Eighth Crown

Chapter 1018: Self-proclaimed "The Chaldeans"

From this point of view, it should be said that the people in Group A took away the peaceful life of Fujimaru Rika, which made her have to run around in various singularities, and faced countless headaches for excellent magicians. situation and enemies.

Tatsuka Fujimaru is someone who is enough to make Ryuka appreciate.

Therefore, Liu Xia certainly didn't want her to be knocked down by the people in Group A in just a few words. This girl defeated all the difficulties and obstacles, and stood at the end, was the thing that best met Liu Xia's expectations.


The red-haired girl blinked, her face turned slightly red, and at the same time she was moved, she couldn't help but feel a touch of shyness.

Not everyone realizes how hard she works in private, and not everyone knows how helpless and powerless she is in the face of the sacrifices of her companions who get along day and night just to pave the way for her.

There are really few people like Liu Xia who don't have many interactions with her, but who can tell her hardships firmly, at least compared to Kadok's "I can do it myself" remarks, which made her feel. Comfort a lot.

"Calm down, Tatsuka Fujimaru, you can't be sorry for Matthew!"

The red-haired girl shook her head vigorously, letting Mash's voice and smile appear in her eyes, and then she dispelled the slight tremor in her heart.

If she hadn't dispelled that wavering, under the influence of her magical charm, this girl might not be far from the fall.

"Okay, let's go."

Liu Xia turned around, not seeing the slight blush on the girl's face.

"Your journey is not just here, there are many hardships waiting for you."


Fujimaru Rika quickly followed Liu Xia's footsteps and walked towards the direction of the camp.

But suddenly, she remembered something.

"By the way, Liuxia-chan!"

She stepped forward quickly and stood shoulder to shoulder with Liu Xia.

"Speaking of which, when we went out during the daytime today, we encountered a village that was looted by thieves, but the people there said that people from the Chaldeans passed by and helped them repel the thieves. Is that person you?"

That's a daytime thing.

Atalanta knew that they were going to go hunting for magical beasts, so she gave them a few letters and asked them to distribute them to nearby villages, trying to get the surrounding villages to help the rebels and help fight against Thunder Emperor.

When they passed the second village, they found that the village had been kidnapped by thieves, but there were quite a few Yaga in the village, except for a few walls, there was no damage in the slightest.

After I asked the village chief, I found out that there was a man who called himself "Chaldea" passing by and repelled the thieves.

"No, I came here immediately after I left Moscow today, and I didn't pass by any villages."

Liu Xia shook her head, "Mostly it's a Servant with Chaldean memories, maybe a Ruler class Servant."

Is that right?

Fujimaru Tatsuka pondered.

According to the village chief, the Chaldean man looked like a ragged vagabond, covering his face with a rag, so he couldn't see what he looked like. When fighting off the thieves, he used a thin sword. With just one sword, the thieves' arms were cut off.

The description of the ragged vagabond does not look like Liu Xia in a black trench coat, she just tried to ask, but there is no Ruler-class servant in that description in Chaldea.

"Can you use Future Vision to help me find it?"

Fujimaru Rika pleaded with Liu Xia.

Although the king of the Lostbelt Lei Di has already been defeated, since he is a Servant who has a relationship with Chaldea, he should meet with all due respect.

"...Can't find it."

Liu Xia pondered for a while, then shook his head and gave the answer.

"Either he has returned to the Throne of Heroes, or he has left the Lost Belt."

Mostly the former.

After all, if there is no means of defending against nuclear bomb-level energy, or if it is imaginary diving, it is impossible to cross the wall of the storm at the edge of the Loss Belt.

All the information inside and outside the Lostbelt was blocked because of the wall of the storm. If the other party really left the Lostbelt, he would also not be able to calculate it.

"Really, then there is no way."

Fujimaru Tachika was not without regrets.


For the next two days, Fujimaru Rika and others spent in the rebel stronghold.

Although Leidi has been defeated, the regime in the Russian Lostbelt has not been overthrown, and the most crucial fantasy tree has not been cut down. The rebels still plan to rush into Moscow and destroy the regime established by Leidi.

Fujimaru Rika is also helping, because they are very mobile, so they have been responsible for contacting the surrounding villages through the letter.

Because of the absence of the slaughter hunters, their actions were much smoother.

By the way, the reason why Atalanta, a Servant on the Pan-Human History side, appeared in this Lostbelt was because of the self-defense that this land had made before it was covered by the Lostbelt.

In other words, the master of Atalanta is actually the land itself of panhuman history.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, there may be other Servants who have been summoned from this land but have not yet encountered in this Lost Belt. If they can join forces with them, the strength of the rebel army will also increase. Go up one floor.

— Having said that.

But in the past two days, I don't know if it was her illusion, Fujimaru Rika only felt that the eyes of everyone in the rebel army looked at them something was not right.

After Yaga met her, they wouldn't say hello as before. Instead, their eyes were dodged and their tone of voice was alert. Even if she took the initiative to say hello, she would be quickly avoided by the other party.

"Obviously there's a ghost!"

Esders said with certainty.

Fujimaru Rika was silent.

Although I don't want to say that, the atmosphere in the rebel army is indeed very strange. Today, two days later, even Atalanta has not given them a mission... It seems that the entire rebel army regards them as outsiders.

"Go and ask Miss Atalanta."

Fujimaru Rika pondered for a while before finally making a decision.

meeting room.

Atalanta and his subordinate Yaga, who are probably captains, are discussing the next battle, but unlike the past, their discussion this time is very low, and even their postures are inexplicably prostrate. There is struggle in his expression.

After a while, under the notification of Yaga who was standing guard at the door, Tatsuka Fujimaru walked in.

"Miss Atalanta, what happened in the past two days?"

Fujimaru Tachika didn't say anything, but went straight to the topic and asked Atalanta inexplicably.

"Lixiang... no, I just..."

Atalanta paused the meeting, her expression inexplicably heavy, looking at the red-haired girl opposite, she hesitated, but she didn't know what to say.

"Enough already, chief?"

A Yaga next to her couldn't help but slapped the table and drank loudly.

"Even if the regime under the leadership of Lei Di oppresses us too much, it is only an internal problem of our country. I can't cooperate with the guy who came to destroy our world!"

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