Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 788: : Negotiation

The latest website: "Old Qiu..."

Su Qing held the cup, looked at Qiu Xinjun, and said seriously: "Our brothers are brothers, but you are not allowed to bully Sister Ting, you have to treat her well. Don't learn from some men. If you have some money, you don't know your surname. What's the matter! Sister Ting gave up so much for you, you have to know the gratitude!"

"Brother! Who am I, don't you understand?" Qiu Xinjun stood up and held a glass of wine: "Don't worry! But I told you that some people are not bad because they are rich, but because they were originally It's bad, Qiu Xinjun, you should know this best!"

"No one knows better than me!" Su Qingyue said. Of course he knew who Qiu Xinjun was. He turned his head and looked at Chen Ting, whose eyes were already red. Su Qingyue said again: "Sister Ting, as long as Old Qiu bullies you, You come back, Yue Dao is your natal family and will always have your place."

"Yeah! I understand! Thank you, and thank you." Chen Ting nodded seriously.

"Come on! Cheers! Cheers!"

Seeing that Chen Ting was about to wipe her tears, Su Qingyue hurriedly called to a halt, and immediately followed the crowd and drank all the wine.

Everyone sat down again and ate delicious Shunde dishes.

Tanaka said with emotion: "Time flies so fast. I now think about how I was leaving from the focus at the beginning, and then I followed the boss. At that time, our overtime meals were bought for us by sister Ting and Lily, including us. Air conditioners and fans in the corner of death."

"Sister Ting, if you want to come back, come back anytime." Wang Xinjie also followed.

Wu Yinping laughed at this moment and said, "Don't be so miserable, okay? I think Tingting is so good. I finally found my own love and my own career. It's really a step up!" She said , With a whistling voice, said again: "We should be happy for her now! Come! Let's raise a toast for Tingting!"

"Yes! Why! So sad!" Su Qingyue also followed.

Everyone laughed instantly, and then wished Chen Ting happiness and happiness, and wished him and Qiu Xinjun an early marriage and an early birth of a child.

Everyone laughed, and Du Nanxiang also sighed, saying that before she came to Yuedao, she had no sense of belonging anywhere. It was not until she entered Yuedao that she understood what it felt like to belong.

This evening, everyone was very excited, toasted frequently, and soon drank too much.

Wu Yinping had a fair amount of alcohol, but she had a lot of courage. In the end, she wanted to stand on the table and toast to Qiu Xinjun. She told Qiu Xinjun: "Be good to my sisters, don't be a bastard! Tingting has a good temper. No, I’m not exaggerating, you can’t find such a good person!"

Qiu Xinjun also hurriedly brought a cup and said, "Don't worry! But are you still drinking?"

"It's a must for drinking, who are our sisters in Pingjing afraid of!" She finished her words and drank her glass of wine without hesitation.

Qiu Xinjun also hurried to keep up.

Everyone drank more and more, and began to talk about Su Qingyue's performance and praised him for his handsomeness.

Slowly after three rounds of wine and five tastes, everyone slowly divided into several waves, each chatting.

Du Nanxiang leaned close to Su Qingyue at this time, blushing, obviously drunk, holding up a wine glass and said: "Su, I must respect you today, not because you performed well and handsomely today, but It's because of other things. I have to toast, you can do whatever you want!"

She said that Su Qingyue also picked up the wine glass.

However, Du Nanxiang refused to give him a chance to speak, so he toasted and said, "Mr. Su, I am not only thanking you and Yuedao for accepting me. The most important thing is that you also sent Zhang Yichun in." She said After a pause, everyone around him was chatting and no one paid attention to them. Du Nanxiang said again: "You don't know how arrogant Zhang Yichun is at home. He never treats us people as human beings. He wants to raise his eyes to the sky when he walks. Not to mention Qiu Yichun! Now that Zhang Yichun has entered, the entire Zhang family will immediately lose power."

He said, Su Qing raised his eyebrows more and more, and said: "But he will lose power when he enters the Zhang family?"

"Yes! President Su, you heard that right! Because Qiu Yichun only trusted her nephew, raised her as a son, and sent many people away. Now that Zhang Yichun is gone, who can I call for a temporary successor?" Du Nanxiang laughed Get up: "I'm not the only one watching the jokes, in fact, there must be some people in the Zhang family who are not convinced."

Listening to her, Su Qingyue actually didn't think about this.

