Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 786: : Call from He Jiahua

Latest website: Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye it is August, and the long-awaited torch relay is finally coming.

On August 6, when the weather was fine, Su Qingyue put on uniform sportswear, raised the torch, and ran towards the interchange on behalf of Xiguancun.

At first, he thought he would be very excited and excited. But when he really took the torch in his hand and watched the flame burn in the sun, he took a step, only to realize that there was no excitement in his heart, only nervousness.

Finally realized that the previous training is very necessary. There are not only the problems of the sports itself, but also the psychological aspects. It is no wonder that after training them for so long, I have to say that everything has its own skills.

He thought, ran forward, greeted the eyes of countless people, and the dazzling lens, so nervous that he even heard the sound of a heart beating.

He hurriedly told himself not to think too much, not to look around, and only focus on running itself.

Then think about something that has nothing to do with running, and relax yourself a little bit.

During this period, Liu Jinshan has completely abandoned the idea of ​​merging into Yuedao. He is now busy resolving the lawsuit with the bullfight, and at the same time, the matter of Zhang Yichun is to be settled.

It may be that I not only felt that I could not get it at a bargain, but also got angry. In the end, Liu Jinshan became furious and finally sent Zhang Yichun in. The matter has not been resolved yet. Qiu Yichun also called Su Qingyue specifically because of this, saying that he had destroyed his nephew and the Zhang family.

Without arguing, Su Qingyue ignored her at all. He later learned that Qiu Yichun really found a bunch of lawyers who didn't understand the legal affairs here, claiming to let Zhang Yichun get out of his body. Of course, the result can be imagined.

Su Qingyue noticed that He Jiahua had not mentioned this matter. Although they had spoken on the phone before, they had not mentioned this aspect.

They only discussed the issue of listing. In the context of the major financial crisis, He Jiahua did not agree to postpone the listing. The sooner Su Qing learned from some reports that their entire group was in a serious survival crisis. The financial crisis caused this group to step down from the altar, and there was a big problem with cash flow.

They certainly hope that Yuedao will be listed as soon as possible, but Su Qingyue disagrees.

As a result, they had a very serious argument.

Su Qingyue continued to run, and soon he realized that he was not nervous anymore, but the torch in his hand was a bit heavy. His thoughts have stabilized, and his steps have begun to become more and more stable. For a while, the person next to him disappeared, and he began to concentrate on running.

Seeing that the end was approaching, he realized that although he was not usually tired, he was sweating profusely.

After the end, facing the camera according to the procedure, he simply accepted the interview.

When I returned to the unit in the afternoon, it was already 2:35.

As soon as I went back, I met Zhou Ziyou and said to himself with a smile: "Boss, yes! Today's gait is very beautiful. It seems that I haven't exercised for nothing during this period. The last look is quite handsome!"

Lijun beside him also smiled and said, "I think you can organize us to run at night so that everyone can get exercise. Everyone works overtime and lacks exercise, so every body won't work."

"This is okay, we can form a fitness group when that time comes." Su Qingyue said.

He walked back, and whoever saw him in the office greeted him with a smile.

I know that everyone is polite, and Yuedao has been running very well recently. In addition to the parent group, "Tuk Tuk Kart" operated by Chen Fengfengli Technology has also rushed to the front line. As for the Bullfight, which is owned by itself, in just a few months, it has made rapid progress, and its user reputation has also been very good.

I have to say that in addition to strong marketing, Ouyang's products are mainly good.

Some days ago, the people from Storm Company said that they would come to Pingjing for inspection, but because of work, they couldn't make the trip. They both signed a contract remotely.

Now bullfighting has become a pivotal platform, and with the previous proposal, its influence is increasing day by day.

There is a lot of discussion in industry forums, and some people have posted: This is just a trumpet of Su Qingyue. In the previous incident with Burning Wind, the bullfight came out to block the gun and brought all the contradictions to himself. It was not without a reason. This is also the main reason why Su Qingyue did not accept the burning wind platform.

Someone replies: This bullfighting is so powerful, this set of market operations is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Moreover, Ouyang was helped by Su Qingyue in the past, and many companies dig him before, but there is no response. It seems that it is a major matter of closed development.

Looking at these comments, Su Qing became more aware that he could not hide the fact that he was a major shareholder of Bullfighting.

Yesterday He Cunxi sent him a smiley face and asked him: "President Su doesn't need to pretend. You can do it at this level. No one else can have this level. I have nothing else, I just want to interview you: When Ouyang was the first to close the development plan, did you think of the current situation of Bullfighting?"

"Don't worry, give me some time, and I will tell you." Su Qingyue didn't lie to He Cunxi.

However, he did not explicitly say that this is what he invested.

He feels that, according to this situation, Bullfighting may soon be listed.

As he was thinking, Chen Ting knocked on the door and walked in, smiling to remind him: "Mr. Su, don't forget, we will go to the Shunde restaurant in the evening. Lao Qiu has arranged it."

"Don't worry, I definitely remember such a big thing." Su Qing laughed.

Today is Chen Ting's day for a banquet for everyone. She is going to tell everyone today that she will leave after the company goes public.

In addition, it was also a wine to celebrate Su Qingyue's perfect completion of the task today.

She smiled, UU reading www.uukānshu.com left the office again, Su Qingyue's cell phone rang at this time, took a look, knowing that He Jiahua is calling. After sighing a little, Su Qingyue discovered that since becoming CEO, business is actually second, and many times all kinds of communication have taken up the bulk of it.

Thinking of this, I finally answered the phone, wondering why Jiahua might talk about the progress of Zhang Yichun's affairs.

But I didn’t expect the latter to come up and say: "Qingyue, I thought about what you said about the delay in listing. It actually makes sense. It is indeed listed now. If there is no outside help, it is really not a problem for us. Very good time."

"So what?" Su Qingyue asked, always feeling it's not that simple, he must have something in his words.

Guo then said afterwards: "So I still have to discuss with you about something, because if this matter can be achieved, we can still do the roadshow and go public on a regular basis."

Vaguely aware of what he wanted to say, Su Qingyue stunned.

Then He Jiahua finally said his thoughts...

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