Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 779: : Decisively refuse

The latest website: "Our Ranfeng is developing very rapidly. It should be said that through the previous publicity and promotion, it is also somewhat influential in the industry, and many capitals are also more optimistic..."

Listening to Liu Jinshan speaking in a strong dialect, he enthusiastically talked to himself about the development and future of Ranfeng, and talked about the past during their entrepreneurial process.

Su Qingyue noticed that his ppt is still on the homepage. At first glance, the screen was modified with a template, the font model was not even uniform, and the color matching was also problematic. The background turned out to be the main color of Huangtushangou gold.

Su Qingyue really wanted to remind him that he was showing up to meet investors anyway, so couldn't he find a better copywriter?

At this time, Liu Jinshan continued, he was completely immersed in his own world.

But the so-called results in his mouth were achieved by Ouyang in only half a month. A little bored after a long time, Su Qingyue glanced at Zhang Yichun.

The latter also looked a little embarrassed. It was obvious that there was a problem with Liu Jinshan’s speech, so he had to interrupt him temporarily and interjected: "Mr. Liu meant that they have developed to this level now, and it can be said that everything is ready. I owe Dongfeng."

After he spoke, he even helped Liu Jinshan turn a page.

The latter was startled, perhaps dissatisfied with others operating his own computer, and interrupted him again, looking up at Zhang Yichun unexpectedly. Then he quickly retracted his gaze and turned into a very friendly look again, and said, "I said so much, but in fact I want to tell President Su that we should be more fully prepared for the future. We also have corresponding plans for the future. Zhang Shao said That's right, going one step further requires funding and resource intervention. So if you can get help from Yuedao Network and Mr. Su, it will be of great benefit to the reputation of the platform, the acquisition of users, and the further development of the platform."

"Oh, good." Su Qing said the lazier.

Look at the second page of ppt, the text on the full screen, matched with the color of Huangtu Shangou Jin, is written just like what he said just now, not every word, no wonder he always looks at the screen.

Liu Jinshan added: "We are now going to continue to develop at a high speed, because this market will be very large in the future. Whoever can eat first will have the first mover advantage. Just like making a mine, how much do you occupy? A big one, you will be the boss in the future. And now we are one step ahead of others. President Su may not know the market well, so I have to say a few more words."

After he spoke, he laughed.

Next to him, Zhang Yichun couldn't see it anymore, and said, "Mr. Su must understand."

After he said this, Su Qingyue didn't want to argue with them, but within their sight, they didn't see the shadow of burning wind at all. Su Qingyue thought for a moment, and said: "Okay, I also know the specific situation. First, let me think about it later."

When he said so, it was tantamount to an eviction order.

The latter was startled, as he was going to continue speaking, instantly raised his head to look at him, and frowned again.

At this moment, Zhang Yichun also understood, his face changed a little, and he hurriedly said, "In the end, Mr. Su is a bigwig in the industry, and he can understand everything by just listening to it." He said, smiling all over his face, and said: "Then you What's the problem? Because I think burning wind is very suitable for us, and we need such a track in the future."

"Okay, I will consider it seriously," he said.

Following that, Liu Jinshan also followed up: "President Su, just say if you have any questions." He pretended to be generous.

Su Qingyue snorted coldly in his heart, but still smiled on the surface, and said: "This kind of thing is very complicated, I have to discuss it with shareholders. After all, investment is not a trivial matter, and it is different from normal company operations. Leave the information with me and we will discuss it internally. When the results are available, I will notify Shao Zhang again, okay?"

He declined him again.

This time Liu Jinshan understood a little bit, but he still followed: "Could it be that Mr. Su said in Yuedao that it doesn't count?"

"After all, how old is the company? There are other shareholders." Su Qingyue smiled and said: "A company's governance can't be determined by one person. It's all ages, especially for Internet companies, without saying anything. ."

"But I heard that you have become the chairman?" Liu Jinshan was a little uninterested.

Su Qingyue instantly opened his eyes and said, "The chairman should also listen to everyone's opinions."

One sentence completely blocked Liu Jinshan, his whole body was completely frozen, his face became very ugly, then he looked at Zhang Yichun and raised his eyebrows coldly, as if saying, is this the package ticket you told me? Then he closed the computer all his life.

Zhang Yichun froze, and hurriedly interjected: "General Su's intention is to wait, not to mention this...because Yuedao is about to go public, and it is very sensitive and cautious about investing in these matters before listing. A competitive platform like Ranfeng is definitely something that Yuedao will consider in the future. Su always understands people, don’t worry, let Su always arrange some time..."

"What I'm talking about is that Yuedao has no plan to acquire Ranfeng, nor will it be in the future." Zhang Yichun was interrupted directly.

In the face of these two humming two live treasures, Su Qingyue really couldn't think of a more gentle way to refuse.

But after Su Qingyue finished speaking, he found that Liu Jinshan was already impatient, his face stretched out, and it was in stark contrast to the fake smile when he came in before.

He got up and packed the computer, and walked outside without taking a second look at Zhang Yichun.

Zhang Yichun also got up and said, "Ms. Su, is this not so good? Before I came, my uncle and I had also talked about this. You refused so strongly, everyone can't explain it?" He said, then turned around. Call Liu Jinshan: "Mr. Liu, you don't want to talk anymore?"

Su Qingyue felt that one more sentence would be redundant.

At the next moment, Zhang Yichun was still not convinced, and said, "Don't you care about He Lao's opinion at all?"

"Zhang Shao, I have given you enough face, and I have given you enough. Just like him, what do I need his platform for? What does Yuedao need an uninfluenced platform for? Is it a cumbersome display?" Su Qingyue said, originally I wanted to say that you have to be cautious when you cooperate with this kind of person, otherwise sooner or later you will fall into trouble.

But then he thought, what does this have to do with himself?

Without speaking, Zhang Yichun went after Liu Jinshan.

At this time, Chen Ting walked in, looked back at Liu Jinshan and Zhang Yichun who were leaving, and asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Su Qingyue said casually.

Chen Ting frowned and said in surprise: "Why did Liu Jinshan come to our company?"

"Liu Jinshan? Do you know him?" Su Qingyue asked in a daze. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Haha..." Chen Ting smiled and said, "How could I not know him? He is a friend of Liu Qiang, a person who has no bottom line." She said, her words were a bit cruel, and she added: "Qingyue , Don’t you have a relationship with this kind of person."

Thinking of Ouyang saying that these people have no bottom line, Su Qingyue said: "They still have this relationship with Liu Qiang, and I really didn't understand it before."

He asked, looking at Chen Ting obviously recalling the past.

Fearing to irritate her, Su Qing hurriedly said: "It's okay, Sister Ting, don't talk about him."

After he spoke, Chen Ting said, "There is nothing irritating or irritating. Anyway, they really have no bottom line... I know a little bit about him."

As she spoke, she began to tell Su Qingyue what she knew.


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