Eighth Crown

Chapter 1010: The power of the main god-level Thunder Emperor

The opening is a holy gun!


A huge spear of light fell from the sky, and under the sluggish and fearful gaze of all Moscow citizens, a shot slammed into the back of the mountain beast.


The moment the dazzling light spear fell, the huge monster seemed to face the meteorite that fell from the sky, its limbs suddenly bent, and the huge body 100 meters high couldn't help kneeling directly on the ground.

Intense light exploded on his back, turned into flames that burned everything, and swept over the fur of his whole body, roasting pieces of flesh into charcoal.


Under the pain, the giant beast made a deafening roar, which spread almost all over the city of Moscow. The low sound wave made countless Yaga vomit blood, and the atmosphere of fear filled the entire Moscow.

After the light dissipated.

"...so thick skin."

Liu Xia looked at the mountain beast in front of her, and couldn't help thinking in her heart.

The surface of the back of the giant beast was almost as if it had been scraped with layers of skin, and most of its body had become charred black.

But if you look closely, you will find that his breath has not declined at all, and the charred part is only on the surface of the skin, and you can't even see the flesh and blood inside.

Mammoths are famous for their huge tonnage and thick skin. Because they are creatures that can survive in the extreme cold and low temperature of the Ice Age, their skin is extremely thick, and the subcutaneous fat layer is surprisingly thick.

After taking a blow from Liu Xia's holy spear, this mountain beast just lost a layer of skin?

Not even seriously injured!

Being able to become the king of the Lostbelt is really not a half-assed strength.

No matter what, it has the strength comparable to the main god, and it is definitely not that easy to defeat.


When Liu Xia was in an accident, a majestic sea of ​​thunder gathered around the mountain behemoth, endless thunder flashed in it, and gathered on the nail axe at the tip of the beast's nose.

"Turn to ashes, shameless ants!"

The giant beast let out an angry roar, stood up on all fours, raised its nose high, and the thunder gathered on the spiked axe, and then lifted the spiked axe straight up.


The lightning beam condensed into a sturdy bundle, and swept toward the air from the nail axe.

"—Rhongomyniad (Gun of the End)!"

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised the holy spear in his hand again, and the magic power was poured into it indefinitely, making it appear like a pillar of optimism, turning into a huge spear of light, facing the incoming thunder and lightning beam. superior.


The majestic magic fluctuations are like a real storm, turning into shock waves that sweep everything, spreading out in all directions, causing the surrounding to become flying sand and rocks, and the dust suddenly rises.

For a time, the dazzling light of the holy spear and the majestic lightning beam stalemate in mid-air.

"No... this is, suppressed."

Lucia clearly felt that the pressure from the holy spear was gradually increasing.

That was because Lei Di's light gradually suppressed the holy spear, eroding the holy spear's domain step by step, increasing the pressure on Liu Xia step by step.

This is not because Luca's holy spear is inferior to Thunder Emperor's thunder.

But it was because of Lei Di's magic output ability, or the spiritual foundation's output was far greater than Liu Xia's.

Just like the heroes of the gods, such as Siegfried, whose strength as a Servant is bound to be inferior to his own, as a **** living in this world, Thunder Emperor's spiritual foundation output is far greater than the form of a Servant.

It is true that Liu Xia has infinite magic power, but with limited output ability, it is impossible for him to exert power beyond the limit of the holy spear, but Lei Di can use his superior output ability to forcibly suppress the limelight of the holy spear with a low-level Noble Phantasm. .

If Lucia was elevated to a god, then maybe the two would be able to compete on an equal footing.

"How about that?"

Liu Xia gave up the magic power output of the holy spear, and the golden spear of light suddenly became weak like a rootless duckweed, and the thunder beam pursued and destroyed it in an instant.

But before the thunder beam came to his body, Liu Xia had already sprayed flames under his feet, deviating from the trajectory of the thunder beam, and narrowly avoiding the thunder beam.


Immediately, a golden ripple appeared in front of him, and Liu Xia used his free left hand to pull out a sword with a three-section cylindrical shape, and the whole body was wrapped in scarlet lines.


Under the infusion of magic power, the scarlet lines erupted from the sword body like a world tree, and then deeply buried back into the sword body.

At the same time, the three-section cylindrical sword body suddenly turned in the opposite direction, causing the scarlet wind pressure to roar and release from the sword body.

"EnumaElish (Heaven and Earth Deviation, Star of Development)——!"

Under the humming sound like a vacuum, the majestic wind pressure formed a pseudo-space fault, and it was encircled and suppressed in the direction of the mountain beast.

As an EX-rank Noble Phantasm that condenses the legend of the world, if you don't possess it yourself, you will not be able to experience its abyss-like mighty power.

"Appearing and slaughtering like a nightmare! It's time to clear up—!"

The mountain giant beast let out a deafening roar, and the huge sea of ​​thunder condensed again just in the breath, turning into a majestic thunder beam bombarding out.


The gorgeous thunder and the scarlet wind pressure were entangled in an instant.

Just the escaping thunder and wind pressure devastated the surrounding earth within a few hundred meters, and the surrounding buildings instantly turned into ruins and smashed into pieces.

The sky is torn apart and the earth is smashed.

In this field, even the rules that belonged to the world were bombarded to pieces, as if returning to the chaos before the creation of heaven and earth, and everything returned to silence.

Thunder and wind pressure, stalemate in mid-air, in a short period of time, almost no one can do anything.

"Is this the power of the main **** level?"

Liu Xia exerted all her magic power in her body and kept increasing the power of the Deviance Sword, but she still couldn't gain the upper hand quickly.

Liu Xia, who possesses infinite magic power, must be more powerful than the King of Heroes himself when using the Deviance Sword, but even so, he cannot quickly crush Lei Di.

The power of the main **** level, Liu Xia is the first time to have personal experience.

It seems that it is not enough to have infinite magic power. It is necessary to further strengthen the output of the spiritual base and continuously develop the follow-up power of the spiritual base.

Liu Xia was still dissatisfied with his lack of strength, but as everyone knew, his performance was already quite frightening.

According to the records of Chaldea, in the sixth singularity, Ramses II, who can compete for the strongest seat even among all the heroic spirits, can only compete with the Holy Grail due to the dual bonus of the native land and the Holy Grail. The god-level Lion King is only half-baked.

Liu Xia was able to entangle with the main god-level Thunder Emperor by himself, and it was already the result of him being so powerful that he fouled.

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