To him, Zhang Yichun's life and death have nothing to do with him, he only cares about his own pleasure. Du Nanxiang's words made him realize that the resulting changes in the pattern will also affect Yuedao's future. Recalling that He Jiahua threatened him just now, now it seems that He Jiahua is really anxious.

As he was thinking, Du Nanxiang continued: “Now their entire group is in danger. There was something before the financial crisis, and now the money has been almost emptied by Mr. He. Once the group has problems, it will be a fatal disaster for all of them. So now, Qiu Yichun, I guess I'm crying anxiously at home."

She said that the more Su Qing thought about it, if she knew that He Jiahua already had another child outside, then she would be so angry. Thinking about this and thinking about the issue of control, there are some things he still doesn't want to do too much, but He Jiahua is now pressing harder.

Just thinking that Lao Qiu asked him to drink again, the two of them toasted.

They drank a lot that night, and they were still not happy after drinking. Everyone went to the cashbox opposite the zoo to sing again.

Everyone took their shoulders together and sang a chorus of "True Hero" and a chorus of Stupid Kid.

Su Qingyue screamed with everyone: Oh, slap on the chest, stand up bravely, don't be in a bad mood! Ouch, bow to the sky, don’t think about it, God has arranged it yourself! God loves stupid kids! "

At the end of the song, everyone shouted together: "Yuedao, come on! Little black, come on! Stupid kid, come on!"

Su Qingyue went home in the evening. It was already 12:30. When A Mou saw her, she frowned and said, "How come you smell like alcohol when you come back. It's really annoying. Don't hold your son! It will make him hate you." She After speaking, he pushed him out, and said: "Hurry up and take a bath."

As she said, Su Qingyue took a hot bath.

In order not to disturb the child, he went to sleep in another room.

He woke up two or three times during the night. After six o'clock, he couldn't fall asleep, so he got up and went to the study. Thinking about control, he still felt that the situation could not be allowed to develop. Because this is not simply a matter of M&A bullfighting, but also own control of the entire company, related to the interests of the team, if he does not fight back, He Jiahua will definitely come.

Thinking of this, the wine came up, and he fell asleep directly.

When he woke up again, it was eleven o'clock. He rubbed his eyes and took another bath.

After eating some chicken soup stewed by Amo's mother, He Jiahua called again and asked at the beginning: "Qingyue, how are you thinking about it? Have you figured it out?"

"Mr. He, I said no, because it is too unfair to the team."

"Okay, Qingyue, anyway, I have said all my good things, and I will give you a lot of face. Before you asked for money, I would give it to you. Think about when I hesitated. Now let you treat it as pleasing. The team comes in and you are not willing, so don't blame me for being impolite." He Jiahua said.

After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Su Qingyue to say anything.

Holding the mobile phone and listening to the beeping sound in the receiver, Su Qingyue felt that he was very benevolent and could not wait for others to start. After checking the time, he estimated that Yue Lindao hadn't slept yet. He dialed out the phone directly. After a while, Yue Lindao's voice was connected there. He coughed twice and then asked: " What's wrong? Qingyue?"

"Something is going on." Su Qingyue said simply, and then clarified the matter here, and then said: "Yue Dong, he will bring a very bad head by doing this. What do we think of our own team? How do other teams think about it. We? On the surface, we have made a profit, but this is very short-term. This is to chill other people’s hearts. Once people’s hearts become cold..."

"I understand what you said." Yue Lindao thought for a moment, sighed, and said: "Well, if it is a board meeting, I will definitely go out in person to ensure that he will not be in control. Besides..." he said , He hesitated again, and said: "Qingyue, I think you should get Zhang Yichun out, otherwise the Zhang family will now become the dominant family of He Jiahua, and the enemy's enemy is a friend."

"I think so too." Su Qingyue said.

"Then you might as well call Qiu Yichun personally, clarify this matter, and tell him why He Jiahua is unwilling to keep Zhang Yichun. At this point, Qiu Yichun is a hundred who hate you, and he has to stand on your side. Don't worry about this. Whatever a couple of days a husband and wife are good to each other, that's all bullshit. In a rich man's house, there is no favor, only power checks and balances."

He said, Su Qing understood more.

Although it is not good to do this, I understand that I can't live with children anymore.

