Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 773: : Back hand

Latest website: Fujian and Cantonese cuisine is delicious.

Su Qingyue likes **** duck, the taste is just right for drinking.

He thought, toasting frequently with Yue Lindao. From time to time, guests come in for dinner in the house. Knowing that he has a second hand, Su Qingyue feels a lot more relieved. Once he speaks, especially when he talks about his son, Su Qingyue is relieved.

After a while, Yue Lindao put down his wine glass, lighted a cigarette and took a deep breath, and asked: "According to your statement, you have already seen Qiu Yichun, right?"

"Yes, the last shareholder meeting was on Hong Kong Island, and we went to He Jiahua's home." Su Qingyue said.

"What's your impression of this person?" Yue Lindao asked, spitting out the smoke.

"This person used to be a star. I feel like an actor. There are many actors, but I don't know what I think in my heart." Su Qingyue said, recalling Qiu Yichun's smiling face, and said: "However, I feel that she wants to be in control. Strong and very jealous."

"Jealous?" Listening to him, Yue Lindao smiled, and did not respond to this stubbornness, and then said: "The desire to control should be very strong, and their family is like this. The entire Zhang family's reputation on Hong Kong Island is not very good. Liu Tianjun also had trouble for a while, but Liu Tianjun was even worse."

He said that Su Qingyue listened and remembered that at that time, she ridiculed Du Nanxiang and even pointed out Nanxiang and Liu Tianjun. Su Qingyue asked, "How is she with how old is she now?"

"It's a dead name, what else can you do?" Yue Lindao said, Duanbei and Su Qingyue drank, and then said: "He Jiahua and her, because of the interests, are too much entangled, otherwise they would be finished."

He said, Su Qing frowned.

Thinking of being on Hong Kong Island, they seemed so affectionate. It seems that for the sake of profit, it is really possible to act every time.

Even in order to appear affectionate, Qiu Yichun specially gave Du Nanxiang a few ugly words.

Suddenly, Su Qing suddenly realized that Qiu Yichun actually wanted everyone to see He Jiahua and himself as a family. What is equivalent to the oath is the relationship with He Jiahua, to show everyone his sovereignty. Su Qingyue just understood, looking at Yue Lindao, he followed with emotion: "I think Oscar owes her a performance award. Her name should be printed on the Avenue of Stars."

"However, her performance can only be used for this kind of thing." Yue Lindao smiled coldly.

They continued to clink and drink.

Yue Lindao obviously drank a little too much, and said: "In fact, He always went out to look for him before, and even the secretary was his lover. Qiu Yichun always kept one eye open. Because she knew it well. , As long as it doesn’t involve her family’s interests, it’s out of sight and out of mind."

"But the situation has changed recently?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Hey... I don't have wet shoes when I often walk by the river. How could it be possible that he does this kind of thing every day? Which woman doesn't have a small nine in her heart? Think about Du Nanxiang, that's a low rank and can't beat He Jiahua. "Yue Lindao said with a smile: "But there are always people who can fight and hold it."

As soon as he said this, Su Qing was more shocked, "Who?"

Yue Lindao laughed instantly and said: "Look, I said that we men and women like gossip." He laughed, squeezed out the smoke, and said: "This woman is Du Nanxiang's presidency, Qiu Yichun. After discovering that something was wrong, she immediately rushed away. She always thought they were completely broken off."

"It's okay to want to cut off his old personality." Su Qingyue said, and then a thought came out.

Yue Lindao said: "This woman is not easy, she simply gave birth to a child for He Lao, a girl."

He said this, recalling Du Nanxiang's saying that Qiu Yichun and He Jiahua had no children, so they kept Zhang Yichun as a child. This is also an important weight for their interests. But now if He Jiahua had a son, it would be terrible to their relationship.

He thought, Yue Lindao said: "You want you to go out and mess around with something. It's all right, but if you do such a thing, it destroys the entire balance." He said: "And He Laoyi Seeing the child, that like, it doesn’t matter what this woman has done before. All men have no resistance to their daughters..."

I understand what Yue Lindao is talking about. This matter is to destroy the strategic nuclear weapons of He Jiahua and Qiu Yichun's solid alliance.

No wonder he said that he can't take it lightly. After all, he is an adult. If he is not a last resort, he should not talk about other people's family affairs. Su Qingyue thought, and said: "Then let's take a walk, I think it's best if everyone is good."

"Who knows."

Listening to him, Yue Lindao sighed.

They clinked glasses and continued to drink, and soon talked about a lot of past events.

Yue Lindao said, "I miss the past, when we started our business, sitting on a few bottles of beer and a plate of pineapple eggs will be very satisfying. Now it's not good..." He said, sighed, and said: "Entrepreneurship, especially for channels, sometimes has a lot of money, and the operation is not compliant. When the company is small, it can't be seen, and it will inevitably have problems when it is big."

"I understand." Su Qingyue said, thinking He Jiahua was too much.

Following Yue Lindao, he said again: "I envy you at this point, because you are very formal when you come up."

"However, these things will pass. I will deal with them as soon as I go back. Anyway, I won't let you have anything to do." Su Qingyue said, asking him to pack the tickets, and then said: "It would be nice for you to take a rest here too. My wife and children are hot on the bed, so they are much more comfortable than us."

"It's really good to watch my son grow up, but it's troublesome to watch my wife."

Yue Lindao joked that they laughed instantly.

After a while, Yue Lindao asked Su Qingyue again what he planned to do in the past two days.

Su Qingyue replied: "The main thing is to investigate. If the company wants to develop, it still needs to watch, listen and learn more."

"Then you can drive the car away, it is convenient." Yue Lindao said, putting the car key on the table: "The Escalade at the door."

"No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Xiao Yu has taken us with us these two days." Su Qingyue said.

They talked and continued to drink.

They left the hotel until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Standing at the door, Yue Lindao shook hands with him, and finally said: "Qingyue, you can rest assured that I have a back hand. At the same time, I will give you, all the brothers, and even more give my wife an explanation. When you really need me , I will be there, there will be absolutely no problems."

"You have always been my big brother." Su Qingyue said.

They said nothing to get into the car.

On the way back, Xiao Yu asked him: "Brother Yue, there is nothing wrong, right?"

Su Qingyue said: "Don't worry, there are no problems." After speaking, a stone in his heart was finally put down, and he looked at Xiao Yu, who was engrossed in driving, and said, "Thank you, Xiaoyu."


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