Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 778: : Ranfeng CEO

Latest website: After listening to Ouyang's introduction of Ranfeng Company, Su Qingyue found that he still knew the other party's situation very well. Not only know the CEO, but also a series of recent initiatives and internal personnel structure. According to him, this platform is very difficult to implement, because the team, especially the CEO, has a poor personal reputation, and in many cases the company depends on people.

Ouyang also hinted that this group of people has no bottom line in doing things, and there are many rumors in the industry that do not know the truth or not.

Su Qing asked curiously: "What has no bottom line?"

Ouyang shook his head and said, "Then I don't know. Anyway, I've heard people say that if you need it, I will ask."

"No, you can do your thing with peace of mind." Su Qingyue said.

They finished their meal. At noon, he went back to his unit and asked Dongshan to speed up the communication with He Lili. He must study more and take over all the work of Assistant He Lili. In addition, discuss with Guan Pengpeng and transfer another girl from the market to do some data sorting.

Dongshan nodded earnestly and said, "Boss, don't worry. I am self-aware and know how many catties I am. But as long as you explain things, I will do my best..."

"Okay, but don't stress too much." Su Qingyue nodded.

He believed in Dongshan on this point, because since he assigned this task, Dongshan's progress was obvious. Su Qingyue believes that there is nothing that people can't learn, and sometimes what you need is what you want to learn. Just think, no matter how difficult it is, it will come up one step at a time. What's more, it is not for him to do high-tech things.

As they talked, the car was driving on the road, and the Olympic atmosphere in Pingjing became stronger and stronger.

Su Qing thought, Xiao Hei's short-term rental was considered punctual this time.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After a glance, he found that it was a familiar landline phone. He quickly picked it up, and a serious female voice on the other side of the phone passed through the receiver: "Is it Mr. Su Qingyue? President Su of Yuedao Network?" With a long tone, you can hear it from Pingjing.

"Yes, it's me." Su Qingyue was familiar with the voice, and then remembered that this was the number of the Xiguan Village Management Committee.

I don't know what happened to them. While thinking about it, the other party said again: "I am here to inform you that you will participate in the Olympic torch relay in Pingjing as one of the representatives of the Xiguancun Management Committee. Are there any problems?" the woman on the phone asked.

"There is no problem." Su Qingyue immediately replied, and the whole person instantly became energetic.

"You are not going on a business trip recently? There will be a lot of training, and the time will be notified in advance by someone." the other party said.

Su Qingyue hurriedly said: "No problem."

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, the management committee will be our first briefing." The other party said.

"Okay," he said.

They hung up the phone and sat in the car. Su Qing clenched his fist. He understood how rare it is to be a torchbearer.

At this time, the unit arrived, and he got off the car and returned to the unit. Sitting in front of the computer, I started to read the news of the past few days. Now the publicity about bullfighting has gradually increased, and the users who participated in the test are also very enthusiastic. Su Qingyue is very satisfied with the effect of platform warm-up.

While thinking about it, Zhang Yichun dialed in and asked, "Mr. Su, are you at the work unit? Can I go there now?"

"Yes." Su Qing replied more simply.

Zhang Yichun's recent politeness often makes him feel uncomfortable and abnormal.

This time, he heard from Ouyang that Zhang Yichun often stayed in the burning wind, playing the banner of saying that he was a shareholder of Yuedao.

Thinking that since he is here, he can listen to it.

However, Su Qingyue always remembered Ouyang's words in his mind, this person has no bottom line in doing things.

Why is Zhang Yichun getting involved with this kind of person? Su Qingyue thinks things are not that simple.

Continue to work, after 30 minutes, Zhang Yichun came.

He knocked on the door and followed a tall, thin man behind him. Wearing a French crocodile Polo shirt, wearing a Rolex, belt is Hermès, leather shoes are LV shoes, look like a rich man, I can't say that I don't like it. However, Su Qingyue still got up to greet him.

Zhang Yichun introduced: "Su, let me introduce to you, this is Liu Jinshan, the CEO of Ranfeng Games."

As he said, they shook hands, Liu Jinshan had a clear Northwest accent, and when he spoke, his eyes flickered slightly. Su Qingyue disliked this man even more. Thinking about it, Ouyang said, "This kid seems to be a rich second-generation man. His father is a mining man and his family is very rich."

Su Qingyue asked them to sit down, and He Lili brought in the water.

Liu Jinshan looked around Su Qingyue’s office and said in a strong dialect: "Oh, this big company is different. I feel very good when I come in. It is very formal. Unlike our burning wind, it’s too small and I want to do a lot of things. It's not easy to do."

As he said, he wanted to pass a cigarette to Su Qingyue.

The latter waved his hand and said that he did not smoke. The other party wanted to smoke by himself. As soon as he took out the lighter, Zhang Yichun reminded him that he can't smoke.

Liu Jinshan scratched his head at this time, extremely reluctant, but still smiled and said, "Big companies are formal."

Ignoring him, Su Qingyue asked Zhang Yichun: "Mr. Zhang, I heard you have been here?"

"Yes, I'm starting a business with Jinshan, to be a platform for burning wind games." Zhang Yichun said with a smile.

Su Qingyue nodded: "I've heard about this." He smiled and said, "I came back recently, and I always listen to all kinds of people in the industry saying that Burning Wind was made by Yuedao? He Cunxi asked me that day. When I came, I was stunned. When did I vote?"

When he said this, Zhang Yichun was taken aback, his face became very nervous, and he said: "This is impossible, we two absolutely did not say. I have always emphasized that we are the shareholders of Yuedao, but this company is myself. I voted. I never said that it is related to Yue Dao, everyone may be rumored."

He said that Liu Jinshan also hurriedly followed up: "Su, what we usually say to the outside world is that Zhang is always a well-known investor, and his institution has invested in Yuedao Network. But if we say that we belong to Yuedao Network, it is true. No. Now in the industry, you know, if you say one, everyone will help you add two or three."

Hearing what they said, Su Qing smiled a little, knowing that they couldn't admit it. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

He didn't continue on this topic, but said: "It's okay, I just ask." He smiled, calmed the atmosphere, and said: "What's the matter, can you talk about it?"

"President Su, I'm not starting a business. I now think that our Ranfeng platform is very promising, so I discussed with Mr. Liu whether we can join us in Yuedao." Zhang Yichun said, adding: "Because it is more than just now. The overall environment is good, and the development of the entire company is also very good. At that time, I saw that you acquired Dudu Kart and also talked about competition. I think this will be a general direction in the future."

While he was talking, Liu Jinshan next to him opened the Sony notebook and said: "President Su, can I introduce our company and our plans to you?"

After he spoke, Su Qingyue looked at them. He wanted to listen to them, if there was something useful.

Thinking of this, Su Qingyue smiled and nodded: "You said it."

At this time, Liu Jinshan put the notebook on the coffee table with the screen facing Su Qingyue, and said: "General Su, our Ranfeng company was established in 2006. We focus on game competition..."

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