Eighth Crown

Chapter 1017: Keep your head up and face all the ridicule

"That's the last question."

Sherlock Holmes recorded all the Lostbelts and their corresponding responsible persons, and then asked Kadok, "What is the fantasy tree?"

"It's the cornerstone."

Kadok replied without hesitation: "No one knows where that thing came from, only that it is the cornerstone of the Lost Belt and the root of the filtering of the Lost History."

"That thing needs to be rooted in the soil of the Lost Belt and grow by absorbing the magic power of the leylines. It will take ninety days to sprout and mature. After maturity, the fantasy tree will initialize the planet itself, roll back the human principles, and let the gods return to the earth. , to create a new myth."

Rewind the human principle and bring the age of gods back.

Speaking of which, Kirshtalia’s declaration also said that it would be worthy to return the earth to a world filled with gods.

But what exactly is the fantasy tree and what kind of property it is, it is still a mystery.

As the lowest player in Group A, Kadok's right to speak and know is quite weak, far less than that of Kirshtalia as the captain.

In this case, if they want to solve all the problems, they probably need to go to the Atlantic Lost Belt and question Kirshtalia face to face.

"It seems that the interrogation information can only go here."

Sherlock Holmes fell into deep thought and silently retreated from the screen. Little Da Vinci took the initiative to occupy the screen.

"Miss Atalanta, please trouble you with this prisoner, and temporarily lock him in the rebel house."

You can't keep it in Liu Xia's treasure of the king, or you will have to trouble Liu Xia to supply him with three meals a day.

"Is this guy from Lei Di's side? I heard that there are shadows of human magicians in Lei Di's palace."

Atalanta agreed decisively, "If that's the case, leave it to me, and I won't let him get away!"

"By the way, there will be a banquet for Lei Di's death in the camp tonight, why don't you all join us, while the hero is here!" She smiled and said to several people.

From the outside of the house, there was indeed the clamor of Yaga's people, full of laughter.


Fujimaru Rika nodded absently, then turned and walked out of the room.

The submarine also temporarily cut off communication. The rules of this Russian Lost Belt and Pan-Human History are different, which makes the magic power floating in the air quite unstable. Communication takes more effort than before, so the communication function needs to be constantly repair.

Lucia and Esdes also quickly left the room, and soon only Atalanta was left in the room.

Atalanta decided to guard Kadok herself.

The Yaga people outside are deeply suffering from Lei Di, and they should be so happy at this moment.

With such thoughts in mind, she was embarrassed to let other Yaga guard Kadok, and they might not see it.

"What a good leader."

Kadok was tied to a wooden post by a thick rope, and his eyes with dark circles looked around, as if he was on guard, and then moved to Atalanta who was beside him.

"It's useless for you to say anything. I won't let you go. After all, you are their captive, not ours. I can't overtake you."

Atalanta looked at the many smiling faces outside the window, her face full of indifference.

"Ah... Really? Then you are more qualified than I thought."

There was a mocking smile on Caddock's face, but not this time he was self-deprecating.

"So qualified leader, can you sit back and watch the world and those Yaga be destroyed?"


Atalanta frowned suddenly and cast a cold gaze in his direction, "What do you mean by that?"


Caddock grinned.


In the rebel stronghold, a large banquet is being held.

Nearly a thousand people in the entire rebel army, including the elderly, women, children, etc., all participated in the banquet. While eating the roasted monster meat by the fire, they laughed loudly to celebrate the return of Lei Di.

Fujimaru Rika did not participate, but came to the edge of the cliff behind the stronghold alone. Thinking of Kadok's words just now, he couldn't help but sighed irritably.

"What are you doing here?"

While immersed in her thoughts, a voice sounded in her ears without warning, which startled her. She looked for the sound and saw that Liu Xia was coming, and she was relieved.

"Liuxia-chan... can you walk with some sound?"

"I'm used to blocking my breath."

Liu Xia came to her side indifferently, ignoring Esdes who was peeping in the back corner, and asked Fujimaru Rika again: "What are you doing here? Is there anything to worry about?"

"Well...it's what Kadok said before."

Fujimaru Rika kicked the stone beside her feet and sighed in annoyance.

"If it wasn't for the explosion, the other 47 people would have made their mark and made their mark, but now I'm here... In a sense, I really stole their performance opportunities. "

It's not good to be too kind.

She is always sentimental, and feels that she owes too much to others, and she feels at ease only if she has to satisfy everyone.

"Aside from bad luck, what else is there to say about this kind of thing?"

Liu Xia said with disapproval: "Also, maybe in their opinion, you are the plunderer who took their chance, but in my opinion, you are the one who was taken away."

"Eh? Is there such a thing?"

Fujimaru Rika was stunned for a moment.

"Of course there is."

Lucia calmly gave an affirmative answer.

"In the end, if those guys really have the ability, why can't they detect the bomb under their feet, why can't they break the box and jump out? If you can't do it yourself, you can blame others, and you can't blame the real messenger who placed the bomb. , in my opinion, is a sign of incompetence."

The bomb was planted by a man named Rafe.

Even if the people in Group A wanted to blame someone, they should blame Leif who was already dead, not Rika Fujimaru who knew nothing.

"This is really... ruthless."

Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Liu Xia sauce is good at everything, with strong strength, many methods, and a calm and reliable personality, but sometimes he speaks too sharply, and exposes the facts hidden by others bloody, which makes him seem too inhumane.

"Not only that, but the most important point is that if they really have the ability, they can solve those singularities and Lostbelts by themselves, and you don't need to run around."

Liu Xia said indifferently: "You must be working very hard, right? You are constantly walking at various singular points, facing all kinds of powerful enemies, there must be situations where you can't do it no matter how much effort you put in, and you regret your own powerlessness. The situation, in the final analysis, is because they lie down, and you can only carry it all alone."

"Rehabilitation of human nature is something that even I have no confidence to accomplish, but you did it. It is by no means an achievement that anyone can easily deny, so you can face all ridicule with your head up high."

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