Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 784: : The meaning of Liu Jinshan

Latest website: The morning is not too much. Su Qingyue read the book "Black Swan Effect" for a while.

I always feel that this book is not only talking about finance, but also about enterprises, or anything that may achieve the black swan effect. This seems to be an inevitable law of the development of things.

As he continued to turn, Chen Ting opened the door and came in, smiling and asking him if he would like to have a meal together at noon.


Su Qingyue said, and then got up and walked out with her. In the elevator car, two people chatted.

Chen Ting asked him casually, "By the way, how are you doing running recently?"

"It's okay." Speaking of this, Su Qing laughed more and more: "Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng..."

"Lao Qiu also told me that this year is really your lucky year, to catch up with such a golden opportunity." Chen Ting smiled: "However, he said that you didn't make any publicity. He felt that, in fact, the company Wouldn't it be better if you can moderately promote it?"

"No, people have requirements, you can't mess around, you have to be organized and disciplined." Su Qingyue told her.

In this world, there are many things that are far more important than benefits. Su Qingyue has recently realized that using business thinking to consider everything is the limitation of businessmen.

After speaking, the elevator door opened and they went out.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Li Chaozheng, the marketing director of Dongfang.com, talking to a stranger. When I saw Su Qingyue from a distance, he said hello: "Manager Su..." He said, smiling, and greeted the person with that person. Su Qingyue came over, shook hands, and said, "Congratulations, President Su, it has spread in the circle now." He said, without introducing the people around him.

"What to pass on?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"Torchbearer, what else can it be." Li Chao said, "How are you preparing now?"

"Definitely we can complete the task smoothly." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

Li Chao said again: "You are welcome to come to our Oriental.com someday, and accept an interview at that time."

"Okay, it must be another day."

Su Qingyue said with a smile, knowing that the other party is only polite, and at the same time, it is also to show his contacts to the people with him.

He also gave the right face, smiled and shook hands with Li Chao again, and then left with Chen Ting.

In Pingjing in May, advertisements about the Olympics were hung everywhere. He and Chen Ting walked on the street, feeling the change. The latter said: "Qingyue, I want to tell you about Xiaohei's short-term rental."

"Yes, but didn't you say it last time?" Su Qing was slightly surprised.

"Mainly I want to invite everyone to have a meal, not called outsiders, it is purely on a small scale," she said, explaining: "The main purpose is not to go too suddenly. The core team are all their own, and they do not It will be spread out, so there will be no impact. And although I have to wait until I go public before I officially leave, it is a good thing for the company to everyone."

"Okay, no problem, I'll make arrangements." Su Qingyue said.

Talking while talking, they walked to the Jianghuai cuisine in Changyuantiandi.

After ordering food, Chen Ting asked Xiao Su Tong how.

Su Qingyue smiled and said, "It's good, it's the same every day."

They were talking, although this Jianghuai dish is improved, it still suits the taste.

In the afternoon, Su Qingyue went to the designated place for training.

By the time the training is over and I get out from there, it is already four o'clock.

He walked back, and at this moment an unfamiliar number called, the number suffix was four eights. Su Qing faintly felt familiar, remembering that this was Liu Jinshan's number, but he didn't expect that this kid was not over yet.

Su Qingyue pressed the answer button, and as expected, Liu Jinshan's strong accent came from over there: "President Su, hello, this is Liu Jinshan, do you remember? Ranfeng platform."

"Something?" Su Qingyue was straightforward, too lazy to talk nonsense.

At the next moment, Liu Jinshan smiled and asked, "President Su, are you in the unit? I want to go there."

"I'm not here, can you just tell me something?" Su Qingyue said, just as a bus next to him exited the station with its horn.

"That's it, President Su, I think..."

"Mr. Liu, if you still want to talk about acquisitions, forget it."

"Mr. Su, how could it only be the acquisition. I meant to say that your shareholder did something wrong and he raped my secretary. Now my secretary is crying here, and I'm going to sue him. Pull slowly, it’s really embarrassing. You also know that it’s very troublesome to report this to the police."

Knowing that he was threatening him, Su Qing sneered all his life and directly replied: "Our company does not have this shareholder, so his business has nothing to do with the company. In addition, if what you said is true, then deal with it as soon as possible. Let's If you are a business, you must also fulfill your responsibilities to your employees and their families."

When he said this, Liu Jinshan froze instantly and was silent on the phone for a long time before saying: "If you can't make it right, you will go to jail." This threatening remark seemed weak.

"Okay, I see, but you have to talk to He Lao and his aunt about this matter." Su Qingyue said, feeling that it was not enough, and then followed: "Liu Jinshan, how did you spend money for him in the first place? You ask him for it yourself, how he promised, never told me, it has nothing to do with our Yuedao."

"President Su, you tease me!"

"I'm telling the truth, and this is my attitude." Su Qingyue emphasized again.

Now Liu Jinshan was dumb on the other end of the phone, and did not speak for a long time.

Su Qingyue wanted to say that if it was okay, I would hang up, but the latter's voice came from the receiver again: "Mr. Su, you have misunderstood. I am not talking to you about the acquisition of us. I want to pass you through. I can’t talk to Mr. He. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com let Yichun marry another girl. I think this is a good solution."

Unexpectedly, Liu Jinshan really insisted that Qingshan was not relaxed. Since he couldn't bite himself, he would kill Zhang Yichun. The next moment, Su Qing laughed more and said: "I don't seem to have the right to object to this. As for the contact information, Zhang Yichun will be very happy to give it to you."

"President Su, I don't understand that you just don't care about Zhang Yichun's life and death?" Liu Jinshan asked puzzledly.

Su Qingyue sneered and said: "I care very much, but if the company's interests are exchanged, I can't do it. I am responsible to the employees and to all shareholders." He said nothing and hung up the phone directly.

Liu Jinshan froze in the office holding his mobile phone at this time. He realized that he was not Su Qingyue's opponent at all, and the hard work of arranging rounds and playing conspiracies was not at all involved.

I was fooled by Zhang Yichun and spent so much money, now I can't cash out anything.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The next moment, he uttered a vulgar word to himself, and then violently threw the phone on the hand, cursing: "Zhang Yichun! Let's not finish!"

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