Eighth Crown

Chapter 1075: Entering the interior of the wandering sea

After walking out of the dock, you will face an underground base full of industrial atmosphere.

The rock wall made of earth and stone is covered with building materials such as steel bars and iron pipes. It looks messy, but it is organically integrated. It is obviously a man-made building, but it reveals an extraordinary sense of nature, as if passing through. The same is true for rigorous visual calculations.

The girl named Shion took the Chaldeans out of the dock and walked towards the interior of the base.

"Miss Ziyuan, did you just say that you are from the Atlas Institute?"

Holmes asked the other side as he walked.

"Aren't you the magician of the wandering sea?"

Although the Atlas Academy is also one of the three major organizations in the magic world, its headquarters is hidden in a mountain range in Egypt, where a large number of outstanding alchemists gather. The living hell, after the magicians go in, they basically can't come out for the rest of their lives.

Although the Atlas Academy is also one of the three major organizations, it is an occultist like the Wandering Sea, and it basically does not appear in the field of vision of the outside world.

But Shion, who just called himself the Atlas Academy, appeared inside the Wandering Sea. The two unrelated organizations that followed occultism at the same time were connected in series, which made people feel quite abrupt.

"I know you have a lot of questions, it doesn't matter, I'll answer you as I go!"

Shion pushed the glasses on his face, put on a posture full of intelligence, and cleared his throat.

"Your real name is Sherlock Holmes, right? I heard that you touched the three-pointed Hermes of our Atlas House when you were at the Sixth Singularity, so you should be able to understand how capable that machine is. powerful!"

Three-pointed Hermes.

It is a pseudo-spirit calculation machine held by the Atlas Institute. It is the largest and strongest recording device on the earth. It not only records the alchemy inheritance of the Atlas Institute, but also records the planet. countless information.

There are rumors that as long as you use the three-pointed Hermes and enter the question into it, if it is limited to this planet, there will be no answers that cannot be obtained, even if it is the future of the planet and the end of mankind, such questions can be solved. An answer is given.

It is essentially a device that records all information and deduces it. Although it cannot reach the level of interfering in parallel worlds like Mooncell, who is also a recording device, it also possesses omniscience that cannot be imagined by human beings.

It is said that Sherlock Holmes entered the past Atlas House at the sixth singularity, where he had his first meeting with Tatsuka Fujimaru, and used the three-pointed Hermes to the point of running out of electricity.

"That's right."

Sherlock Holmes looked calm, and did not doubt that Shion knew this. Three-pointed Hermes knew almost everything, and it was not surprising that he had used it at the singularity.

"That's easy to say."

Shion immediately spoke with pride.

"Actually, before the arrival of 2018, the tri-pointed Hermes of our Atlas Academy had already speculated that the re-editing of Humanity happened!"

In other words, the people of the Atlas Academy have long known that this year's people will be bleached, and that there is such a huge disaster from the invasion of the Lostbelt?

"After learning about this, I asked my father... the Dean for assistance, but the Dean refused."

Shion pouted, as if she had an opinion on the so-called dean.

"Zion, since you discovered the end of the world, of course you should be responsible for solving it... He told me so, so I rushed to the Wandering Sea overnight to meet with the magicians here. ."

It may seem illogical, but this is the way magicians behave.

When ordinary people know that the end of the world is coming, they will definitely gather the forces around them as much as possible to face the end of the world together, but magicians do not.

The essence of a magician, to put it in a nasty way, is a cold-blooded beast who only cares about his own hunting.

Among the people present, even Tatsuka Fujimaru, who was the most unrelated to magic, had seen the cold-blooded nature of magicians to some extent, and could only feel speechless about it.

"After coming to the Sea of ​​Wandering, none of the magicians here are willing to help solve the phenomenon of re-creation of human principles."

Ziyuan spread her hands and sighed helplessly.

"However, the situation here in the Wandering Sea is different. Every magician here is studying the mystery of the Age of God. It is no exaggeration to say that the magicians in the Wandering Sea are witnessing the end of the world every day. Editing is just a kind of end of the world to them, nothing to make a fuss about."

So, inside the Wandering Sea is actually connected with a lot of bad mysteries that could lead to the end of the world?

This world is really dangerous, and it will be destroyed at any moment. If the world itself is conscious, I am afraid that it will be like a submissive little daughter-in-law, crying in grievances.

"Nevertheless, the magicians of the Wandering Sea still gave me the right to use this place for the time being, and asked me to join with Chaldea to help the people of Chaldea solve the reorganization of human affairs!"

That's why she sent that communication and was able to control the Wandering Sea, the island of the gods, and lead the imaginary submarine to the interior of the island.

In this way, it does make sense.

"By the way, there are magic workshops of the age of gods everywhere in this Wandering Sea, and there is a hidden possibility of the end of the world in each workshop. Although it has been sealed by the Wandering Sea magicians, it is best to Don't touch it!"

Shion finally reminded everyone solemnly.


The possibility of destroying the world lurks in every workshop?

That's really interesting.

When Liu Xia heard this, she was obviously interested in these magic workshops.

But right now, even the people's reorganization has not been resolved, and if he creates some troubles, it will only cause things to become a mess, which is not conducive to his completion of the task, so he will ignore those things for the time being.

When the human principles are sorted out and solved, he will go to these places and release the possibility of destroying the world, and then he may be able to use this to continuously acquire spiritual foundation tasks.

good idea.

Liu Xia didn't show anything on her face, she only thought so in her heart.

In essence, he is also a selfish and cold-blooded person who only cares about one-third of the surrounding land, and doesn't care about how the world has become.

"It turns out that, I can understand the reason why you can come to this sea of ​​wandering."

After listening to Shion's narration, Holmes nodded knowingly, but then asked again.

"But I have other questions. The outside world has long since turned into an endless wilderness. How did you escape the reorganization of the incident? Does it have any connection with the island of the Sea of ​​​​Wandering?"

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