Eighth Crown

Chapter 1009: giant beast as tall as a mountain

It was a giant beast as tall as a mountain.

He walked on all fours, and every step he took made the earth tremble violently like an earthquake.

The whole body is gray-black like earth and stone, the tendons are distinct, the body is fat, and the cortex is extremely thick.

It was a monster that was closer to an elephant in appearance, or to be more precise, a mammoth that was more ferocious and terrifying.

Not only is the body extremely tall and heavy, but also gray-white ivory grows from both sides of the mouth, winding forward like a plow, as if a charge is enough to shatter the mountains.

The huge curled nose stretched out, and a serrated spiked axe was inlaid at its top. Lightning flashed on it, and electric sparks spread out at the tip, as terrifying as a giant **** who manipulated thunder.

"Your Majesty Lei Di has woken up."

At this moment, the slaughter hunters who were on guard all over the city also stopped walking, silently and reverently looking at the giant beast as tall as a mountain.

"The Tsar's prestige lasts forever."

Just as Liu Xia had guessed, after Ivan the Terrible woke up completely, he was scattered around Moscow, and the strength was comparable to the thousands of slaughter hunters of low-level Servants, as well as the more than 10,000 slaughter hunters distributed throughout Russia. All of them stopped their movements for a moment, and then vanished into ashes.

Under the anger, the mountain beast walked slowly and firmly in the direction of the palace from outside the city with heavy steps.

Probably because of his heavy body, Lei Di's movement speed was very slow.

But wherever he went, countless buildings and roads were torn apart under the unimaginable weight, the buildings were reduced to ruins, the roads were trampled down, and not even the river could stop him.

"Woooooooooooooooooooo!! I can't spare you, I can't spare you, I can't spare you!"

Lei Di was roaring.

He vowed to cut the assassin who angered him into pieces and grind it to a pulp.

in the palace.

"This is really... an ordinary size."

Liu Xia looked at the giant beast that seemed to cover the sky and the sun in the distance, and there was no fluctuation in his expression.

From his point of view, the height of Lei Di's body is at least 100 meters.

The height is about the same as the God of Protecting the Country, but the weight is definitely better than that of Lei Di.

Every time he walked, it was as if the God of Machines had unleashed a supreme punch with the full power of the engine on the earth, and the destructive power was probably higher than that of the God of Machines.

So far, Liu Xia has encountered only a handful of enemies who can surpass Lei Di in height and weight, and excluding the thousands of meters long giant body that cannot move in the Seshoin, there are only those who have grown to the limit in the Holy Grail War world. The giant at the beginning of the kilometer plateau.

Let's not talk about it in the Slaughterhouse for the time being, that's an extraneous level.

When he fought against the thousand-meter-high primordial giant, he used four light cannons above the A++ level, including the God-killing Spear, to finally destroy it.

And Ivan the Terrible... Shouldn't be comparable to the primordial giant who has grown to the limit in terms of height and weight, but the scale of magic power exceeds that of the primordial giant by more than ten times!

That should be the posture formed by Ivan the Terrible using Yaga's spell on himself, and combining himself with the mammoth-shaped mountain-level monster.

The mammoth, which survived in the Ice Age and has long since perished, is essentially a top-level fantasy species in the inference of the magic world, with power that rivals or even surpasses that of divine beasts.

After the combination of Lei Di and the mammoth, the huge amount of magic power that escaped from his whole body was really only seen in his life under the evil of human beings.

If God still exists in modern times, it must be the attitude of God.

If there is a level division among the gods, it must be the top **** level powerhouse.

Ordinary gods have absolutely no such power.

"To actually wake him up here, this is really beyond imagination."

Looking at the giant beast in the distance by relying on Kotomine Kirei's pseudo-servant, his expression was calm and he even wanted to laugh.

"This kind of development is also quite pleasant... However, this will be troublesome, unknown Servant, I don't know how you will deal with the rampant emperor? Look at him, if you don't want to destroy it, don't you? It's easy to go back to sleep!"

He looked at Liu Xia, and there was a look of joy visible to the naked eye on his face.

The man named Kotomine Kirei whom he trusted must be a bad character.

Moreover, judging from what he said, it was really impossible to judge his position.

Although he was nominally Ivan the Terrible's teacher, Bishop McCarley, he didn't seem to be worried about Thor at all, and he didn't even want to worry about it.

"Damn it!"

Anastasia's temperament no longer burst into foul language, and cast a hateful look at Liu Xia.

"Moscow is over. The angry Thunder Emperor will not stop until he kills the culprit. It doesn't matter if you die, but hurry up and return Kadok to me!"

If it wasn't for the life and death of Kadok, who was captured by him, she would have already started.

"I don't need you to worry about my life or death."

Ryuxia glanced at Kotomine Kirei and Anastasia on the left and right.

"If you have that idle heart, why don't you worry about the Thunder Emperor who is about to meet the doomsday?"

Anastasia's face was completely cold.

The end of Leidi?

In this Lost Belt, Lei Di is the real king, the leader and ruler who leads the world and leads the world in a difficult way. He has never fallen for more than 400 years.

It is true that Leidi will never be undefeated, but he will never be defeated by anyone other than her and Kadok!


Liu Xia did not continue to entangle with these two people, and spewed flames under his feet, flew out of the palace, and took the initiative to greet the mountain beast.

Reid is strong.

But it was only strong enough, far from the point where he felt inferior. Rather, Liu Xia was only certain after Lei Di exposed his true body.

There is no reason to win.

"The king of the Lostbelt, the ruler of this world."

Under the rapid burning of the flame, Liu Xia quickly crossed most of Moscow and came to the edge of the city. Several hundred meters ahead was Leidi's huge figure like a mountain.

"No matter what difficulties you have, how unwilling and angry you are, it will not change the fact that you fell in my hands."


With the flash of light, a knight's spear wrapped in golden tassels appeared in his right hand.

"Holy spear, pull the anchor—"

"—Rhongomyniad (Gun of the End)!"

Nothing fancy.

With a wave of Liu Xia's hand, he released the real name of the holy spear, which turned the knight spear into a huge spear of light, which fell from the sky in an instant and bombarded Lei Di from the front!

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