Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 774: : What you should care about and what you shouldn’t care about

The latest website: The famous WhatAWonderfulWorld is in the car, the sun is shining outside the window, and the blue sky and white clouds are picturesque. Louis hoarse voice, sing Iseeskiesofblueandcloudsofwhite (I see blue sky and white clouds)

The more Su Qing thought, there will always be problems of this or that kind in life, but everything will pass eventually.

As the saying goes, it's sad, and it's passed.

Now that He Jiahua has disrupted the strategic balance, there are bound to be many reactions. And if Qiu Yichun knew about this, he would never let it go. Su Qing thought about it, when the couple reached this level, the so-called balance and nominal emotional status might not matter.

He thought, as the car passed through the beautiful streets of San Francisco, Xiao Yu quickly took him back to the hotel.

Su Qingyue went back to the house alone, and fell asleep without asking everyone about the results of the investigation.

I didn't know for a few hours at this time, and then I opened my eyes and looked at the wall clock, which had already pointed to the five o'clock position.

He was still dizzy when he got up and took a hot bath. Lying on the bed, he picked up the phone and found two missed calls from Amou, but he was still sleepy, so he went back to sleep. It was nine o'clock in the evening when he opened his eyes again.

I went down to the executive lounge and ordered a meal.

Finding that He Lili and Ouyang were working with notebooks, Su Qing walked over and asked them how they were.

He Lili raised her head and said with a smile: "The basic structure of personnel, as well as other items and budgets have come out." She said and turned the screen around: "It also includes the rent. I showed Ouyang to see. We were thinking It’s a little bit near the side of Xiguan Village. There are various discounts in the near future. I think it’s a good deal."

She said to stop the map on the screen.

The more Su Qing looked at her position, she had to say that He Lili had made great progress. Of course, all of this was done well because of Chen Ting.

She went on to say: "I saw that the price is very cheap, and it is convenient for employees to go to work."

"The price is good." Su Qingyue said: "Although we have to consider the cost-effectiveness of the office location, we must also consider the overall growth and external image of the company. Although this venue is sufficient now, will it be enough in the next few months? After that, there will be a big outbreak, and it will not be enough to move again at that time."

"Boss, don't worry about this, I have already considered it all." Ouyang interrupted.

Su Qingyue nodded. The waiter came over at this time. Su Qingyue ordered a chicken rice without wine.

See them both continue to work.

He was very pleased that everyone had grown up, and after a while, they were done.

Su Qingyue asked Ouyang about their inspection today, and the latter immediately replied: "It has been very rewarding. It should be said that I have summarized the observations over the past few days. I found that there is a complete mechanism for technology and products. In the future, we will also establish such a learning mechanism, internal and external technical personnel must communicate more, and there will also be product experience classes within the company."

He said that Su Qingyue agreed.

Speaking of products, Ouyang came to the spirit, and said: "They make products here, and there is a trend of productism. I think that in the future, Bullfighting will also accept this set of products. There is a product, take the right direction."

He said, Su Qingyue said again: "Yes, Mr. Tian also said before that a good product manager must first have an extreme heart; at the same time, product development iterations must be fast, and the speed of the Internet must be achieved. This is what I said. I think you can do it Ouyang, but there are still many things you can't do."

"Boss, tell me something." Ouyang heard that Su Qingyue had other words.

Su Qingyue then said: "In the future, you will be the CEO of this company. You can't always focus on the product. You have to learn the management of the entire team. You also need to learn business negotiation and communication. From now on, you will not One more person."

He said, Ouyang nodded earnestly, and followed: "You told me in the past two days, and Lao Tian also mentioned this to me. He told me that if you are the boss, you should not be too extreme. Think about it. I understand this and I must do it seriously."

Knowing that Ouyang will definitely work hard, Su Qingyue only hopes that he will hurry up.

After a while, he finished his meal and asked them to finish their work, rest early, and go to the football game tomorrow.

He thought, and then went back to the room.

Looking at his watch, it should be noon in Pingjing now, so he dialed the phone to Amu.

The latter quickly answered the phone, obviously still sleepy, and said, "Just fell asleep."

"Then you go to sleep." Su Qingyue said, going to hang up.

But Ah Mu said: "Don't hang up, let me talk about what happened to you and Yue Lindao? I have never dared to call."

"It's okay, it's all cleaned up." Su Qingyue said.

I told her all the things I had talked with Yue Lindao today.

At a moment later, A Mou pondered over the phone for a long while, and did not say anything about what happened to Yue Lindao. Instead, he asked directly: "That means Mr. He has a child outside? Now Qiu Yichun still doesn't know. , Still in the dark?"

"It's not important." Su Qingyue said: "What you should ask is how he threatened Dong Yue."

"No! No! I'm not interested." At this moment, Amu started gossiping and said, "I want to know how old this child is and what's going on? I'm thinking, if Qiu Yichun knew this, it would really not be sad or sad. ?"

"It's sad that I can't talk about it, so I should be very angry. This matter affects their interests." Su Qingyue said.

"If I were Qiu Yichun, I would cry to death." Amu continued: "These rich people!"

Then, there was a long period of silence. Su Qingyue, who had a strong sense of survival, suddenly realized what was wrong. It seemed that he was causing trouble to the upper body. An ominous premonition surged in his heart. Before he could speak, Ah Mou suddenly asked: "Su Qingyue, do you have anyone else out there?"

"I haven't!" he said hastily, but it was too late.

Amu said again: "No?"


"Su Qingyue! I tell you, if you have other women, I will take your son away. Don't even want to see our son in your whole life." She said, suddenly burst into tears, and said: "you dare!"

"I really don't dare, wife, don't think about it."

Understanding that A Mou was feeling a little postpartum, Su Qing hurriedly coaxed her.

She finally stopped crying and said: "Su Qingyue, I don't care about benefits, I want a son!"

"Okay! You can say anything, whatever you want, anyway, I only want you." Su Qingyue said.

After finally coaxing her, Su Tong's cry came from over there.

Amu hurried to coax her son.

Su Qingyue just hung up and rested early.

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