At the next moment, he agreed with Yue Lindao, and then dialed Qiu Yichun. After the long call, Qiu Yichun quickly picked up, without giving Su Qingyue a reaction at all, and said with a disheveled face: "Su Qingyue, What are you calling me this call? Do you want to show off? Show off that you sent my house in for a spring?"

"Sister-in-law, I'm calling you this phone now, it's about business!" He said, and reminded: "It's about the business of your Zhang family. Would you like to listen to me?"

"What do you mean?" Qiu Yichun said.

Su Qingyue casually followed up: "By the way, how is He Lao's little baby now?"

"What little baby?" Qiu Yichun was startled on the phone.

Su Qingyue followed the pretense and suddenly realized, "Oh, don't you know?"

On the phone, Qiu Yichun instantly understood what had happened, and said, "Su Qingyue! You can make it clear!"

"If you don't know, then I'll talk about it personally, do you know?" Su Qingyue said, Qiu Yichun was silent on the phone, and he said again: "Chen Bei, Sister Xiang, do you remember?"

"Are they still in touch?" Qiu Yichun was shocked.

Su Qingyue said: "Sister-in-law, if a family is to maintain a balance, no one can have other interests outside, especially no one more heir. I have asked a lawyer. Legally speaking, the right of inheritance does not distinguish between legitimate children and illegals. For children born in wedlock, both parties have equal inheritance rights..."

When he spoke, Qiu Yichun on the other end of the phone was obviously shocked.

She must have never thought that something happened or something happened. The whole person was stunned. At this time, Su Qingyue said again: "Sister-in-law, I said something that shouldn't be said. Why don't you think about why he didn't protect the first spring? What is the reason? And your group has been hollowed out by He Lao over the years, and now your enemy is not me!"

As he spoke, there was a beeping disconnection sound from the receiver.

The more Su Qing understood this, the incident might have been too stimulating to Qiu Yichun, and she needed to slow down.

So he started to concentrate on work in the study.

Not ten minutes later, Qiu Yichun finally answered the phone and said coldly: "Su Qingyue, how can I prove that you are not instigating our relationship."

"I'll give you your name, address, and clues, and you can investigate by yourself!" Su Qingyue said.

"You help me out for the first spring! Any money is fine!" Qiu Yichun said.

"Then you can talk to Yichun, but he doesn't listen to my persuasion at all. At the beginning I said that yours was not good."

"Okay, don't mention it at the beginning. I won't treat you badly, you believe me." Qiu Yichun said: "As for He Jiahua, I will deal with my own family affairs."

"Okay." Su Qingyue said finally, hung up the phone.

He understood that Qiu Yichun was panicking now, and to her, Zhang Yichun's entry would mean that Zhang's family collapsed.

He Jiahua is now on fire in the rear, and with Yue Lindao's return, this time he has no time to play.

Thinking of this, he got up, said hello to Amu, and left home to go to work.

Sitting in the car, Pingjing, approaching at noon, ushered in a rare smoothness. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Su Qingyue thought about the bullfighting platform. In fact, the main point of disagreement between him and He Jiahua was that he did not spend any money, but after this battle, Su Qingyue felt that he should not buy Bullfight and should let the platform develop on its own.

The unit arrived soon, and Su Qingyue soon went back to the day's work.

He called Fan Shengnan and asked her to find her senior brother to solve Zhang Yichun's affairs.

Fan Shengnan listened to his own judgment and said: "Boss, if you intervene at this time, it has actually passed the golden stage. I guess my brother is negotiating, and the final result will not be blameless, and the cost will exceed imagination. "

"It's okay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, just ask your senior brother to do it, they will pay for the money that should be spent." Su Qingyue said.

I thought that this wasted time was not caused by herself. What's more, Qiu Yichun is anxious now, and paying a little more money will also teach her a bitter lesson.

Thinking of this, Fan Shengnan nodded and turned to leave.

In the afternoon, Ge Guang talked to him online: "Qingyue, I think our platform has been very stable from interaction to all aspects, as well as profitability, and the achievable future is also very good, and there is also a detailed plan. I was discussing with other people for dinner that day, do you think we can also consider going public?"

"I think it can." Su Qingyue said, but after thinking about it, he said: "But the current financial crisis, I think it may not be over in half a year. If it is to go public, it will take some time, otherwise it will not get a good estimate. Value, it’s not good for all shareholders either."

"I understand." Brother Guang said, sending back a smiling face.

At this time, Fan Shengnan came back and said, "Everything is arranged, don't worry."

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