Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 787: : Outbreak of contradictions

The latest website: "Qingyue, I know that you have made a platform yourself, what is called Bullfighting. You see if this works, let's let the bullfight return to Yuedao. After all, this was also a sequence of detaching from our Yuedao. It’s also appropriate to come back now, which is of great benefit to Yue Dao."

Listening to He Jiahua, she did not exceed what she had guessed. Su Qingyue thinks he knew that bullfighting was his own for a long time. However, this proposal was not completely unreasonable. Su Qingyue couldn't dismiss it. He just felt that he wanted to operate and first safeguard the interests of Ouyang's team.

Thinking of this, he said: "This is okay, but it's not appropriate at this time. After all, the platform has just been up, and the value of the entire platform has not been fully realized. At this time, the team’s interests are rushed to merge and the team’s interests cannot be guaranteed. They are in a small black room. Without day or night work, they deserve the rewards they deserve. My suggestion is to wait until the platform is developed. If Yuedao really wants to develop this business, it is indeed of great value to Yuedao, we will proceed with formal regulations... "

"Oh, what is formality and irregularity? Is the interest of such a small group important?" He Jiahua showed impatience on the phone, and added: "Qingyue, can we have their platform today without you? Ouyang Na A cultivator, can he have today without you? At the beginning, all the focus was on him, but you did not take him in, they still dare to tell you this?"

With contempt in his tone, Su Qingyue could imagine He Jiahua through the phone. Although I am not happy, I still try my best to keep myself calm and say: "We still have to protect the interests of the team, and we must be formal if we accept it. This will also protect the creativity of the team."

"Is it necessary to spend this unjustified money? At that time, the focus team didn't seem to be doing anything, right?" He Jiahua was not convinced.

"Can bullfighting be the focus? Are they the same?" Su Qingyue asked him back, saying: "The focus is the end of the road. Bullfighting is the star of tomorrow. How can this be the same. We don't even guarantee the interests of the team, it's more than cold. The hearts of these brothers, and how will the outside world see us in the future?"

"If you don't see anything, just say that Bullfighting is owned by Yuedao Holdings. Don't you just get it?" He Jiahua didn't care.

Su Qingyue denied again: "He Lao, I think this matter must be formal, and only formality can make the team continue to produce, and the bullfighting platform may continue."

"Qingyue, I know he belongs to you." He Jiahua then changed his strategy and said: "But we should give you the money, and we didn't give you less. You don't have to be greedy for this little money, right? You were the big guy before. Behind the scenes, such a platform, I didn’t say anything, it gave you enough freedom. But now I think it’s time to recycle it, it’s our pleasure, you can’t say that we will have to pay for the things we get back to our home. Bar?"

"Old Ho, this is impossible..."

"Enough!" He Jiahua interrupted him and continued: "I am not giving you advice. I am expressly requesting that Bullfighting must be unconditionally incorporated into Yuedao. This is a respect for all shareholders of Yuedao. In this matter, We don’t have much room for negotiation.” He said, his tone was tough, and he said: “Think about it for yourself, I sacrificed all the spring to protect Yuedao. Isn’t it a spring that’s not worth what you said? Money? Be more realistic. I don’t want to hear different opinions on this matter."

He finally said why he sacrificed Zhang Yichun. It turned out that this was the condition of exchange.

However, this time the situation was different, and Su Qingyue was also a little angry, and said: "He Lao, Zhang Yichun shouldn't have brought Yue Dao, you know better than me why you sacrificed him."

"Qingyue, I tell you, control is in my hands now, and I don't want all of us to get to this point." He Jiahua finally spoke again. This is the first time he spoke to Su Qingyue with such an attitude, and said again. : "Remember, you, the chairman of the board, I gave it to you, not what you deserve. I said and you can merge, because it will not hurt Yuedao, and it will raise the entire valuation. I advise you, don’t engage in it. Your set of small team interests, your set of Jiao Kejun will eat, I won’t eat it!"

After he said nothing, Su Qingyue could not be allowed to continue speaking, so he hung up the phone.

Su Qing scolded a **** with more anger.

