Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 775: : Basketball game

Latest website: The next day, they finally set foot on the road to watch the playoffs.

This is what Su Qingyue asked Xiao Yu to do for himself when he came. Bring a different experience." He thinks so.

Basketball has always been his favorite. When I was in school, no matter how stressful my studies were, a weekly copy of the "Sports Weekly" was routinely purchased.

Su Qingyue still remembers that every weekend at that time, a few classmates sat on the side of the playground, taking turns to look at the various pages, and then they would discuss intensively. At that time, the county model prevailed, and senior high school graduates only had a full weekend in five weeks. In such a boring life on campus, sports and basketball accompany them.

On the eve of the college entrance examination in 1998, he took the time to watch the Bulls VS Utah Jazz.

At the last second, Jordan completed the Jedi counterattack and created the Bulls Jedi counterattack, which he still remembers.

Therefore, watching the game live is not only the game itself, but also young memories and feelings.

He also discussed the difference between competitive sports and business with He Cunxi. Su Qingyue feels that competitive sports is like business. You need to win the game through every point and every offensive organization. This is the same in doing business, you need to step by step and pass every ball well.

With this in mind, Ouyang felt that the Rockets had no problem on the plane today. He said: "The success or failure depends mainly on Yao 11 and Tracy McGrady. If any one of them plays well, the team may cut this game. I Seeing that they have performed very well recently, there should be no problem."

"The Spurs are outdated, the average age is too big." Tanaka said.

"You can't win!" Ouyang said arrogantly: "They are all studying with the prince. Now it is the Lakers' world. Only this game is the Spurs."

"Do you want to make a bet?" Dongfang Jun said with a smile.

Su Qingyue suddenly noticed that Ouyang's face instantly stiffened when he said that he was betting. Su Qing understood that Dongfang Jun was definitely not stimulating Ouyang, after all, he was not the focus.

Just thinking about it, Tian Zhong also found Ouyang's reaction and said, "Well, how about a meal?"

"No problem!" Ouyang said.

He Lili smiled next to him and said, "Manager Su, what do you think?"

Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Look at the jerseys I bought and figure it out for yourself." He said, looking at Xiao Yu again.

The latter laughed. She wore a Rockets home jersey today with Yao's signature on the jersey. At this time, she smiled and said, "Is it unclear? Anyway, it's not that we invited Lord Snake to dinner, or Lord Snake invited us to dinner. , It’s all the same. I don’t care which team I support, where Yao is, where I am."

As she said, Dongfang Jun smiled and said, "Then wait and see!"

They were talking, and the plane arrived soon after.

Get off the plane and walk down, the huge jersey on Xiao Yu's body is like a nightgown. She also wore a wristband, and a red turban on her head today, just waiting for the game to start. Unlike her, the other people did not wear jerseys, they were going to buy a few to go back.

When they arrived outside the field, there were already crowds of people outside the field. Some fans were blowing their whistle, waving the flag of the team, running around the square, and clamoring for the camera that their team would win. Other fans just came in silently. Xiao Yu introduced to Su Qingyue: "Since Yao 11 came, the attention of the whole Chinese has been too high."

"Well, the influence of the stars is like this. They are also a story themselves. Once this story is told, it will create huge economic value." Su Qingyue nodded, thinking about the future game competition, and may also embark on this sport. The road to stars.

Thinking of this, I also said to Ouyang: "Pay attention to how other people do it and how to package a game. This can be done offline and online."

"Understand, boss." Ouyang nodded.

As they said, walking into the crowded venue, the whole hall was deafening.

Looking back at the stage, the fans were waving their flags and shouting, waiting for their team to debut.

"It's so lively, if only when the game competition can reach this level." Ouyang said.

"Then it depends on the operations behind you." Because the venue is very loud, he had to say it in a loud voice.

Ouyang nodded, and they continued to watch.

When the players began to enter the field, there was a louder cheer. They are muscular and flexible, and warming up in the court can also arouse cheers.

Soon the ball game officially began, and Su Qingyue found that the scene was too shocking, completely different from watching TV.

Dongfangjun said with emotion: "If you don't see it live, it's really hard to say who can win."

Su Qingyue felt so too. Su Qingyue also hopes to see the Rockets win, and of course he also likes Yaodao very much.

Because it is the playoffs, the defensive intensity is very high.

Every time the opponent attacked, they followed the audience and shouted: "Dfence...Dfence...Dfence..."

During the intermission, there are many small interactive activities.

Suddenly, the lens of the camera turned to Xiao Yu and Su Qingyue, and the two people's communication also appeared on the big screen. Su Qingyue was startled, and suddenly remembered that they had an unwritten custom here, that is, when the camera lens was aimed at which couple, they would kiss.

Suddenly, he was a little embarrassed, and found that Xiao Yu's face also instantly turned red.

Su Qingyue spread his hands, indicating that they are not lovers.

Soon the camera moved away, and Xiao Yu blushed and said to Su Qingyue that the game was normal.

The cheers in the field went up and down, and Ouyang smiled and said to Dongfang Jun: "There are not many snakes, just one meal."

Everyone laughed loudly.

When they left the scene of the game, UU reading www.uukanshu.com square was crowded with people.

Everyone found it very enjoyable. Dongfang Jun invited everyone to Chinese food in Houston, and everyone chatted.

During the period, Lord Snake kept shaking his head and said: "In fact, it's just one or two stars worse."

In this regard, Su Qingyue also admitted that the star is very useful at the critical moment.

At the same time, football stars can also drive the entire economy.

They talked about the ball game, ate dinner, and returned to San Francisco that night.

A few days later, before they embarked on the return flight, they looked at Xiao Yu outside the terminal, and Su Qing understood that this time, it was uncertain when they would meet again. He said to Xiao Yu at this moment: "Xiaoyu, since you are right, let's go. Anyway, I will support you."

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded seriously.

After Su Qingyue and everyone turned around and went through all the formalities, they waved to Xiao Yu and left.

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