurant called Minyue Restaurant in front of him, and said, "That's it, the green sign, can you see it?" She said, the car drove slowly past the restaurant, across the glass door, Su Qingyue After a glance, he saw the deck with Yue Lindao inside.

He definitely didn't see himself, so he asked Xiao Yu to stop.

Go down and push open the door of the hotel.

The restaurant is not upscale, the decoration is very old-fashioned, and even painted with military green paint. Writing the names of several dishes in traditional characters gave Su Qingyue the feeling of returning to a state-owned restaurant when he was a child.

He slowly walked over to see that Yue Lindao was still in that red compassionate shirt.

His hair is a bit gray, and he is looking at a Chinese newspaper attentively.

There was still red China on the table, he took half of it and pinched it out.

The waiter put down a dish, he used something back, and the latter went back to the kitchen.

Looking at him, thinking about him leaving without saying goodbye, Su Qingyue also couldn't tell how he should greet him.

For a while, standing at his desk, he didn't say a word.

He continued to read the newspaper, but just stayed on it for a while, then raised his head to meet Su Qingyue's gaze.

The whole person froze and screamed clearly. Both the voice and expression revealed shock.

The more Su Qing understood this, he felt that if it were himself, it would definitely be the same.

After thinking for a moment, he still laughed and said, "Yue Dong, what is delicious to eat? Don't say please invite me." After speaking, he sat down opposite, "This **** duck looks authentic."

After he said it, Yue Lindao was stunned and asked the waiter to add dishes and chopsticks, and then said: "He is very authentic. The **** duck and the Buddha jumped over the wall are very authentic. In addition, the sea oyster fried and the Tongan fried crab are better than domestic ones." He said, again Pointing to Wuliangye on the desktop, he said, "It just so happens that no one has been drinking with me for a long time."

"No problem!" Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

He did not mention that he disappeared, nor did he mention that the voting rights were given to He Jiahua, and Su Qingyue did not ask.

In the adult world, there are not so many sorry, everything is in the wine.

When they drink, Wuliangye tastes very different from Moutai. The entrance is luscious, and the throat is clean.

Su Qingyue took a chopsticks and put the **** duck in his mouth, and suddenly returned to the Fujian-Cantonese restaurant in Pingjing.

At that time, Yuelindao would always take them to a Fujian-Cantonese restaurant at the door.

Yue Lindao laughed at this moment and asked: "It's the same as your sister-in-law said, nothing in this world can bother you."

"I came to talk about individual business, but I didn't expect you to hide here." Su Qing smiled.

"I can't talk about leisure." Yue Lindao paused here, still embarrassed on his face.

Clink glasses with Su Qingyue for a drink.

At this time, another Tongan fried crab came up. They ate two bites. Yue Lindao looked at him and lit another cigarette. His face gradually became serious, and he asked, "Qingyue, are you angry with me?"

"I have always regarded you as my best friend, Big Brother." Su Qingyue said.

"Yeah." He nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Actually, I should be most grateful to Mr. He. If it weren't for him, I might not know my loopholes. Fortunately, he reminded me that I realized my original behavior. , Whether intentionally or not, some may be crimes."

Yue Lindao said so, stating that he was threatened by He Jiahua.

Su Qingyue immediately remembered that He Jiahua acquired Lindao Software, and he estimated that there was something wrong with it.

At this time, Yue Lindao took another deep cigarette and said: "But Qingyue, I think very clearly. I don't think he will threaten you in the short term, and I don't dare." He said, explaining: "After all, the team is the core and core of the Internet. Soul. He can't solve this kind of problem in the short term, instead he has exposed his ambition and will remind you."

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded and said, "Why is it always the same as before. There will be changes at critical moments, but he is usually nice and friendly, harmless to humans and animals, and others like him very much."

"Well, Mr. He feels that he is a parent, he is not harmless to humans and animals, he is a person who can really help you when you are in trouble." Yue Lindao said, "However, he will also be after you get into trouble. Because you are not obedient, kill you. Parents, I always think that everything is right."

He said that the more Su Qing remembered that Du Nanxiang had said similar things.

They clink glasses again.

At this time, Yue Lindao said again: "However, don't worry, he is making trouble here, and he must have compensation in other places, such as giving you operating space on Pre-IPO." He said: "He is good at In exchange, he must have considered this kind of thing."

"Everything is in your calculations." Su Qing laughed more.

Yue Lindao hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Not at all, it also has my own personal considerations." He explained: "If I were still that young, I might be okay, but I now have a wife and children. My son was just in grade four. Grade, I don't want me to affect him." At this point, he sighed, looked at Su Qingyue, and said: "Qingyue, I am different from you, I have children."

If he had said this, Su Qingyue might have been really angry before.

But now he suddenly thought of Xiao Su Tong, what would happen to him?

At that moment, Su Qing laughed more and said: "Now I have children too."

"Oh? He was born? What's your name?" Yue Lindao suddenly laughed and asked.

"Su Tong, he's still young, not even a full moon." Su Qingyue smiled back to him.

"Hmm... how do you feel?" Yue Lindao asked.

"This is the first time I feel heavy responsibility and love." Su Qingyue said.

"Me too." Yue Lindao said.

At that moment, they felt the same, so they toasted again and drank all the wine.

Su Qingyue felt that after Yue Lindao talked about the child, his previous resentment towards him without saying goodbye had disappeared.

This may be a kind of fatherhood communion, and he can feel that feeling.

It's him, what else can I think of Su Tong.

Su Qing became more relieved at the next moment, but then he asked Yue Lindao: "Dong Yue, even though you are here, these things will still have to be dealt with sooner or later. Although you think the problem is not big, but if there is no end to future troubles, let me From what Mr. He knows, I don’t know what will happen in the future."

"Of course I understand this, I know who he is." Yue Lindao nodded. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"In addition, Hou Lili is Mr. Chen's wife, and their relationship has been made public. I think if I pass Mr. Chen, I can help you deal with some problems." Su Qingyue emphasized: "And with my network and ability, you can Believe me."

"I understand." Yue Lindao nodded earnestly, squeezed the smoke out, and then said: "Qingyue, you can rest assured that I will come out at the critical moment, because I am not completely lost." He said. Then he explained: "Because I have a son, I can't easily make a move."

"Well, I understand." Su Qingyue nodded and toasted.

Yue Lindao said: "Qingyue, please rest assured that I will not betray you at your critical moment, and I will never betray you. This is not only because of my relationship with you, but also because I know Yue Dao. Can’t live without you, this team can’t live without you."

After he spoke, clinked glasses with Su Qingyue.

After drinking all the wine, they continued to eat.

Talking about some of the past, many questions popped up...

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