Thinking of the impact of the financial crisis on him, it should be urgent. Maybe He Jiahua also knows the value of Yuedao and the benefits of delaying the listing, but he can't wait...so, I don’t know what else he will do...

Su Qingyue felt that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly. In the evening, Chen Ting knocked on the door again and said, "Qingyue, shall we go?" she said. Su Qingyue was still immersed in He Jiahua's phone call, but he quickly recalled, got up and walked out with everyone.

When I went out, I saw Wu Yinping chatting with Tian Zhong, talking about how to exercise my thinking skills, and talked about jigsaw puzzles, and said: "I practice jigsaw puzzles every day. I find that jigsaw puzzles especially test the hand and eye ability. I have played at most 10,000 yuan. Transformers, they call me Pinduoduo."

They were talking and saw Su Qing coming out.

Wang Xinjie smiled and said, "Boss, I ran well today. I watched it on TV and it was so handsome."

"You have to have a good drink tonight. Are you unhappy when you stop drinking during this period?" Tian Zhong said with a smile.

Wu Yinping smiled and said: "It's so boring to stop drinking, I have to drink too much tonight."

She was talking, still with a babbled baby tone, and Du Nanxiang smiled next to her: "Ms. Wu’s voice, if you don’t listen to it in person, you think it’s a child."

As they spoke, Su Qing became aware that most people did not know that Chen Ting was leaving.

Everyone walked downstairs together, Su Qingyue was actually still thinking about the threat from He Jiahua just now. He understood that people like He Jiahua would do something threatening. If so, you must respond as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, I left the building and went to the restaurant where I ate Shunde food before.

Today, Qiu Xinjun set up a banquet here, and he specially prepared a box of Moutai.

Tian Zhong went in and shouted, "Mr. Qiu, your capital is large enough, is there something going on?"

After he spoke, Qiu Xinjun scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, "This is not a big cost, after all, people are priceless."

The dishes are actually selected, they are all classic Shunde dishes they have eaten. For the other dishes, Qiu Xinjun said that You Xianming recommended them. As everyone was talking, Su Qingyue asked Chen Ting to sit in the seat, and he was next to him, Qiu Xinjun was on the left, Du Nanxiang also noticed something was wrong, and asked Wu Yinping, "Today President Qiu will marry President Chen?"

"No, but marrying a wife means the same thing." Wu Yinping said with a smile.

Du Nanxiang was startled.

Soon dishes came up, ranging from the ladies’ favorite double skin milk, to Jun’an steamed pig, and the famous Daliang fried shrimp cake, top bone eel, Liuwei painted long fish, and Shunde grass carp intestines.

Seeing the right time, Chen Ting got up and said, "In fact, there is something to call everyone here today."

He said so, everyone put down their chopsticks.

Chen Ting followed: "The main reason is that I want to tell everyone that after a while, I will go to Xiaohei short-term rental office, that is, Mr. Qiu’s company. I am afraid that you all don’t know that the temporary notice will be very abrupt, so I I’ll tell you here in advance. After all, we’ve been together for so long, and you are my family."

She said so, except for Wu Yinping who was looking at her, everyone looked at Qiu Xinjun.

Chen Ting said at this time: "Although I am leaving, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but I think my heart still follows Yue Dao. I also made arrangements before I left, and discussed it with President Su. I will She was taken over by Wu Yinping. She is my best friend, my most trusted friend, and her abilities have been confirmed for so long. I hope everyone can support her in her work."

When she said so, Wu Yinping stood up, tears in her eyes, and also raised her wine glass.

At this time, everyone did not recall, and everyone followed up with their glasses.

Chen Ting said again at this time: "To tell the truth, I am very grateful to Yue Dao and to all of you brothers here. It is you who made my career and it is also because of you. I know Lao Qiu. Today I will not say anything else. "," she said, holding a glass of wine, and said: "You know, I don't usually drink white wine, but today is different. Come on, let's toast everyone!"

After she spoke, she drank all the wine in one sip.

Everyone followed immediately, and everyone was reluctant to leave Chen Ting and sat down silently.

Soon other dishes came up, they poured the wine, and then Su Qingyue stood up and talked...

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