Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 783: : Angry Qiu Yichun

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I remembered that many years ago, he had interviewed a familiar entrepreneur. In the face of the camera and the recording pen, the entrepreneur didn't say a word of truth, it's all empty words, until everything is over, what is the key to focus on the value of talents and the people themselves.

But after the end, when the camera and the recording pen disappeared, the talent and Su Qingyue said, "Brother, I tell you, the set just now is fake. A real entrepreneur only needs to divide people into useful and useless. Any value is nonsense, because as long as it is an individual, it is valuable, but this value may not be useful to you."

Su Qingyue was reluctant to judge people in this way, although this was plainly said, but he has been in business for a few years now, but he suddenly realized that it makes sense. Just like today, maybe Zhang Yichun really has some rare value, but he is useless to himself.

He is only very close to power and does not really hold power.

Now when he regards these as capital and starts to realize it, he will find that he is worthless.

Thinking of this, He Jiahua suddenly dialed in at this time.

Su Qingyue didn’t want to pick it up at first, and felt that this was the reason for it. He Jiahua and the others were frustrated, but they knew that life was going to be faced with all kinds of troubles, so he had to pick it up and said politely: NS?"

"Qingyue, are you going to watch Yichun go in and be there? He is also my nephew anyway, so what position did you put him in when you let him in?" He didn't expect He Jiahua to question his head and cover his face. , Followed and said: "Yichun is wrong again..."

"Old Ho!" Su Qingyue interrupted him directly and said, "I hope you understand things clearly before speaking. I told Yichun, I will help him find the best lawyer, and I will also help him operate. Helped him to get out, but he said I was hypocritical."

As they said, the anger of both of them was a little bit up.

However, Su Qingyue understood why He Jiahua was so angry. He was not angry with himself, but Zhang Yichun must have found Qiu Yichun. After all, He Yuqiu has no children. Zhang Yichun is their only child. He represents the interests of Qiu Yichun's family.

Yue Lindao also said that Zhang Yichun is not himself.

It looks like this now, he thought, and He Jiahua said again: "Stop discussing this, I will ask you now, is this company called Ranfeng really worthless?"

"He Lao, didn't I tell you yesterday?" Su Qingyue was a little surprised at this time, thinking that this is a bit of a chaotic talk. He Jiahua is not so stupid, but he still said: "I need to repeat this matter. Is this necessary?"

"It is necessary, I must confirm again, because I drank too much last night." He said.

Su Qingyue felt that he lied again, but after thinking about it, he said, "I said, we are in the most critical period of listing, and there should be no problems. Secondly, as far as I know, the reputation of their entire company, including Liu Jinshan himself, is very poor. Good. The team discourse system and management method are also completely different from Yuedao, and it is difficult to integrate in the short term."

As Su Qingyue said, he talked about yesterday's different platform business models, the impact of investment on performance, and the global financial turmoil. In the end, he put his focus on Pre-IPO and said: "We also have to respect the new investors? Can you rest assured that investing in such an individual?"

After he said it, he felt that it was not enough, and he emphasized with He Jiahua: "Old Ho, I am for Yue Dao. After Yue Dao is good, we all make money together. This company is not mine alone. Can you not understand this matter? ?"

He said that He Jiahua finally had nothing to say and began to calm down.

Finally, Su Qingyue said again: "And if we agree to this matter, then one day they want us to surrender control and equity, what can we do? Can you accept it? He Lao."

"I understand what you mean. But Qingyue, is this company really worthless?" He Jiahua said: "Is there no value in gaming e-sports? Isn't the future market promising? Isn't it worth our investment? At the time of the financial crisis, if Yuedao’s valuation wants to rise, this concept is also needed."

"He Lao, I did not deny the competitive platform itself."

Su Qingyue said that he felt that this was a bit entangled, and then he followed: "But do you agree with me about Zhang Yichun? We can't compromise!"

"I agree." He Jiahua replied, his answer was extremely quick, without any stumbling.

At that moment, Su Qingyue suddenly felt that he had done something wrong, so he shouldn't ask him if he agreed, because this gave the other person a chance to speak. He Jiahua must have thought of another layout plan behind this I agree with. This matter has the same meaning as the Pre-IPO organization that year, and it is completely a transaction.

As he was thinking, before he could react, a female voice suddenly appeared on the phone, angrily scolded Su Qingyue: "What do you mean, why do you do this? What do you think of our family? Why do you send Yichunyu Death? What is wrong with you in our house!"

Su Qing realized that this was Qiu Yichun in an instant, and Su Qing realized why He Jiahua called so quickly, and asked himself to repeat the reason that he had said yesterday. It turned out that it was Qiu Yichun who was putting pressure next to him. Thinking of this, Su Qingyue said: "Sister-in-law, I have explained it very clearly just now. I want to please Dao and protect your interests, so I must never accept this kind of threat. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Who is threatening you?" Qiu Yichun yelled over the phone.

"Sister-in-law, let me make it clear that I can find the best lawyer here. I don't recommend you to find yours, because these are two legal systems. I mean..."

"Enough! Even if there is something wrong with Yichun, even if he promised something to others, but now the eyebrows are burning, why can't he solve the problem first, and then talk about his right or wrong..." Qiu Yichun was on the phone, almost crying. Ruthlessly said to him: "Su Qingyue, if we have anything in the spring, I won't forgive you." She said, without asking He Jiahua to pick it up again, she hung up the phone directly.

Su Qingyue shook his head helplessly and continued to work.

He thinks that this matter cannot be said to be completely ignored. After all, He Jiahua has the right to control, and he can't help but think of the child again. Su Qingyue suddenly recalled. No wonder He Jiahua's attitude was always very vague at that time. It was because Qiu Yichun believed that Zhang Yichun's importance was that He Jiahua didn't recognize Zhang Yichun's status at all.

What's more, He Jiahua now has his own child...

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