Eighth Crown

Chapter 1076: The reason for avoiding the re-editing of human reasoning

Fujimaru Rika, Matthew and the others also nodded solemnly, obviously paying close attention to this issue.

That's right, compared to how to come to this sea of ​​wandering, being able to escape the white paper of the earth is what they care about the most.

At a time when the entire Earth has been turned into a blank slate, the Wandering Sea is clearly an outlier from all other organizations and strongholds on Earth. If one can understand the reason, it might also be a help in solving the Humanity Reorganization incident.

"Is it also a detective's interest to ask what you already know? Forget it, just answer this question."

Shion showed a speechless expression, feeling helpless at Holmes' knowingly asking, but he still explained it.

"That's because the Wandering Sea itself is a small singularity that wanders in the gaps in the reality of the earth. Even if the human principle is burned down or the human principle is re-edited, it will not affect the interior of the Wandering Sea."

The general perception of the outside world about the Wandering Sea is that it is an island of the gods wandering between the North Sea and its whereabouts are uncertain.

But only those who have truly entered the Wandering Sea can truly understand that the Wandering Sea itself is not in the real space on the surface of the earth. It is more like an island wandering between reality and other spaces, a unique and isolated place. point.

Disasters that occur in reality on the surface of the earth, such as the re-editing of human nature, cannot affect the Wandering Sea itself.

Even, as long as you enter the inside of this sea of ​​wandering, even if you are isolated from all connections with the outside world, if there is no connection of cause and effect, or the existence of "predestined", no one's hand can touch the sea of ​​wandering.

Not even the alien gods.

The proof is that the re-editing of human principles did not spread to the Sea of ​​Wandering.

Of course, the above is the rhetoric provided by Zi Yuan himself, but after all, I don’t even know the true body of the Alien God, and no one knows how strong that thing is. The authenticity of this statement still needs to be verified.

Magicians in the Wandering Sea generally despise modern magic, and they are indifferent to human civilization after the Age of Gods, so even if a magician survives, no one will take the initiative to help.

The fact is that all the magicians in the Sea of ​​Wandering have sealed themselves, and although the Sea of ​​Wandering has been lent to Shion and Chaldea, no one has appeared in front of them.

"Seriously, I'm actually even more surprised!"

Shion skipped this topic and cast a surprised look at Sherlock Holmes, Lucia, Estes and the others.

"According to the calculations of the three-pointed Hermes, the forces on the Outer Star God should destroy Chaldea as soon as possible. After all, if they don't destroy Chaldea, which has the function of transferring spiritual sons, their plans will definitely be obstructed. That's why I came here to prepare a new base for you... But why are there so many followers on your side? If there are so many people, will it still be unable to stop the attack of the alien power?"

At least the Alien God must appear in person to destroy Chaldea with so many followers, right?

If it wasn't for the order of the United Nations to let Chaldea dissolve the contract with the Servants, causing all the more than 200 Servants to return to the Throne of Heroes, then the power of the more than 200 Servants, even if they are in a state of insufficient magic power , can also keep the alien **** forces out.

"No, I'm the only one who stayed secretly."

Sherlock Holmes explained: "As for Mr. Ryogi, Miss Esders, and Miss Musashi, we all reunited in the Russian Lostbelt. Without their help, we might not have been able to meet so easily."

Whether it is Lei Di, Surtur, or even Skadi, they are all powerful enough to make Chaldea despair. difficulty.

"I see."

Zi Yuan was suddenly stunned.

"It seems that you have good luck, good luck is a good thing!"

Along with the conversation, the group of people also walked out of the port and came to the corridor extending in all directions.

At the entrance of this corridor, there is a figure waiting here.

"When are you going to talk, Shion?"

It was a small boy.

A long light gray hair is combed into two long low ponytails behind him. The hair color at the end is a gradient of dark blue. He wears a captain's suit that seems to be white, and he also wears a hat made of a turban on his head. With two feathers, it gives the impression of Indian style.

His height is very short, and he looks a bit like a child, only about ten years old, but his appearance and tone are quite mature.

"My job is to help transform submarines, right?"

The boy's gaze crossed the Shion crowd and looked at the imaginary submarine moored in the dock.

"You can hear the whine of the ship just by looking at it from a distance. You must not pay attention to protecting the ship at ordinary times. It's really frustrating. Leave now, I'm going to start work."

Although his face was calm and his tone did not waver, his words were not polite.

"Oops, Captain, sorry to keep you waiting!"

Shion stepped forward and greeted the boy with a smile.

"Isn't the title Captain still forgettable?"

The young man pouted, as if he didn't like this title very much.

"Then call you a prince?"

Ziyuan thought about it for a while, and then suggested again.

"...let's call the captain."

The boy was silent for a while, then he sighed faintly.

"In the end, I don't have a name in the first place. I'm nobody and nobody. It's best to call me [Anonymous]."

"Okay, Captain!"

Shion smiled brightly.

"...with you."

The captain, the young man, sighed deeply, and then crossed Shion, without the thought of saying hello to the Chaldeans, and walked straight towards the direction of the submarine.

until he left.

"Is that... a Servant?"

Only then did Fujimaru Rika come back to her senses, her eyes full of surprise when she looked at the young man's back.

"I thought only Chaldea could summon a Servant, so Shion-san can do that too?"

Heroic spirit summoning art, not everyone can use.

In addition to the normal Holy Grail War, only Chaldea has that technology at present, and during the period of the Burning of Humanity, more than 200 servants were summoned, and their performance was quite extraordinary.

"That Servant's spiritual foundation doesn't seem to be pure."

Holmes, on the other hand, looked thoughtfully at the departing captain, no doubt guessing his real name.

"I read Chaldea's information, imitated it, and then summoned the captain."

Shion pushed his glasses again, with a proud expression on his face.

"But after all, there is no Matthew's shield as a holy relic, so it can only be regarded as a degraded version of the summon. It only needs the consent of both parties. Thanks to this, the captain's spiritual foundation is not pure, it is generally called a ghost! "

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